Les Pages Jèrriaises

Philippe Le Sueur Mourant - Bram Bilo, Samuel, Piteur Pain

1848 - 21/8/1918


Piteur Pain Ph'lippe Le Sueur Mourant êcrivit souos l'nom d'Bram Bilo et avait d'aut's noms-d'plieunme étout. I' fut né en 1848 à Saint Saûveux, mais i' s'en fut en Tèrre-Neuve coumme janne houmme. I' r'vînt en Jèrri en 1880.

Il êcrivit des pièches en Jèrriais et en Français pouor La Chronique de Jersey, La Nouvelle Chronique de Jersey, et pis Les Chroniques de Jersey, et des pièches en Jèrriais étout pouor lé Morning News et l'Evening Post.

Êtant fèrmyi d'mêtchi, i' fut juge dé beurre ès Shows, et êcrivit un livret entouor la vaque dé Jèrri: “The Dairy Queen”. Il înventit lé “Jersey Baby Churn” et fît du conmèrce auve d'la g'lée d'pommes.

Ses caractéthes, Bram Bilo et sa fanmil'ye, 'taient bein populaithes - et nou peut dithe qué l'histouaithe dé Bram Bilo à la vendue est un classique d'la littéthatuthe Jèrriaise.

I' mouothit à “Rutland House” à La Preunmié Tou l'21 d'Août 1918.




Bram Bilo    Bram Bilo    Bram Bilo


Piteur Pain - îndex d'articl'yes dans les gâzettes

A fragment in the Patois MN 24/8/1911
Larmor chès preumi S'tembre 1911 MN 8/9/1911
Mait' Piteur s'en r'vint MN 15/9/1911
Mess Pain est dé 'r'tou MN 22/9/1911
L'Morning News n'peut pon Navidgi sans nous MN 29/9/1911
Piteur Pain on duty again MN 4/10/1911
Piteur has some friends to dine MN 19/10/1911
Oqus du fricot MN 26/10/1911
M'n'opinion la d'sus MN 2/11/1911
Piteur's opinion on the lantern joke MN 17/11/1911
High life at the Pains MN 22/11/1911
The Pains at Olympia MN 1/12/1911
How Lonore and Dad tricked Mummy MN 7/12/1911
Why Missis Pain got indignant MN 14/12/1911
Un Bon Noué MN 21/12/1911
Piteur complains of household management MN 21/12/1911
Lonore's attempt at English. Decidedly good! MN 29/12/1911
How Piteur takes a drubbing MN 3/1/1912
How Piteur convinced the jury MN 10/1/1912
How Mister Piteur had good times in his youth MN 18/1/1912
How Lonore and Mamma went to the Show MN 25/1/1912
How Piteur tricks the old lady, and the sad results MN 1/2/1912
How Mrs. Pain won't have it on any account! MN 8/2/1912
A most improbable adventure MN 15/2/1912
Who sent those Valentines to Lonore? MN 22/2/1912
Mrs. Pain has painful impressions of skating MN 28/2/1912
More incidents of the great gale! MN 7/3/1912
Who is the culprit? MN 14/3/1912
How they are getting on at the rink MN 21/3/1912
Why roller skating is off MN 28/3/1912
The coal crisis affects Mrs. Pain MN 4/4/1912
Friend Piteur turns moralist MN 11/4/1912
Why Piteur would not take Lonore to the Show MN 18/4/1912
How the Ovatorio wasn't there MN 2/5/1912
How Lonore Wheedles the Old Man MN 17/5/1912
How Mister Piteur went to the show MN 23/5/1912
How Piteur buys a motor-car MN 6/6/1912
Why Mr. Piteur hurries back home MN 14/6/1912
Piteur comments on the new departure MN 27/6/1912
Some Reminiscences On Piteur's Trip MN 4/7/1912
Mrs. Pain discourses on “paying guests” MN 11/7/1912
Strange news from First Tower MN 19/7/1912
Piteur's report on the meeting MN 26/7/1912
How Mr. Pain works for a foreign power MN 1/8/1912
What befel Lonore at the Review MN 8/8/1912
How Lonore came home again MN 15/8/1912
How Mister Pain saw the Battle MN 23/8/1912
How the Pains Saw the Hydroplanes! MN 29/8/1912
The ladies Pain go to the flower show MN 6/9/1912
How Lonore is not yet quite herself MN 13/9/1912
How Lonore Seems to Improve Slowly MN 20/9/1912
Heartless Conduct of Jersey Farmers MN 26/9/1912
That 'Appy 'Ome MN 4/10/1912
Doctor's prescription faithfully followed MN 24/10/1912
Higher Wages All Round - and the Result! MN 31/10/1912
Why the Ladies Kept Away from the Eisteddfod

MN 7/11/1912
A scheming mother's little plot MN 14/11/1912
How Charles has Tea With the Pains MN 20/11/1912
Piteur Pain Preparing for a Feast MN 28/11/1912
How the Courting Abruptly Ended MN 5/12/1912
How Piteur Fared at the Banquet MN 12/12/1912
Santa Claus and Lonore's Stocking MN 21/12/1912
Moralisings on the Seasons Festivities MN 27/12/1912
High Jinks MN 2/1/1913
After the Feast MN 9/1/1913
Mister Pain Betrays Herd Book Secrets MN 15/1/1913
How it might have been much worse MN 23/1/1913
Modern Therapeutics and Mrs. Pain MN 29/1/1913
An Incident in the Pain Family MN 6/2/1913
How Mister Pain Goes to Plough MN 13/2/1913
First Doctor Being an Ass – Another is Called in MN 20/2/1913
How to Prepare and Cook Ormers MN 27/2/1913
The Old Lady's Health Improves too Rapidly MN 6/3/1913
How Laizé Would Have None Of It MN 13/3/1913
Piteur Pain Reports on the Storm MN 27/3/1913
How Laize Has Another String to Her Bow MN 3/4/1913
Lonore's Little Ways with Suffragettes MN 10/4/1913
Mrs Pain Discourses on the Cost of Living MN 17/4/1913
How Lonore Became a Mascot MN 24/4/1913
How the Stray Lamb Came Back MN 1/5/1913
How Piteur was Umpire at a Cattle Show MN 9/5/1913
Mrs. Pain Reports Progress MN 16/5/1913
Mrs. Pain Discourses on Times of Long Ago MN 22/5/1913
How the Pains Secured a Bargain in Butter MN 30/5/1913
How Mother Payn Gets into Trouble MN 5/6/1913
Most Reprehensible Conduct of Our Employe MN 12/6/1913
What Mrs. Pain Thinks of Theosophy MN 16/6/1913
How the Picnic Came Off MN 26/6/1913
Piteur Has Thoughts of Becoming a Candidate MN 3/7/1913
Peter and the Juratship MN 10/7/1913
How Lonore took a forbidden bath MN 17/7/1913
The Ladies are now members of a Hat Club MN 25/7/1913
Difficulties in connection with the Club MN 1/8/1913
How Piteur and Sam Go to Dinard MN 8/8/1913
That Dinard Excursion MN 15/8/1913
Samuel en voyage C 16/8/1913
Mrs. Pain Taboos the Battle of Flowers

MN 20/8/1913
Great expectations! MN 27/8/1913
Missis Pain discourses on Sunday observance MN 4/9/1913
Piteur at the Bowling Green MN 12/9/1913
What Happened on Threshing Day MN 17/9/1913
How the Ladies fared at the Function MN 25/9/1913
An Unfortunate Fishing Expedition MN 1/10/1913
Piteur Shows up his Selfishness MN 9/10/1913
Most Heartlessly Selfish Man in Jersey MN 15/10/1913
Funeral Postponed – Leg Comes Off MN 22/10/1913
Ch'est Tout d'même Vrai: n'y'a qu'la Foué qui Sauve

MN 29/10/1913
How the Dear Child Never Did It! MN 5/11/1913
How Lonore Entertains her Mother MN 13/11/1913
How that Laizé shall soon be well MN 20/11/1913
How Laizé Endorses all that was Said MN 29/11/1913
Piteur in favour of New Rules MN 10/12/1913
A Tea Table Conversation MN 19/12/1913
Greeting From our Happy Family MN 23/12/1913
Pîteur Pain et la Royale C 24/12/1913
Les souhaits d'la famille Pain C 27/12/1913
Sterling Advice for the Coming Year MN 31/12/1913
Conseils du Nouvel An C 3/1/1914
Mother's Nocturnal Escapade MN 7/1/1914
How They Went to a Whist Drive MN 15/1/1914
That Whist Drive Ends Badly - MN 21/1/1914
Forty Million Pounds MN 28/1/1914
The Chief Enlightens Mr. Pain MN 4/2/1914
Futile Attempts to Live Up to their Income MN 11/2/1914
Further Attempts to wrestle with an Income of £4,000 per Day MN 18/2/1914
Moralisings on the Vanity of Riches MN 25/2/1914
Reminiscences MN 4/3/1914
Why the Fishing Picnic Fell Through MN 11/3/1914
A Disastrous Fishing Expedition MN 21/3/1914
Comments on the Half-Holiday MN 26/3/1914
Le demi-jour de congé C 28/3/1914
Lenten Fare in the Family MN 2/4/1914
Strenuous Attempts at Perfection MN 8/4/1914
Piteur as a Cattle Expert MN 16/4/1914
Rapport d'Expert? C 18/4/1914
Upside-Down and Topsy-Turvy MN 23/4/1914
Les troubles de Piteur C 25/4/1914
A Truly Rural Promenade MN 7/5/1914
Les tribulations de Piteur Pain C 9/5/1914
How and Why Lonore is Listless MN 14/5/1914
Lonore as a dairymaid MN 20/5/1914
Les expériences de Lonore C 23/5/1914
How Lonore Feels after the Test MN 27/5/1914
Après le Butter Test C 30/5/1914
A Merry Jaunt on the Cars MN 3/6/1914
Lonore sus les Cars C 6/6/1914
Strenuous Work for the Paper MN 10/6/1914
Une idée de Piteur C 13/6/1914
Piteur Travels in the Interest of the Paper MN 18/6/1914
Piteur en voyage à Hull C 20/6/1914
How Mrs. Pain Spoilt the Beer MN 24/6/1914
Piteur et sa biéthe C 27/6/1914
All's Well in Jersey MN 1/7/1914
Piteur et les Fermièrs C 8/7/1914
How the Ladies Plan a Campaign MN 8/7/1914
Laizé Pain et sa file C 11/7/1914
A Lovely Outing by the Sea MN 16/7/1914
Lonore va auprés la mer C 18/7/1914
How the scandal was averted MN 25/7/1914
Un scandale évité C 29/7/1914
What Became of the American? MN 31/7/1914
Tch'est qu'est dev'nu de l'Améthitchain? C 5/8/1914
Both Ladies Offer their Services MN 12/8/1914
Both Ladies Volunteer MN 19/8/1914
Nursing is off, Jealousy is the Cause MN 26/8/1914
Piteur's Opinion on Current Events MN 2/9/1914
Now we Sha'n't be long! MN 9/9/1914
Miss Lonore Writes in English MN 16/9/1914
Our Patois Letter

EP 16/12/1915
Our Patois letter – An 'appy Clismus à touos les Jerriais! EP 23/12/1915
Our Patois Letter – Christmas Eve Adventures EP 30/12/1915
Our Patois Letter – Christmas Eve Adventures JWP 1/1/1916
Our Patois letter – New Year's Resolutions EP 6/1/1916
Our Patois letter – New Year's Resolutions JWP 8/1/1916
Our Patois letter – Peter is coming home EP 13/1/1916
Our Patois letter – Peter is coming home JWP 15/1/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur announces his return EP 20/1/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur announces his return JWP 22/1/1916
Our Patois letter EP 27/1/1916
Our Patois letter JWP 29/1/1916
Our Patois letter – Training a female reporter EP 3/2/1916
Our Patois letter – Training a female reporter JWP 5/2/1916
Our Patois letter – Electioneering topics EP 10/2/1916
Our Patois letter – Electioneering topics JWP 12/2/1916
Our Patois letter – How both sides shall win EP 17/2/1916
Our Patois letter – How both sides shall win JWP 19/2/1916
Our Patois letter – The ladies start work EP 24/2/1916
Our Patois letter – How they fared at the concert EP 2/3/1916
Our Patois letter – How they fared at the concert JWP 4/3/1916
Our Patois letter – How Piteur caught a cold JWP 12/3/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur gathers inside information JWP 19/3/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur is put on to a good thing JWP 25/3/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur is put on to a good thing EP 29/3/1916
Our Patois letter – An unsatisfactory week's work EP 30/3/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur reports on Petty Court EP 6/4/1916
Our Patois letter – Piteur reports on Petty Court JWP 8/4/1916
Piteur reports on the bull show EP 13/4/1916
Piteur reports on the bull show JWP 15/4/1916
How Lonôre went coal hunting JWP 22/4/1916
How Lonôre went coal hunting EP 25/4/1916
The Pains visit the exhibition JWP 29/4/1916
Miss Lonore's confession JWP 6/5/1916
Spring clean interferes with letters JWP 27/5/1916
The Pains visit the exhibition EP 29/5/1916
The Pains in a Potato Store EP 1/6/1916
The Pains in a Potato Store JWP 3/6/1916
(femmes-soudards) JWP 10/6/1916
(femmes-soudards) EP 15/6/1916
Spring clean interferes with letters EP 15/6/1916
A forecast as to the future EP 20/6/1916
How the gas increase vexes the family JWP 24/6/1916
Miss Lonôre goes to the Show JWP 1/7/1916
Piteur's opinion on the Bill JWP 15/7/1916
Piteur on War Economy JWP 22/7/1916
The Pains discuss the Bill JWP 5/8/1916
What some fellows have to say EP 17/8/1916
Lonôre in sad distress JWP 19/8/1916
Why coal cannot be cheaper JWP 26/8/1916
All about Golden Fern's Noble JWP 2/9/1916
Miss Lonore shall sell flags JWP 2/9/1916
All about Golden Fern's Noble EP 7/9/1916
Miss Lonore shall sell flags EP 7/9/1916
Piteur discourses on elections EP 8/9/1916
Piteur discourses on elections JWP 9/9/1916
Our Patois Letter – Mister Pain on current events JWP 16/9/1916
Mrs. Pain kindly writes about herself JWP 23/9/1916
A famous wonder recipe JWP 30/9/1916
Our Patois Letter – Mister Pain on current events EP 3/10/1916
Some opinions on the Projet de Loi JWP 7/10/1916
Our Patois Letter – The Ladies Quit Tomato Picking JWP 14/10/1916
Our Patois Letter – The Ladies Quit Tomato Picking EP 14/10/1916
Peter on forthcoming elections EP 2/11/1916
Peter on forthcoming elections JWP 4/11/1916
Hay box cookery no success JWP 11/11/1916
A pleasurable afternoon JWP 18/11/1916
Electioneering campaign JWP 25/11/1916
Electioneering secrets JWP 2/12/1916
Deux d'gouts d'jerriais NC 17/2/1917
Deux mots d'jerriais NC 21/2/1917
Deux d'gouts d'jerriais NC 10/3/1917
Deux d'gouts d'jerriais NC 17/3/1917
Deux d'gouts d'jerriais NC 24/3/1917
Deux d'gouts d'jerriais Cs 4/4/1917


Èrpubliés dans Les Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine:  

An 'appy Clismus à touos les Jerriais! II/7:26
The Chief enlightens Mr. Pain III/6:8
A famous wonder recipe III/7:2
Funeral postponed - Leg comes off III/2:14
Further Attempts to wrestle with an income of £4,000 per Day III/6:30
How Charles has Tea with the Pains II/15:2
How Lonore and Dad Tricked Mummy II/11:25
How Lonore Became a Mascot II/2:22
How Piteur was Umpire at a Cattle Show IV/9:26
How the gas increase vexes the family IV/11:10
How the scandal was averted IV/12:20
How the Stray Lamb Came Back II/14:9
How to prepare and cook ormers II/1:14
Lonore as a Dairymaid II/10:28
A Lovely Outing by the Sea II/16:22
Missis Pain discourses on Sunday observance IV/7:6
More incidents of the great gale! III/11:23
A most improbable adventure IV/14:6
New Years Resolutions III/9:20
Piteur Has Thoughts of Becoming a Candidate IV/2:10
Piteur reports on Petty Court IV/8:6
Santa Claus and Lonore's Stocking II/3:22
Les tribulations de Piteur Pain II/4:22



Èrpubliés dans Bram & Elie (2018):  



C = Chronique de Jersey
NC = Nouvelle Chronique de Jersey
Cs = Chroniques de Jersey
EP = Evening Post
MN = Morning News
JWP = Jersey Weekly Post
* èrpubliées dans les Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine
* èrpubliées dans Bram & Elie (2018)




Les Pages Jèrriaises