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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400
| 401-500 | 501-600
| 601-700 | 701-800
| 801-903 | 904-949
| 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
201. FLB.MMG.1847. François Le Brocq of St Peter and Marie Mauger
of St Ouen m. (St P) 17.5.1832; Homestead (St P) - see also 1546.
202. FLC.SDM.1677. Each set of initials in a seperate shield. Rev.
François Le Couteur fils Jacques and Sara Dumaresq fille Jean m.
(St H) 26.1.1657/8; on front door inside a modern porch at La Clochette
(formerly Green Farm) La Rue de Bachauderie (St Mt) - see also 697. Contributed by Pam
- 203. FLCT.1760? (date partly covered); listed by Joan Stevens at Montrose,
La Rue ès Viberts (St P) but can no longer be found!
204. FLF.EN.1844. François Le Four and Elizabeth Noel t.d. St
Martin m. (St H) 31.12.1809; Elsingham Farm, Rue de la Fosse a Grès
(St Mt).
205. FLG.AVB.1818. François
Langlois of St Lawrence and Anne Vibert of St Peter m. (St H) 16.4.1806;
Ville au Veslet Farm, Mont Isaac (St L).
206. FLS.1687. Lintel over a pedestrian arch next to the entrance gateway
at Vaucluse, La Ruelle Vaucluse (St H).
- 207. FMR. ? Mourant; on beam, Hamlet Fm. (St S).
- 208. FN. At Les Pigneaux (St S) - this stone begins with a 'T' and
is pictured at 1649.
209. FPD.JML.1834. François Poingdestre and Jeanneton Mallet
t.d. Grouville m. (St H) 27.12.1828; Le Vergi, La Rue ès Philippes
(G)- formerly listed as 'near Carrefour au Clercq (St S)' and incorrectly
dated as 1884.
- 210. FRM.1694. François Remon m. (St L) 20.7.1690 Jeanne Pinel;
overgrown gable end at roof line, to the left of the first storey front
door;Ville au Veslet, Mont Isaac (St L) - son at 486.
211. GAH.MAB 1739 Gedeon Ahier & Magdelaine Aubin;
Sion Cottage, La Rue St Thomas (St S) - identification by Pam Hislop.
- 212. GBD.1669. George Badier; on colombier, Colombier Manor (St L)
- picture at Colombiers Page.
213. GB.1731. George Bandinel; hidden away in the attic of the barn
behind Bagot Manor Farm, Bagot Manor Road (St S) see also 754.
214. GCL (entwined hearts) EVP.1799.
George Collas of St Saviour and Elizabeth Valpy of Grouville m. (G) 16.9.1797;
first storey plaque at Les Pigneaux, Princes Tower Road (St S).
- 215. GJDC.1855. George John de Carteret; Vale Fm. (St P) Roger de Carteret lives there now.
- 216. GDP.1744. George Dupré; on sundial, Inverness Lodge (St
217. GDR.ENC.1875. George Dorey m. (T) 5.3.1859 Esther
Nicolle, Le Douet (St J) - contributed by Pam
218. GGD.JGD.1812. George Gaudin
(fils David) m. (St Mt) Jeanne Gaudin 11.4.1805; first storey west wing
of the re-developement at La Maitrerie, La Rue de la Maitrerie (St Mt).
219. GGD & SAH 1824. George Gaudin m. Suzanne Ahier (St Mt) 26.1.1823;
lintel, now inside the 1905 potato barn at Le Câtillon, Les Charrieres
(St Mt) - see also 136 891 1187
220. GIG.1788. George Ingouville (1760-1828) who married Marie Amiraux
(St H) 12.12.1789; given to the Jersey Museum Service and now in store
at La Hougue Bie (St S).
- 221. GJ.1623. In plaster between beams; Les Ormes (St Mt).
222. GLB.1676 (not 5). George Le Brun; corbel remnant at Claverling,
Market Hill, St Aubin (St B).

- 223. GLB.MLCN.1835 and 1837. George Philippe Le Brun and Marie Le Cornu
m. (St S) 13.1.1830; Beaulieu, La Rue de Dièlament (T) contributed
by Pam Hislop - see also
17 & 1280.
GLBT.1770. George Le Boutillier; Elmwood, Trodez (St O).
225. GLC.IDC.1684 (not 1634). George La Cloche Seignuer of Longueville
and Dlle Jeanne de Carteret of Vinchelez de Haut, St Ouen m. (St O) 5.9.1669;
displaced corbel end above the first storey windows in the east wing extension
at Longueville Manor Hotel (St S).
- 226. GLHQ.1846. George Le Huquet; Fontaine
de Gallie lavoir (St Mt).
227. GLSL.FMSV 1821 (not 1820); George Le Seelleur (1766-c.1828) fils
Thomas Le Seeleur & Marie Renouf of Villot (St Mt) m. Françoise
Messervy (1778-1822) 2nd wife (St H) 10.4.1813; Le Fleurion (St Mt)

GM.1606 (right) and PH(small Q) not B 1606 (left); gable stones, Rockstone,
La Rue de la Vaux de l'Eglise (St Mt) - see also 160
- 229. GMG.1565 (retrospective). George Mauger; Maison de Coin (St L).
- 230. GMR, preceded by Greek letter phi; La Fontaine, Ville à
L'Eveque (T).
231. GMSV.EB.1832. George Messervy m. Elizabeth Bree (St Mt) 31.8.1818;
Grande Maison, opposite the Lifeboat Station on La Route de St Catherine
(St Mt).
232. GNC.SDP.1826. George Nicolle
of St Martin (1787-1857) & Susanne du Pont of St Saviour (1797-1875)
m. (St H) 6.4.1815; Vieux Menage (St S) - now incorporated into
garden step in front of main house.
- 233. GPB. Connétable.1853. George Philip Balleine; St. Brelade's
Hospital (St B) - see Official Stones.
- 234. GPC.1832. G. Picot; Douet Fleury
lavoir (St Mt).
- 235. GPC.ELS.1884. Carved very faintly over what is now a garden door
at La Fosse à l'Ecrivain (St S) - see also 1299.

236. GPG.ELT.1811 and 1818.
George Pelgue m. (St S) 29.10.1796 Elizabeth Le Tubelin; 1811 is over a
side door to the barns (recently converted to accomodation and as yet unnamed)
& 1818 is a first storey plaque on the Dower House, Fernside Farm,
down a track off La Rue du Moulin (St S).
237. GPLP& (entwined hearts)
ACL.1801. George Philippe and Ann Collin fille Jean of St Saviour, two
daughters, Anne and Magdelaine were bap. (St S) 1789 & 1791 respectively
and Anne femme George Philippe was buried there (aged 57) 24.5.1830. Marriage
not yet found. First storey plaque at Waterloo House, Le Chemin des Moulins
(St L).
- 238. GSH.1846. George Sohier; Fontaine
de Gallie lavoir (St Mt).
239. GST.ACT.1843.1873. George Skelton m. Anne Coutanche
(St My) 2.6.1842; Bois des Ormes (formerly Elmwood) Le Hurel (St My) -
see also 1534.
- 240. HAPDD. see EMR.MAB.
- 241. HC.IE.1709. Helier Chevalier and Jeanne Esnouf; Highcliff (St
J). Burial Mse Jeanne Esnouf veuve de Me Elie Chevallier ent. (St J) 24.7.1765
from Henry Coutanche.
- 242. HD.Lan.1580. Tombstone of Helier (or Hugh) de Carteret; Handois
(St L).
243. HDLH.1891. Hugh de la Haye, creator of the Jersey Royal Potato
(in 1880). When his outbuildings were destroyed by fire, his grateful neighbours
rallied round and rebuilt them free of charge. This lintel at Bushy Farm,
La Ruelle Vacleuse (St H) marked the completion of the project.
244. HDM.1714. Helier Dumaresq; in the roadside gable end wall. The
date 1714 and a Dumaresq coat of arms appear on the gates a little further
along to the right. The Old Farm (St C).
- 245. HDM.1720. Helier Dumaresq; ECMdeC.1884 added below for Edouard
Charles Malet de Carteret; on sundial, The Old Farm (St C).
246. HFV.AF (not P)1831. Grace
Fauvel tells me that the 'P' is an 'F' for Helier Fauvel of St
Martin and Anne FALLE of St Saviour m. (St. H) 1.10.1814; Val Feuillu (St
S) - confirmed by the replacement picture.
247. HG.RML.PG.1686. (PG to left,
HG & RML below the date) Helier Godfray m. (St C) 12.11.1663 Rachel
Mylays, with their son Philippe; keystone of arch, originally at The Hollies
(St C); now at Mont Pellier (T) - see also The
Mont Pellier Page.
248. HHT.MCL.RHT. 1731. Henry Hamptonne
(of St L) and Marguerite Collas (of St My) m. (St L) 7.5.1730, with their
son Raulin - bap. (St My) 7.3.1731; Eastfield (St My).
- 249. HLP, or HLR; at L'Aiguillon (G).
- 250. HLR.ELB.1751. Helier Le Rossignol of St Ouen and Elizabeth Le
Bas of St Brelade m. (St My) 5.3.1745/6; Le Bocage (St B).
- 251. HM.1620. At The Granite House (St Mt).
- 252. HM.1664. At La Boiserie (St J).
- 253. HML.1859. On field pillar, Water Lane (St O).
- 254. HML.SR.1812. This may be PML.SR 1817 - the closest match I can
find is Philippe Mallet and Susanne Renouf m. (St Mt) 22.2.1816. L'Aiguillon
(St Mt).
255. HMR.AVN.1764. Henry Marett, Centenier in St Brelade m. (St B)
6.1.1753 Anne Villeneuve (1732-1811) fille Jean & Elizabeth Vincent
(see also 938 for Anne's great
grandparents); Brook Farm, Mont Nicolle (St B).
- 256. HNC.1834. H. Nicolle; on trough, Bouley
Bay Hill lavoir (T).
257. HP.1822. Corner stone just below roof line of Haut de Rue (formerly
Hillcrest), L'Etacq (St O).
258. HP.EGF.1811. Helier Payn m.
Elizabeth Godfray (St Mt) 5.6.1808; lintel by the roadside in a blocked
up doorway. Difficult to photograph as permanently in shadow and faintly
incised. L'Abri Farm, La Grande Route de Faldouet (St Mt) - see also 1497-8.

259. HPN.EAB.1837 - the
N is carved in reverse. Helier Pinel m. Elizabeth Aubert (St C) 13.11.1811;
both from St John. At La Ferme Grandet, La Rue de Golarde (St L). There
a number of indicators that this stone does not belong to this property.
The couple commemorated seem to have no connection with St Lawrence, both
were born and buried in St John. They baptised their children there and
only left the Parish to marry. Also, it looks like the three in 1837 has
been tinkered with so as to resemble an eight. There are two other (genuine)
stones on the property - see 198
and 605.
- 260. I. see also J.
- 261. IAB.AF. Isaac Aubin and Anne Filleul; Maison de la Hougue Bie
- 262. IAB SAM.17?5. Jean Aubin m. Susanne Amy (G) 17.3.1735/6; Ferme
Howard Davis 1929 above; States Experimental Farm (T).
- 263. IAL.1626. Anley; Highfield (St P).

- 264. IAM.MP.1798, and 1803; Jean Amy & Marie Payn t.d. Grouville
m. (G) 30.1.1793; children baptised in Grouville 1793-1803 and in St Saviour
1804-1813; La Hougue Farm (but now several properties), La Rue de Hougue
Bie (St S).
265.IAM.RBP.1847. Jean Amy and Rachel Blampied t.d. St Lawrence m.
(St H) 20.5.1838; Dronfield, La Passage (St L).
266. IAMT.1806.
- Jean Amice Martel m. 16.12.1800
- (St L) Madeleine Romeril; La
- Ferme Martel, now Glencoe,
- La Grande Route de St Laurens
- (St L).
- 267. IAT.1676. ? Arthur; Douet de Rue (St My).
268. IAT.MLVC.1841. Jean Arthur fils
Jean fils Jean of St Ouen and Marie Le Vesconte fille Jean fils Philippe
of St Lawrence m. (St O) 22.12.1810; La Place (St O).
269.IAT.RLC.1720. Jean Arthur and Rachel Le Couteur m. (St H) 1715;
La Pompe (St My) identified by Jean Arthur.
270. IB.IT.1730. Bertram; cottage at
La Rocque (G).
- 271. IBD.1668. Baudains; Arch capstone at the entrance to Beaupré
(St J) - see also 118 142 588 and 1256.
272. IBL (heart) EQR.ILS.1797. Josué
Billot m. Elizabeth Querest (T) 15.4.1764 and his son Josué Billot
m. Jeanne Le Sueur (T) 9.5.1784; La Billotterie, Rue d'Ebenezer (T).
- 273. IBM.1790, or 1750. Laurel Lands Farm (St S) - this stone has been
misread and moved to 1315.
274. IBN.(upside down entwined hearts) EAT.1757. Jean Binet and Elizabeth
Arthur t.d. St Mary m. (St J) 7.11.1750; plaque on the 1st storey at La
Fontaine, La Rue ès Viberts (St My) - see also 1515.
275. IBN.SPT.1753. The 'N' is reversed. Jean Benest m. Sara Pithon
(St J) 21.11.1723; Le Petit Câtelet (St J) see also 718
792 794
- and 1416.

IBP.SL.1803. Jean Blampied and Susanne Luce t.d. St Lawrence m. (St L)
5.5.1784; Blampied Farm, Handois (St L). Now derelict and the property
of the Jersey New Waterworks Company. Photograph courtesy of James Brannan- more information
at his Home
- 277. IBQ.MAQ.1819 . Jean Becquet (fils Jean) m. Marie Anquetil (St
Mt) 19.1.1811; gatepost, Les Quatre Carrefours (St Mt) - see also 1471
for a companion lintel.
278. IC.RB.1688. Jean Collas (fils Jean) m. Rachel Baudayne (fille
Nicollas) (St S) 20.7.1679; Arch keystone at La Préférence
Cottage (St Mt).
279. ICB.EDF.1781 (not 9). Jean Cabot
and Elizabeth du Feu t.d. Trinity m. (St S) 10.9.1769; over the hall fireplace
at Les Ifs (T) - see also 332
647 818
& 819 .
280. ICB.M.M:MTG.1823 (cider press barn lintel) and
ICB.MMTG.1838 (gatepost - surrounded by hawthorn hedge - ouch!). Jean Cabot
fils Jean and Rachel de Gruchy & Marie Marguerite Mattingley m. circa
1818. First child Jean bap. (T) 22.11.1819; La Commune, La Verte Rue (T).
identified by Pam Hislop.
- 281. ICH.ELP.1682. Gouray Lodge (St Mt).
- 282. ICL.FDM.1776. Jean Collas and Françoise Dumaresq m. (St
S) 24.4.1758; Le Mourin (St S) contributed by Pam
- 283. ICM.FB. at La Porte (T).
- 284. ICR.1788. La Chênaie des Bois (St Mt).
- 285. ICS.ARB.1716. Fireplace, Le Petit Câtelet, La Route de St
Jean (St J); from elsewhere - this stone begins with a P and has been
moved to 1668.
286. ICT.EBN.1721; Jean Quotance
fils feu Elie Coutance m. Elisyabeth benez de la Trinité (St J)
18.5.1698. Burial (St J) Elizabeth Benest femme de Jean Coutanche fils
Helier du Mont Mado 2212.1740 - from Henry Coutanche. Window sill
on the west side of Mont Mado Farm, La Route de Mont Mado (St J).
287. ID.1626. Jean Dolbel; roadside arch, Les Carrières, La
Grande Route de St Martin (St Mt) - see also 1451-52.
- 288. IDB.AD.1747. Jean Dolbel of St Helier (1706-1759) fils Estienne
Dolbel & Felice Samson m. Anne Dowton of St Helier (1713-1786) fille
François Dowton & Anne Le Gros (St My) 25.7.1736 ; La Colomberie
(St H) - see also 1088.
289. IDB.ALG.1700. Jaque de Bois
m. Anne L'Anglois (St L) 24.3.1699/1700; Rhinefield (formerly Lilac Cottage),
Ville Emphrie (St L).
290. IDB.AVT.1739. Jean du Bois m.
Anna Vautier (St My) 25.11.1733, also noted in the St Ouen's Marriage Register.
St Jean, Rue Militaire (St O).
291. I.DB.E.M.RM.1864 (not 84). Jean
Dolbel fils Edouard and Elise Marthe Remon fille Jacques m. (St L) 12.5.1863;
large plaque above the arch on the former barns at Fair View, La Verte
Rue (St L).
292. IDB.IGN.1805. Jean Dolbel m.
Jeanne Gasnier of St Ouen (St J) 10.4.1798; Chestnut Grove, La Route du
Mont Mado (St J) - see also 294 513.
293. IDB.MDB.1684. Jean Du Boys m. Marguerite Du Boys (St P) 15.10.1671;
formerly at Les Perquages Farm (St P) - now at Wellington House, Sunnyside,
Mont Les Vaux, St Aubin (St B). Surrounded by genuine old houses, this
is a recreation built in 1985.
294. IDB.TRM.1703, or 1701, 1705;
Jean Dolbel and Thomassine Remon m. (St S) 28.1.1698/99; Chestnut Grove,
La Route du Mont Mado (St J) - see also 292 513.
Drawing © Charles Stevens.
295. IDF.MLGL.1800. Rose Farm, Grouville
Village, La Rue à Don (G). Jacques de Faye & Marie Le Gresley
m. (St S) 19.8.1787. During the next few years a property on this site
was demolished and the old granite used to rebuild the house facing the
other way, towards the new road. In 1800 Jacques and Marie moved in. Contributed
by Ray Le Pivert.
296. IDG.1679. At Le Câtel (T). Photograph © Walter
Le Quesne
297.IDG.1800. The '1' is behind the metal work to the left of the stone.
Jean de Gruchy; lintel on the south facade of La Chasse, La Profonde Rue
(T) - see also 126 130 305
- 298. IDG.EDG.1783. Jean de Gruchy fils Jean m. Elizabeth de Gruchy
fille Thomas (T) 24.4.1757, La Ville Machon (T) - new picture at La Ville Machon Page.
299. IDG.EET.1796. Jean de Gruchy
of St John and Elizabeth Estur of St Mary m. (St L) 11.2.1786; and a stone
weight with IDG; The Elms Farm (St My).
300. IDG.ELM.1827. Jean de Gruchy and Esther Le Masurier m. (T) 14.1.1804;
La Raulinerie (T) see also 1396.
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