Jèrriais |
Angliais |
l's Êtats d'Jèrri |
States of Jersey |
lé Gouvèrnément d'Jèrri |
Government of Jersey |
lé Sénateu |
Senator |
lé Député |
Deputy |
lé Connêtabl'ye |
Constable |
lé Lieut'nant-Gouvèrneux |
Lieutenant-Governor |
lé Douoyen |
Dean |
lé Bailli |
Bailiff |
la Mâsse |
Mace |
lé Chef Minnistre la Tchève Minnistre |
Chief Minnister |
lé minnistre la minnistre |
minister |
lé député-minnistre | deputy minister |
l'assistant minnistre l'assistante minnistre |
deputy minister |
êlithe |
to elect |
un êlecteu |
elector |
eune êlection |
election |
eune vouaix |
vote |
lé vote |
vote |
voter |
to vote |
l'urne du scrutîn |
ballot box |
lé scrutîn |
ballot |
voter au scrutîn |
to ballot |
lé district |
district |
lé distri |
district |
la gestion |
term of office |
eune baille | term of office |
eune bâle | term of office |
lé candidat |
candidate |
la candidatuthe | candidacy |
la vot'tie |
voting |
êlectoral |
electoral |
la liste êlectorale |
electoral roll |
la nonminnâtion |
nomination |
l'papi d'nonminnâtion |
nomination paper |
contester |
to contest |
lé gângnant |
winner |
lé pèrdant |
loser |
lé partisan |
supporter |
la candidatuthe |
candidature |
êt' sus les rangs |
to be a candidate |
sus les rangs |
up for election |
s'mett' sus les rangs |
to become a candidate |
prendre pouor Député |
stand for Deputy |
prendre pouor Sénateu |
stand for Senator |
lé voteux |
voter |
la vot'rêsse |
voter |
la rôsette |
rosette |
canvasser | to canvass |
eune assembliée êlectorale | electoral assembly |
l'autorisé | autorisé (returning officer) |
la gamme à trais | three candidates for two seats; three horse race; three-way contest |
un vieau | floating voter; voter that can be "bought" |
s'laîssi porter candidat | allow one's name to go forward |
la Pâraisse |
Parish |
la Salle Pârouaîssiale |
Parish Hall |
la Police Honorifique |
Honorary Police |
lé Connêtabl'ye |
Constable |
lé Protchuleux du Bein Publyi |
Procureur du Bien Public |
lé Chent'nyi |
Centenier |
lé Vîngt'nyi |
Vingtenier |
l'Offici du Connêtabl'ye |
Constable's Officer |
lé Conmité des C'mîns |
Roads Committee |
lé rât |
rates |
l'assembliée d'pâraisse |
parish assembly |
les Vèrts |
Greens |
lé consèrvateu |
conservative |
lé démocrate |
democrat |
libéral |
liberal |
lé nâtionaliste |
nationalist |
l'anarchiste |
anarchist |
lé commeuniste |
communist |
lé socialiste |
socialist |
lé dictateur |
dictator |
lé tyran |
tyrant |
lé révolté |
rebel |
lé membre |
member |
lé conmité |
committee |
lé président |
president |
la présidence |
presidency |
présider |
to chair |
l'opposition |
opposition |
l'opinnion |
opinion |
eunanînme |
unanimous |
l'eunanînmité |
unanimity |
la louai |
law |
la proposition |
proposition |
lé projet |
projet |
lé politicien |
politician |
la politique |
politics |
politique |
political |
lé législateu |
legislator |
la législâtion |
legislation |
la législatuthe |
legislature |
lé citouoyen |
citizen |
la mâjorité |
majority |
la minnorité |
minority |
lé parti |
party |
la distchussion |
discussion |
distchuter |
to discuss |
lé discours |
speech |
faithe un discours |
to make a speech |
lé d'bat |
debate |
lé proposant |
proposer |
lé s'gondant |
seconder |
prendre la tchaîse |
to take the chair |
prendre la pathole |
to rise to speak |
proposer |
to propose |
s'gonder |
to second |
la motion |
motion |
l'orateur |
orator |
lé diplomate |
diplomat |
lé consul |
consul |
lé consulat |
consulate |
l'ambassade |
embassy |
l'ambassadeu |
ambassador |
lé maire |
mayor |
meunicipal |
municipal |
la meunicipalité |
municipality |
lé parlément |
parliament |
parlémentaithe |
parliamentary |
lé minnistre |
minister |
lé ministéthe |
ministry |
l'enâgement |
coming of age |
la populâtion |
population |
la démocratie |
democracy |
l'êgalité |
equality |
la libèrté |
liberty |
les drouaits |
rights |
les drouaits d'l'houmme |
human rights |
la drouaite |
right |
la gauche |
left |
la propagande |
propaganda |
l'êconomie |
economy |
êconomique |
economic |
lé régînme |
regime |
lé gouvèrnément |
government |
la r'forme |
reform |
gouvèrner |
to govern |
lé fonctionnaithe |
civil servant |
la nâtion |
nation |
nâtional |
national |
la nâtionalité |
nationality |
lé nâtionalisme |
nationalism |
la Constitution |
constitution |
constitutionnel |
constitutional |
constitutionnellement |
constitutionally |
lé conseil |
council |
social |
social |
la sociêté |
society |
lé socialisme |
socialism |
Viyiz étout: