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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903 | 904-949
| 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
- 701. PGLC.CRM.1788. Philippe Gallichan Jnr. of St Lawrence and Catherine
Remon of St John m. (St L) 22.3.1769; was on a cottage in front of Bon
(not Bel) Air, La Rue de La Mare Bellam (St L) - now demolished.
702.PGLC.MRD.1810. Philippe Gallichan
and Marie Rondel t.d. St Lawrence m. (St P) 16.8.1800; Bon (not Bel) Air,
La Rue de La Mare Bellam (St L) - see also 693.
703. PhBL.IV IV (not IVN)EL.1705
(below).Elizabeth Journeaux veuve Philippe Balleine bur. (St P) 24.8.1720;
this stone was found on the floor in the barns and placed outside on the
patio. Greenland, La Rue de la Presse (St P) - see also 635
704. PH GC.EPN.1836.
Philippe Gruchy and Elizabeth Pinel m. (St J) 6.3.1813. Plaque on the cottage
behind Le Pont Farm, Rue du Pont (St J)
- 705. PhLG.1649. Philippe Le Geyt; on stairway, Fernhill (St H).
706.PH.AC.1737. Anne Carter femme Philippe Hamon bur. (St H) 1.10.1745.
Second storey carved window lintel above Ristorante Italiano, Hill Street
(St H).
707. PH.IG.1669. PH and date inside a shield, IG on either side. Displaced
arch capstone (possibly from the Esplanade) inside 'Le Petit Train' warehouse,
Lewis Street (St H) at floor level and painted over. An alternative
picture showing this stone is available at the Société Jersiaise
Photographic Archive; Architecture Section Catalogue Architecture Section
Catalogue 13 a.14.
- 708. Philip Shoosmith, Le 23e.7bre.1748 (who m. Catherine Bertaut 1780);
on beam at 19 Hue Street (St H).
- 709. Philippe Deslandes. 1749. On beam at 19 Hue Street (St H).
710. PHLDX.ELVdD. de Ste Croix and ? Le Vavasueur dit Durell; Rosedale
Farm, Mont Cochon (St H).
711. PHM.EIV.1776. Philippe Hamon
and Elizabeth Valphy dit Janvrin m. (St B) January 1776 (rest of date not
recorded); Sabots d'Or, High Street, St. Aubin (St B).
712. PHM.EN.1824. Pierre Hamon and Elizabeth Noel t.d. St Helier m.
(St H) 1.2.1817; St. Clair, Ruelle St Clair, off Mont Cochon (St
- 713. PHM JNM.1875. Pierre Hamon and Jane Norman; gatepost, rear of
St. Clair, Mont Cochon (St L) - no date apparent anymore.
- 714. PHM.MBP.1693 - see Les Câteaux
- 715. PHPC.1832. Douet Fleury lavoir
(St Mt).
716. PH.RN (entwined hearts) E.M.PD.1909.
Philippe Renouf fils Thomas and Elizabeth Mary Poingdestre fille John m.
(St Mt) 2.1.1892. At Le Rué, Rue de la Rué (St Mt).
- 717. PHT.1813. Pierre Hotton; St.
Cyr lavoir (St J)
718. PJR.LAC.1931. Philippe Josué Romeril and Lily Ada Cotillard;
Petit Câtelet (St J) - see also 275
792 and 794.
PL.ABP. 1819 Philippe
Luce and Anne Blampied had children baptised in the Parish between 1820
and 1834 - marriage not located; Greenland (St L).
720. PL.MR.1707. Philippe Lael m. Marguerite Remon (St My) 23.1.1697/8;
Valley Farm (St My).
721. PLR (not PLA). ILQ.1716 : 1816. Just below roof
line on roadside cottage behind Ivy Farm, La Rue de L'Etocquet (St J)
- 722.
PLB.1659. Larbalestier; lintel on the stables behind
Holmbury, La Rue des Canons (T) - now unfortunately three-quarters concreted
PLB.1671 inside a
shield. In the roadside wall on Mont Isaac, at the side of La Fontaine,
Ville au Veslet (St L).
PLB.1687. Pierre
Le Bailly; La Vieille Maison, St. Aubin (St B) later owned by the Villeneuve
family from No. 938. Drawing
© Charles Stevens.
725. PLB.AG.1665. Philippe Larbalestier & Andrée Gallie;
La Fosse (T).
726. PLB .EAT.1776. Philippe Labey
Jnr. and Elizabeth Anthoine m. (St S) 13.7.1773; Longueville Farm (St S)
- contributed by Trevor Labey.
727. PLB.ERD.1870. Philippe Le Brun of St Lawrence (1815-1889) and
Esther Rondel of St John (1813-1885) (who bought the property from Anne
Nicolle in 1866); Les Saints Germains Farm (St L) from Tina
Quimby-Mitchell. See also 581
737 976 and 988.
- 728. PLB.SDG. Pierre Le Breton m. Sara de Gruchy 1640; Beechfield (T).
729. PLBLG.MLVC.1824. Philippe Le
Boulanger and Marie-Elizabeth Le Vesconte m. (as Boulanger) (St H) 10.10.1812;
Roseland (G).
730. PLBTL.DBL.1794; the P and L are combined as are
the T and L. Philippe Le Boutillier and Douce Balleine m. (St P) 16.1.1778;
first storey plaque at La Sergenté, La Rue de la Fontaine (St P).
731. PLC.1685. Philippe Le Caumais; keystone of an arch built into
a wall in the old dining rooms at Redwood Apartments, formerly a hotel,
Five Oaks (St S) - see also 73 and
732. PLC.ELVC.1770. Pierre Le Cras m. Elizabeth Le
Vesconte (St My) 12.6.1766; Prospering Farm, La Rue du Maistre (St My)
- see also 789 and 1436.
- 733. PLCD. and PLCD.1662. Philippe Le Couteur, Doyen; St. Martin's
Rectory (St Mt).
734. PLCN.EGB.ILCN.1716. Pierre Le Cornu m. Elizabeth Gibaut (St O)
14.5.1686, with their son Jean (d. 1743); Les Landes Farm (St O). Elizabeth
died in 1716, the date on the stone and this may be the significance of
the upside down heart - contributed by Michele
735. PLCN.MDMR.1813 Philippe Le Cornu
m. Marie Dumaresq (St L) 21.1.1796. At L'Hermitage (St J) contributed by
Michele Gayler.
- 736. PLCT.MLB.1721. Philippe Le Couteur; marriage not found but a Marguerite
Le Brocq veuve Philippe Le Couteur was bur. (St P) 8.6.1762; opposite La
Caroline (St P).
737. PL.EP.1699. Philippe Laurens
fils Pierre and Elizabeth Poingdestre m. (St L) 31.10.1688; reused corbel
on the west gable end of Les Sts. Germains Farm (St L) see also 581 and 975-76.
- 738. PLF. At La Citadelle (St L).
- 739. PLF.1822. Philippe Le Feuvre; La Hougue (St P).
740. PLF.ALB.1837. Philippe Le Feuvre
and Anne Le Bas; on the barn at Les Niemes Farm, now a seperate dwelling
- La Tranche des Niemes, Rue des Niemes (St P). An example of rare italicised
stone carving. A alternative picture showing this stone is available
at the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture
Section Catalogue Architecture Section Catalogue 13 a.12.
- 741. PLG.1716. Philippe Langlois; Morel Fm. (St L).
- 742. PLG.1832. On Douet Fleury lavoir
(St Mt).
- 743. PLG.HB.1768 - see Les Câteaux
- 744. PLG.IIB.1777 - see Les Câteaux
- 745. deleted as it is the same stone as 704.
- 746. PLM.IL?.1659. Le Maistre; Fosse à l'Ecrivain (St S).
747. 18 P.L.R. (entwined hearts)
M.A.G.96. Le Carrefour, La Rue Gambrette (St J).
- 748. PLR.RLBTL.1811. incorrect reading of stone at 1107.
749. PLS.1674 inside a shield. (not
1679). IN.CB on either side and another PLS. The 4 is back to front, hence
the misreading as a 9. Arch at a warehouse on the Esplanade (St H) near
Grand Hotel - see also 856.

- 750.PLS.1767. ? Le Sueur; from a house in Hue Street (St H) - now demolished.
Drawing © Charles Stevens.
751.PLS (entwined hearts) AJD.1902. Philippe Le Sueur fils Philippe
of St Saviour and Ada Jane Drelaud fille Jean of Trinity m. (St S) 1.10.1902.
Plaque over the carriage arch at La Ronde Porte, Maufant (St S).
- 752. PLV. On Fireplace, Les Augerez Fm. (St P).
- 753. PM.1734. ? Pierre Mauger; on the front of the well head at La
Fontaine St Martin, Ville au Veslet (St L) - see left.
754. PM.MP.1628 with heraldic devices in shields for each family and
a fleur-de-lys above the date. Philippe Messervy (Seigneur of Bagot) m.
Marie Pipon (St S) August 1616; now in the attic of the barn at the rear
of Bagot Manor Farm, Bagot Manor Road (St S) - see also 213.
Not much fun getting up there!
- 755. PMG.1751. Pierre Mauger of St Lawrence who married Elizabeth Marett
of St John (St L) 6.12.1758; Maison du Coin, opposite Le Couvent, Mont
Cochon (St L).
756. PMG.SLF.1790. Pierre Mauger fils Pierre fils Pierre and Susanne
Le Feuvre fille Jean fils Jean m. (St O) 9.2.1789; Maison de la Ruette
(St O).
757. PML.MC.1762. Pierre Mallet and Marie Chepmell m. (St H) 5.6.1759;
look up! 2nd storey wall at front of Hambros, Broad Street, St. Helier
(St H).
758. PMR.AIV.1796. Philippe Marett fils Edouard and
Anne Valphy dit Janvrin m. (St B) 17.1.1795; La Haule Manor (St B). Photograph
contributed by Ray Le Pivert.
759. PMR.RLR.1867. Philippe Mourant
and Rachel Le Riche m. (St H) 26.3.1831; Haut du Mont, La Rue de la Hauteur,
Mont au Prêtre (St H) - ancestors of Trevor
Martin - see also 1258-9
and 1676-1677.
760. PMSV.1833. Philippe Messervy,
who m. Elizabeth Le Neveu (St H) 1.12.1827 t.d. St Clement; main house
at Hamptonne, L'Hocq Lane (St C).
- 761. PMSV.ETZ.1786. Philippe Messervy and Elizabeth Touzel; m. (St
C) 9.6.1772; overgrown lintel on older roadside house, now partially garaging,
at Hamptonne, L'Hocq Lane (St C).
- 762. PM?T.P&?8.1606. At Rockstone (St Mt) - see 228.
- 763. PN.1609. At Le Câtelet (St J).
- 764. PN.1689 (was1682). Philippe Nicolle; at La Biarderie (T).
- 765. PN (single heart) MV 1805, front of L'Augillion (G) now partly
obscured by a wooden porch.
766.PNC.(unfinished block) 1766.
Nicolle; Hérupe, Les Boullions (St J).
767. PNC.LPT.1873. Philippe Nicolle & Louisa Mary Porter; La Biarderie
- 768. PNC.MBN.1737. Pierre Nicolle m. Marie Binet (T) 11.11.1736; La
Hauteur, Rue de la Chenale (T).
769. PNC.MFV.1816. Pierre Nicolle
of St Lawrence and Marie Fauvel of St Saviour m. (St S) 11.2.1792; Bu de
la Rue, Coin Hâtain (St L).

- 770. PNC.MLQ.1796. (previously listed as MLG) Philippe Nicolle of Trinity
m. (St H) 15.6.1793 Marguerite Le Quesne of St Helier; in wall (above blocked
doorway) on La Rue Coutanche near Ville à l'Evêque (T).
- 771. PNM.MRM.1753. Philippe Norman and Marie Remon; Les Bessieres,
Rue de la Ville au Bas (St L).
772. PNM.RNBk.1834. Philippe Norman and Rachel Narcombe Baker of Sark
m. there 3.11.1834; children baptised in Trinity from 1835 onwards. Ville
ès Normans (T).
773. PP.ALS.1834. Philippe Payn of
St Martin and Anne Le Sueur of Trinity m. (St H) 17.12.1808; lintel now
painted white at Le Huquet House (formerly The Granite House), La Rue du
Huquet (St Mt).
774. PP.AMR.1776. Philippe Payn
and Anne Marett m. (St L) 3.12.1773; first storey lintel at Le Colombier
(St L).
- 775. PP.EA.1716. Philippe Payn m. Elizabeth Alexandre (G) 8.5.1692;
Corbel at La Pelotte, La Rue à Don (G).
- 776. PP.I.1632. Pierre Pipon m. Judith Effard (St S) 14.5.1623; La
Retraite (St S).
777. PPC.SBP.1763. Picot and Blampied, based on the
burial of Sarah Blampied femme Philippe Picot (St P) 26.1.1774. No marriage
found or issue in St Peter; Haut du Mont Farm (formerly Glenrose) (St P)
see also 641/42 and 1516.
778. PPD.1852; Philippe Poingdestre. Plaque on the front of Cherry
Tree Cottage, Sandybrook Lane (St L).
779. PPD.ILS.1815. Philippe Poingdestre (of St Saviour)
and Jeanne Le Sueur (of St Martin) m. (G) 30.3.1802; Champ Collin (St S).
780. PPL.ED (not L) S.1834. Philippe
Pallot and Elizabeth Dorsey had children baptised in St Martin between
1823-1840; La Sergenté, La Grande Route de Rozel (St Mt). An
alternative picture of this stone is available at the Société
Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture Section Catalogue 13 a.7.
- 781. PR.GM.1?19. At La Rosiere (St J).
782.PRCS.ELS.1846 (was 1816). Philippe
Richardson of St Martin and Elizabeth Le Sueur of St Saviour m. (St H)
16.7.1825; roadside wall on Rue des Côtils (St Mt).
783. PRD.1831. Philippe Rondel; Le Petit Câtelet 2 (St J).
- 784. PRD.ae.8a's. 1795; IRD.ae. 19a's. 1796. Philippe and Jean Rondel;
La Guerdainerie (T) - see Ecclesiastical
785. PRD.ELR.1795, and 1817. Philippe Rondel & Elizabeth Le Riche
m. (T) 14.4.1796; La Guerdainerie, La Rue Guerdain (T) - identification
by Tina Quimby-Mitchell.
Their daughter's stone can be seen at La
Valette Page. Other stones on this property at 1146.
- 786. PRM.1660. Philippe Remon; Broadfields Cottage (St L).
- 787. PRM.1774. Philippe Remon; Broadfields Cottage (St L).
- 788. PRMR.ECT.1716. Philippe Rummeril (sic) m. Elizabeth Coutanche
(St L) 25.6.1714; overgrown lintel at La Ruette, La Ruette (St L) - see
also 122 and 640.
789. PRN.1746 (not 2). At Prospering Farm, La Rue du Maistre (St My)
- see also 789 and 1436.
- 790. PRN.MAM (on lintel of barn - see left); PRN.MAM.1805 (on rear
of house, painted over and 2/3rds covered by guttering); PRN.MAM. 1813
(on first storey of barn); PRN.MAM. 1824 (damaged and reused in conservatory).
Philippe Renault and Marie Amy t.d. Trinity m. (St S) 24.1.1795; La Ville
Machon, La Grande Route de La Côte (T) - see La
Ville Machon Page.
- 791. PRN.MDG.1789. Renault and de Gruchy; above old front door at La
Ville Machon, La Grande Route de La Côte (T) - see La
Ville Machon Page.
792. PRR.1829. Philippe Romeril; Le Petit Câtelet
(St J) - see also 275 718 and
- 793. PRR.ALF.1791. Philippe Romeril and Anne Le Feuvre m. (St S) 25.1.1785;
on the lintel of the roadside cottage at Windsor House (St L) but badly
damaged and almost completely illegible.
794. PRR.MMG.1806. Philippe Romeril m. Marie Mauger (St L) 19.1.1772;
Le Petit Câtelet (St J) - see also 275
718 and 792.
795. PRV.1740. Philippe Rive, who married Rachel Du Heaume in 1738
(not Marguerite Paris as previously listed) La Maison des Cotils, St. Peter's
Valley (St P).
PS.1611. Pierre Seale who married Sara Clement (St B) 14.2.1598; two fireplaces,
the first in reception and the other in the dining room (with reversed
S), Old Court House Hotel, St. Aubin (St B).
797. PS.1668 (letters inside a shield).
Pierre Seale who married Marie de Carteret (St B) 26.7.1675; fireplace
in the downstairs bar at the Old Court House Hotel, St. Aubin (St B).
798. PS.(single heart) CI.1732. Carved
in the centre of a long lintel at the front of Ker Anna House, lane behind
The Hollies, La Rue du Crocquet, St. Aubin (St B).
799. PSH. SBD.1712. Philippe Sohier fils Lorans m. Suzanne Badier fille
Renault (St Mt) 12.11.1684; lintel on the south facing lower wing of Milton
Farm, La Rue Belin (St Mt) - see also 397
and 405.
- 800. PT.SCT.1743. Philippe Tocque of St Brelade and Susanne Coutanche
of St Peter m. (St B) 17.10.1738. At Treoville (St P).
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