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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600
| 601-700 | 701-800
| 801-903 | 904-949
| 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
401. ILM.EDG.1769 (corrected from Joan Stevens' original
EDC) Jean Le Masurier (son of Jean Le Masurier - see 401a.) m. Esther de
Gruchy (T) 1.8.1753. First storey plaque at Les Ormes, Rue de Nord (T).
401a. ILM.SHB. 1741. Jean Le Masurier
and Susanne Hubert m. (T) 12.08.1730. Lintel at the back of Les Ormes,
Rue de Nord (T).
401b. ILM.IH. 1704. Jean or Josué
Le Masurier and Jeanne Hue - marriage not found as portions of Trinity
and neighbouring St John marriage registers missing for the late 1600s
(parents of Jean - see 401a.?); also a lintel at the back of Les Ormes,
Rue de Nord (T).
402. ILM.ELM.1737. Josué Le Masurier and Elizabeth Le Masurier
m. (T) 11.11.1722; on the north wall at Le Hurel (formerly La Porte), La
Rue de Cambrai (T).
403. ILM.ELM. 1748. Jean Le Masurier and Elizabeth Le Masurier m. (T)
9.3.1742; above fireplace at Le Hurel (formerly La Porte), La Rue de Cambrai
404. ILM.MBT.1732. Jean Le Moigne
of St Martin and Marie Bertram of Grouville m. (G) 19.5.1731. Les Fontaines
Farm, La Rue des Fontaines (St Mt) see also 1059.
405. ILM.MLM.1690. Date and initials inside individual shields, a stylised
fleur de lys appears between the initials; Le Maistre. Large lintel now
in the garden wall at Milton Farm, La Rue Belin (St Mt) - see also 397 and 799.
406. ILMT.ACB.1755. Josué Le Mottais and Anne
Cabot m. (St J) 4.10.1753; La Chasse (St J).
- 407. ILMT.SCL.1713. At Rectory View (St J). This is an incorrect reading
of the stone at 1149. The 'I'
is a 'T'. House now called Le Genée.
408. ILP.1731. On the west gable
end (under the farm bell) at Roselands, Rue de la Croix Bernard (St S).
409. ILP (upside down heart) AD.1706.
Capt. Jacques Lemprière m. (St B) 3.1.1692/3 Anne Durell; window
lintel on first storey at Maison Le Maistre, Mont Les Vaux, St. Aubin (St
B). A picture showing this stone in its original position is available
at the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture
Section Catalogue Architecture Section Catalogue 13 a.19.
410. ILP.ELC.1696. Josué Lemprière (1674-1712) fils Thomas
Lemprière & Marguerite Pipon - see also No. 971.
Constable of St John 1694-98. Seigneur of Lulague, Escraqueville, Hérupe
& Boutevillon. m. 1693 Esther Le Couteur (1675-?) fille Dean Clement
Le Couteur ; Maison de St. Jean (St J). Lemprière Coat of Arms above
added later. Illustrated in 'Did Your Ancestors Sign the Jersey Oath
of Association Roll of 1696?' Published CIFHS 1995 see My Books.
- 411. ILQ.1610. Oak Farm, La Rue de Sorel (St J). See Walter Le Quesne's
'The Le Quesnes of Jersey' Published CIFHS 1995 - where this stone
is referred to as PLQ - now confirmed and removed to 1652.
412. ILQ.APD.1745. Jean Le Quesne & Ann Poingdestre m. (St H) 21.1.1724/5;
Mont à l'Abbé House, La Grande Route de Mont à l'Abbé
(St H). See Walter Le Quesne's 'The Le Quesnes of Jersey' Published
CIFHS 1995.
413.ILQ.ELR.1798. Jean Le Quesne and Elizabeth Laurens m. (St S) 10.1.1780;
Mont à l'Abbé House, La Grande Route de Mont à l'Abbé
(St H). See Walter Le Quesne's 'The Le Quesnes of Jersey' Published
CIFHS 1995.
- 414. ILR.1776. At Milton Fm. (St Mt).
415. ILR.ELR.1790. Jean Le Riche and Elizabeth Le Riche m. (T) 18.1.1767;
Hillside, Rozel (T).
- 416.
ILR.EVL.1777. Jean Le Rossignol of St Lawrence and
Elizabeth Valleur of St Helier m. (St Mt) 24.9.1773; Magnolia Hotel, Bel
Royal (St L) - demolished summer 2004, at which time a second datestone
was discovered - see 1739.
- 417. ILR.MLB.1692. At L'Ecluse (St My) - alternative reading of this
stone at 1408.
- 418. ILS.1660. Illustrated by Payne, p.17.
419. ILS.1666. Corbel at King's Farm,
La Rue du Bocage (St B).
420. ILS.1734. Jean Le Sueur. At
the back of Les Petites Issues (formerly Les Issues Farm), La Rue des Courts
Champs (St J).
421. ILS.G(not I)LS.MLQ.1726. Gilles
Le Sueur fils Philippe of Trinity and Marie Le Quesne fille Helier of St
John m. (St J) 25.5.1690 and their son Josué b. (St J) circa 1702
- formerly thought to be daughter Jeanne. At Les Houguettes (St J). See
Walter Le Quesne's 'The Le Quesnes of Jersey' Published CIFHS 1995.
422. ILS.IN.1662 with fleur de lys.
Jean Le Sueur and Jeanne Norman m. (T) 1.12.1652; Arch capstone at Les
Lauriers, La Rue de la Garenne (T).
423. ILS.MLM.1767; Josué Le
Sueur of St John and Marie Le Maistre of Trinity m. (St J) 30.4.1760, their
children were baptised in St Helier from 1761-1771. At Lloyds Bank, the
Conway Street entrance to cash machine alcove (St H) Note: This is an
old photograph from my collection, the stone has vanished since redevelopment
in 1997!
424. ILS.REN.1819. Josué Le
Sueur and Rachel Esnouf m. (St J) 23.12.1795; inside the hallway at La
Porte (St J). For other stones on this property see 350
681 1197
& 1198.
- 425. ILT.FLT.1699. At 15 La Motte Street (St H). Illustrated at
Introduction page.
- 426. ILVC.1846. Jean Le Vesconte; Fontaine
de Gallie lavoir (St Mt).
- 427. IM.1663. ? Maret; La Porte (T).
428. IM.1665 on lintel, and IM on salting trough (now lost); Jean Marche
who married Marie Descaudeville (St J) 10.11.1658
not the one who m. Jeanne le mot Motey (who was his son). This marriage
took place on 28.4.1688 not 1668 as originally listed; Le Mottais Farm,
Le Canibut (St J) - see also 91/92.
429. IM.1671 (in shield). Jean Millais;
on gable end now half way
- up a wall in the outbuildings at Le Tapon, Rue de Tapon (St S).
- 430. IM.SLS.1656. Jean Messervy and Sara Le Sueur; Linden Hall,
- Trinity Hill, (St H) (now at The Museum) - see also 1667.
- 431. IMC.1834. I. Machon; on trough, Bouley
Bay Hill lavoir (T).
- 432. IMH. Jean Mahaut; Les Arbres (St L).
- 433. IML.1832. Mollet; Douet Fleury
lavoir (St Mt).
434. IML.MCL.1728. Jean Mallet and Marie Collas, fille Philippe m.
(St Mt) 3.2.1723/4; La Ville Brée, La Rue de la Ville Brée
(St Mt).
- 435. deleted
436. IMR.EDR.1793. Josué Mourant of St Saviour and Elizabeth
de Rue of Grouville m. (Alderney) 1.11.1779 (from St Saviour's Parish Registers);
Oakborne, La Rue de Grouville (G). Elizabeth was a Jersey girl through
and through, being the eldest daughter of Mr. Philippe De Rue. She was
thus the heir to what is now Oakborne, a property which the De Rues had
acquired through the marriage of Sara Amy to Philippe De Rue in the late
17th /early 18th centuries. According to Messervy & Langton, Sara was
the principal heir to the Amy family of La Rue (see ABSJ 1938) - from
Trevor Labey.
- 437. IMR.MCB.1732. Josué Marett & Marie Cabot m. (St H)
7.2.1722/3 - issue in Trinity; in garden wall to left of main house. At
Mont Pellier (T) from Pam Hislop
- see also The Mont Pellier Page.
438. IMR.MF.1755. Jean Mourant and
Marie Falle m. (St S) 10.1.1720; La Ferrière, Princes Tower Road
(St S).
439. IMR.MGD.1755. Jean Marett (?-1763)
& Marie Gaudin (?-1771) m. (St S) 9.5.1725. Gatepost, now used as a
bench in the back garden of Croix ès Mottes (St S). Originally at
entrance to Le Paleron (St S) - a field.
- 440. IMR.SLG.1826. Jean Mourant and Susanne Le Gros m. (St L) 13.4.1805;
Middlehall (St L).
- 441. IMR.SVB.1738. Jean Mourant and Susanne Vibert whose first child
was bap. (St My) 1724. Marriage not found as there is a gap in the registers
between circa 1705 and 1730; Rectory Farm (now Ladies' Walk) (St My) -
see above.
- 442. IMR.TMR.1698. This stone is no longer in one piece, a fragment
- the IMR - is in the fireplace and the rest is nowhere to be found. Oaklands,
La Rue de la Frontiere (St My) - see also 1619.
443. IN.EH.1842. Jean Noel of St Martin and Elizabeth Hue of St Saviour
m. (St S) 24.6.1789; La Petite Commune, La Rue des Pigneaux (St S)- see
also 1674.
- 444. IN.?M.1718. ? Nicolle; Bishopstown (T) - this stone disappeared
during renovation work in the 1980s.
- 445. INC.1834. I. Nicolle; on trough, Bouley
Bay Hill lavoir (T).
- 446. INC.1846. Jean Nicolle; Fontaine
de Gallie lavoir (St Mt).
447. INC.ELS.1819. Jean Nicolle and
Elizabeth Le Sueur t.d. St John m. (St J) 2.8.1794; First storey plaque
at China Quarry Farm, Ville ès Gazeaux (St L) - see also 535.
448. INC.JHP.1863. Jean Nicolle and
Jeanne Hooper m. (St B) 17.9.1857; Croix ès Mottes (St S) - marriage
from Paul Nicolle.
449. INC.MGB.1747. Jean Nicolle and
Marie Gibaut fille Philippe m. (St L) 15.4.1741; on the far corner of the
roadside barns at Oak Farm, Ville ès Gazeaux (St L).
- 450. INL.1785. Jean Noel; at La Retraite (St S) see also 176 and 922.
INM.EMR.1744. Jean Norman and Esther Marett m. (T)
8.4.1744; upside down in roof of the porch at first floor of main house-
tricky to photograph! Ville ès Normans (T).
- 452. INM.EMR.1831. Jean Norman of Trinity and Elizabeth Marett of St
Martin m. (T) 12.1.1826; Fauvic (St C).
- 453. IP.1632. Jean Pipon (Constable); L'Aleval (St P).
454. IP.1748. Jean Perrochon; painted plaque on 2nd storey at 16 Hill
Street (St H) - also the background image on all pages (drawn by Charles
Stevens from Old Jersey Houses Vol. II).
- 455. IP.EGB.1738. At Les Corvées (St O). This is an incorrect
reading of the stone at 1556
(i.e. PI IGB).
456. IP.ILB.1773. Jacques Payn of St Peter and Jeanne Le Brocq of St
Ouen m. (St P) 31.7.1763; window sill at Aux Croix au Lion, La Rue de Vieux
Presbytere (St P).
- 457. IP.MAM. Jean Payn and Marie Amy of Grouville m. (St Mt) 27.9.1749;
Springvale, La Rue Mathurin (St C) - see also 459.
458. IP.MP.1740. Highfield Lodge, formerly Highfield (St H) VI added
to stone below left and NIS added to stone below right. Highfield is now
split into a number of properties, all with stones - see 964-965.

459. IP.MVV.1778, 1784, 1790 and 1799, Jean Payn Jnr. of Grouville
and Marie Vivian of St Saviour m. (G) 12.10.1775 ; the first stone (over
the main entrance to the house) is obscured by wysteria in the summer,
1784 is on the roadside wall and the remaining two are both on the right
wing of Springvale, La Rue Mathurin (St C) - see also 457.
- 460. IPC.1604. Perchard; La Petite Commune 2 (St S).
- 461. IPC.1773 (not 2). Perchard; only the date now survives at this
gatepost on Les Routeurs (St S).
- 462. IPC.1797. Jean Perchard of Trinity who married Marie Gabourel
of St Peter (St P) 11.9.1794; Augrès Manor (T).

463. IPC (entwined hearts)
IVP 1817. Jacques Perchard of St Saviour and JeanneValpy of Grouville m.
(St S) 19.11.1795; at Oakfield, Bon Air (St S).
- 464. I.PC.M.G.1692. Perchard; corbel (reproduction?) over the entrace
to Les Routeurs, Les Routeurs (St S) - see also 888
which is directly below it.

465. IPC.MLF.1771. Jean Perchard (isle of Jersey) married Marthe Le
Feuvre (widow) 27.08.1736 at God's House Chapel, Southampton (Huguenot);
just below the roof line on the main house at Augrès Manor (T) now
part of Jersey Zoo.
- 466. IPD.ETZ.1817. Jean Poingdestre and Elizabeth Touzel m. (St H)
15.5.1790; Les Côtils, Rue des Côtils (St H) - see Introduction.
- 467. IPD.MBT. 1750. Jean Poingdestre and Marthe Bertram (parents of
No. 468); gatepost, Vieux Menage (St S) - now lost after being hit
by a car!
468. IPD.SDC.1768. Jean Poingdestre (of St Saviour)
and Sara de Carteret (of St Martin - widow of Abraham Bertram) m. (St Mt)
22.4.1752 ; Vieux Menage (St S). current project of mine - e-mail

IPG.MMR.1754, Jean Pelgué of St Saviour and Marie Mourant m. (G)
22.11.1727 and IPG.MMR. 1805. Jean Pelgué and Marie Mourant m. (St
S) 6.7.1791; La Petite Commune (St S).
470. IPL.APC.1797. Jean Pallot and Anne Picot m. (St Mt) 20.9.1798;
La Chouquetterie (St Mt).
471. IPL.EPC.1821. Jean Pallot and
Elizabeth Perchard t.d. St Martin m. (St S) 23.1.1799; La Sergenté
(St Mt) in 1978. Now high on the gable wall of the neighbouring property
Vue du Pré (1999), La Grande Route de Rozel (St Mt). A picture
showing this stone in its original position is available at the Société
Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture Section Catalogue 13 a.7.
- 472. IPL.JDR.1860. Jean Pallot fils Jean of Rozel (T) and Jane Dorey
fille Josué of Ville a l'Eveque m. (T) 19.12.1844; Rozel Farm, La
Côte du Nord (T).
473. IPN.ARR.1814. Jean Pinel and Anne Romeril of St
Lawrence m. (St J) 29.11.1799; Le Douet , La Grande Route de Ste Jean (St
474. IPP.1790. Opposite Grouville
Church - same as 477 below.
- 475. IPP.EMB.1794. On sundial, Le Bel Royal (St L).
- 476. IPP.FDLP.1726. Jean Pipon and Françoise de la Place m.
(St P) 20.6.1709; La Place Hotel, La Route du Coin (St B) - lost since
477. IPP (entwined hearts) - blank
space - 1790 and lintel with ITZ above. Near Central House (G) - see 474
478. IR.1742. Reused as a window lintel in the dower house at Ville
ès Normans (T).
- 479. IR...17... At Dale Cottage, St Saviour's Road (St H). The stone
was used as a corner stone on the boundary wall between Norwood Villa and
Westley Lodge, opposite Dale Cottage. It was removed by the builders when
Westley Court was built and stored on the site beside the cottage. It was
there for some time and we tried to make sure the builders were aware of
its importance. It seems to have disappeared some time between the end
of the Wesley Court building project and the beginning of the Westley Lodge
"restoration". Can't remember who cleaned the stone to find
out the full inscription, but it said: IR (two entwined
hearts) ECB 1748.
- David and I wondered if the stone was from a house called St. Saviour's
Hall which was demolished in 1947/8. Contributed by Dave
& Pat Dorgan of Dale Cottage.
- 480. IR.EPQ.1680. Jean Renouf and Elizabeth Picquet m. (St My) 26.11.1662;
La Pompe (St My) - photograph courtesy of James
Brannan- more information at his Home
Page. These initials also appear on a stone dated 1702 at Franc
Fief Farm, La Rue du Cônet (St B) see 583.
- 481.IRCS.SLHQ.1820. Jean Richardson and Susanne Le Hucquet m. (St Mt)
10.11.1790; Le Villot (St Mt).
- 482. IRD.IAM.1727. Jean Rondel fils Jean and Jeanne Amy t.d. Trinity
m. (T) 28.8.1720. The old property has been demolished and replaced by
three modern houses, the stone (which is described in OJH II p. 201 as
being used as a threshold to the pigsty) is no longer to be found. Le Vert
Champ, La Rue de La Vignette (St Mt).
- 483. IRM.1723 (not found). At Woodlands (St My); note also IMR. 1724
on trough (incorrect) - see 1621-22.

484. IRM.RGD (not ID).1747 Rachel
Grandin femme Jean Remon bur. (St My) 4.8.1771 and IRM.EBL (not BL) roughly
cut with no date, Jean Remon and Elizabeth Belin m. (St My) 19.2.1692/3.
Both at Chestnut Farm, Rue des Buttes (St My) - see also 1434.
- 485. IRM.IGD.1732. Gateposts, Daisy Farm (St P).

486. IRM.RPD.1739; overgrown
lintel above first storey front door, Jean Remon fils François and
Rachel Poingdestre of St John m. (St L) 15.12.1727; Ville au Veslet, Mont
Isaac (St L); father at 210.
- 487. IRM.SGC (inside a shield)1684. Jacques Remon and Sara Gruchy m.
(St L) 12.12.1676; large arch capstone at Badier Farm, Le Chemin des Montages
(St L) - when the 1960s render was removed recently many other stones were
uncovered here - see 1632-1635.
488. IRN.1813. Jean Renouf; displaced
corbel in the garden at Oak Farm, La Rue de Sorel (St J).
489. IRN.ELB.1761. Jean Renouf of St Peter and Esther Le Boutillier
of St John m. (St J) 14.6.1735; Highfield (now Clos des Tours), Coin Varin
(St P).

- 490. IRR.JBSSL.1865. Jean Romeril fils Clement and Jane Betsy Sorsoleil
- fille François m. (St L) 26.8.1858; Midlands, La Grande Route
de Ste Laurent (St L).
- 491. IR SA.1670. Damaged and painted in corbel at Haut de Tombette
(St My)
- see also 845.
492. ISM.FLF.1714. Jean Simon and
Françoise Le Feuvre; Vale Farm Cottage, now Vale Lodge (St P) -
additional information provided by Roger
de Carteret.
493. ISR.MCT.1821. Josué Sarre and Marie Coutanche
m. (St L) 2.6.1810; Maple Grove, Route du Mont Mado (St J) see also 1126.
494. ITC.JRR.1834. Jean Trachy (of St My) & Jeanne Romeril (of
St J) m. (St H) 1.8.1807; Les Jardins, near Six Rues (St My) - contributed
by Marie Trachy.
- 495. ITP.CLQ.1721. Tapin; Route du Mont Mado (St J) - incorrect interpretation
of the stone at 909 i.e. TP.CLG.
- 496. IVB.1826. Vibert; at Bas du Marais (St O).
- 497. IVB.RDH.1717. Vibert and Du Heaume.
- There are two entries in the St Peter registers that could
- be this couple. Jean Vibert fils Nicolas and 'fille Philippe
- du Hiaume' m. 26.2.1686 or Jacques Vibert and 'fille
- Philippe du Hiaume' m. 30.10.1690. One of these
- daughters of Philippe Du Heaume was probably called
- Rachel, although she cannot be found in the baptism
registers of St Peter, St Ouen, St Lawrence, St John, St Mary, Trinity
- or St Helier. At Montrose, La Rue ès Viberts (St P).
- 498. IVB.KI.1700. ? Vibert and ? Jeune; Les Escaliers, near Frémont
(St J)
- - incorrect interpretation of the stone at 1148.
The IVB actually reads NBP.
- 499. IVC.FLF. Jean Vincent and Francoise Le Feuvre m. (St P)
- 23.6.1756; with LDDD (? the gift of LD) above; Parklands (St P).
- 500. IVD.MSR.1850. The first letter of this stone is a 'G' not an 'I'
- removed to 1140.
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