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Please note: the original Arranged by Surname
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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903
| 904-949 | 950-999
| 1000-1050 | 1051-1100
| 1101-1150 | 1151-1200 | 1201-1250 | 1251-1300
| 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
As these entries have come in after the completion of the original index,
so the pages are out of alphabetical order. However, the names have also
been added to the Surnames Index.

1101.CLS ELS 1832. Charles and Elizabeth
- Le Sueur m. (T) 29.11.1828; on either side
- of the entrance gates at Brookhall, Rue de D'Empierre (T).
- 1102. DCVL.RNL.1815. Daniel Chevallier and Rachel Noel m. (St H) 18.6.1792;
left of east wing outbuildings at Castle View Farm, Rue du Becquet Vincent
(T). Their son Daniel married Elizabeth, the daughter of Philippe Le Cornu
& Elizabeth Esnouf (1104) - pictures moved - see The
Castle View Page.
- 1103. DCVL.JPN. 1843. Daniel Chevallier son of Daniel Chevallier and
Elizabeth Le Cornu (therefore grandson of both 1102 and 1104)
and Jane Pinel m. (St H) 7.5.1840; right of east wing outbuildings at Castle
View Farm, Rue du Becquet Vincent (T) - pictures moved - see The
Castle View Page.
- 1104. P.LCN E.EN 1813. Philippe Le Cornu and Elizabeth Esnouf m. (St
S) 28.8.1787; second storey of main house at Castle View Farm, Rue du Becquet
Vincent (T) - pictures moved - see The
Castle View Page.
1105. IHM MNC 1739; Jean Hamon of St John and Marie Nicolle of Trinity
m. (T) 18.12.1728; rear of Beau Regard, Haute Croix (St J) - see also 525.
1106. CF 1922. Charles Fossey moved
here from St Clement. Arch capstone over the barns at Lyndale, La Rue du
Grand Jardin (T) - see also 1608-1610.
1107. PRN RLBTL 1811. Philippe Renouf & Rachel
Le Boutillier m. (T) 23.11.1797; 1 Beauverd Cottages, La Rue des Canons
1108. PGC SCV 1819, Philippe Gruchy and Sara Marie Chevallier m. (T)
3.5.1817; Maison de Bas, Rue de D'Empierre (T).
1109. IN. MLQ 1817. Jean Neel of Trinity and Marguerite Le
Quesne of St Helier m. (T) 12.3.1814; gatepost at disused entrance to Beau
Desert, Rue de la Garenne (T).
- 1110. TMR. MAL. 1822; Thomas Mourant and Mary Ann Luce m. (St H) 6.4.1816;
Sion Lodge, Sion (St J).
1111. IBR. JCM. 1857; John Barrette
(a seaman) fils Philippe (a labourer) of St John and Jane Cormier fils
François (an agent) of St Lawrence m. (St H) 7.1.1843. Their son
John Cormier Barrett was b. (St L) 3.11.1845. Mother and son appear in
the 1851 Census Index at St John District 6; Folio 548; Page 14. Noirmont
View, Sion (St J) - over window at rear of house, painted over.
1112. PMB.LVD. 1984; (Sir) Philip Martin Bailhache and Linda Le Vavasuer
dit Durell m. (St H) 2.6.1984. L'Anquetinerie (G).
1113. NCBC 1714; Britannia House, Rue de la Mare des Près (St
1114. PLM MBCV 1803. Philippe Le Masurier (of Trinity) and Marie Bechervaise
(of St Mary) m. (St My) 16.12.1790; Rosehill, Rue de la Mare des Près
(St J).
1115. PRB. NDB 1845. Pierre Robert m. Nancy Dolbel fille Jean Dolbel
& Ann Cristin of 907 (St
J) 10.12.1843; Le Nid - replacing the original house demolished circa 1963
- Bonne Nuit Bay (St J) - courtesy of Jill Coleman.
1116. ILG 1658 with MH (not picked
out in black) below - Jacques Le Geyt dit Maret and Marie Hue m. (St H)
1.11.1654; corbel on roadside gable end at Uplands Farm, part of Uplands
Hotel Complex, New St John's Road (St H) - see also 391
& 1117.
1117. CSM IBG 1984. Clement Stewart Mallet and Irene Barbara Guiton.
Date of reconstruction of Uplands Farm, part of Uplands Hotel Complex,
New St John's Road (St H) - see also 391
& 1116.

- 1118. ICB 1691. Cabot; old lintel on modern extension at The Barnhouse,
Midland Farm, La Grande Route de St Jean (T).
- 1119. DAB. EPC 1821. David Aubert of St John and Elizabeth Picot of
Trinity m. (St J) 16.7.1794; lintel at Canada Cottage, La Rue de Servias
(St J).
- 1120. JGC. BLG 1821. Jean Gruchy of St John m. Betsy Le Gros of St
Mary (St J) 24.4.1806; gatepost at Canada Cottage, La Rue de Servias (St
J) - recovered from the garden at Sion Cottage, Sion, La Grande Route de
Ste. Jean (St J).
1121. MRR AE32 1809. Gravestone (AE32 means
aged 32) mounted on the roadside wall by entrance to Ladies Walk, La Rue
de L'Eglise (St My).
1122. JRCS. ERCS 1822. Jean Richardson fils Clement
& Elizabeth Richardson fille Philippe m. (St Mt) 8.3.1819; Falaise
House, opposite the Priory, La Grande Rue (St My).
1123. NAT 1708 SDP. Nicolas Arthur & Sara Du Pré; Falaise
Farm, La Rue du Camp Durell (St My) - roadside lintel.
1124. NAT BHM 1832. Nicolas Arthur fils Jean of St Mary and Elizabeth
(Betsy) Hamon fille Jean fils Samuel of St Ouen m. (St O) 28.9.1818; Falaise
Farm, La Rue du Camp Durell (St My) - lintel over door within courtyard.
This couple, along with Mary Page (their domestic) and John Help, drowned
while vraicing (St My) 7.4.1837.
1125. GLGL.AMG.1825; George Le Gresley of St John and
Anne Mauger of St Lawrence m. (St H) 25.4.1818; Mont Mado Cottages, Route
du Mont Mado (St J). This stone begins with a 'G' not a 'C' and has been
relocated from 66.
- 1126. IM 1666, gable end at Maple Grove, Route du Mont Mado (St J)
see also 493.
- 1127. PD LE B. LE C. FMR 1953 and Le Cornu Coat of Arms; Philip David
Le Brun Le Cornu and Florence Mary Rondel. Carved by Frank Gautier and
erected by their son Philip David Le Cornu - see 989.
Ashley Court, La Rue Militaire (St J).
1128. TA 1718 MM. Thomas Anley (Constable of St Helier) and Marguerite
Mauger (their daughter Elizabeth m. 1725 Richard Valpy and they were named
as godparents in 1730 ) - from Pam
Hislop. Door lintel, now above a window at Ashley Court, La Rue
Militaire (St J). Door lintel, now above a window. Found in the late 1980s
under 19th century render on the older house at Ashley Court, La Rue Militaire
(St J) - stones erected by Thomas Anley's descendants on the main house
are at 89.
- 1129. G.R. (entwined hearts) M.M.C.L.1975. Rear of Le Vivier, La Route
de Mont Mado (St J) - see Le Vivier Page.
Ph. Le Moignan A. Eliza Godel 1897.
Pam Hislop reports that
Philip LE MOIGNAN died 30 June 1941, Alice Eliza GODEL widow of Philip
LE MOIGNAN died 18 January 1949 Source: St Peter's Church Burial Register
- Cardiff House, Coin Varin (St P).
- 1131. DHC (entwined hearts) JPP 1967. (Dr.) David Hocquard Crill and
Joan Phyllis Porter m. (St C) 23.2.1946; Rocqueberg Farm, Samares Lane
(St C).
1132. J.E.RN S.E.LS 1855; John Elie Renouf (grower)
fils Jean and Sophie Esther Le Sueur fille François m. (St S) 21.12.1843.
Plaque on first storey between Westward and La Petite Grange, Endesley
Court, La Rue du Tapon (St S), formerly outbuildings now developed into
a small estate.
- 1133. MGR (entwined hearts) 1992 KAB, Morris Graham Roscouet and Katherine
Anne Basford, date of construction of La Valette, Ruelle Vacleuse (St H)
- this new house bears the name of the older property next door, which
is now know as La Pepiniere - see 138/139.
- 1134. deleted.
1135. PMG 1749 and PMG (heart) ILB 1754; Philippe Mauger of St Brelade
m. Jeanne Le Brocq of St Peter (St B) 25.6.1753. Lintel over front door
and lintel over garden entrance of La Vielle Demeure (formerly Vine Farm)
Le Dredillet (St P).
- 1136. DWP 1981. Donald William Poignand; arch capstone over garage,
repeated at back of Clos des Tours, Coin Varin (St P) - see also 39.
1137. RJC ADN 1998. Richard John Cadoret and Alison Doreen Noel; Wuthering
Heights, Victoria Village (T).

1138. IRM 1822. Jean Remon, Ville au Veslet, Mont Isaac (St L) - see
also 486.
- 1139. IRS 173? - last number buried. Lintel, now used as a gatepost
in a field next to Le Coin Farm, Mont du Coin (St P).
- 1140. GVD.MSR.1850. The first letter of this stone is a 'G' not an
'I' - removed from 500. George
Vaudin of Sark and Marie Sarre of St John - marriage not yet found but
first child born in St John in 1849. At La Saline Cottage, Les Cliquards,
Rue de l'Eglise (St J). Pam Hislop
reports that this family moved to Vale, Guernsey around 1855 where the
rest of their children were born. George was recorded as a quarryman in
the 1851 and 1881 censuses.

- 1141. JTL JLW 1956. John Taylor and Jane Leapingwell m. (St H) 13.10.1951;
founders of the architectural firm Taylor- Leapingwell. Date of extension
and renovation of La Saline Cottage, Les Cliquards, Rue de l'Eglise (St
- 1142. GN (entwined hearts) AAB 1842. Identified by Chris Blackstone
in St Martin, Jersey: The Story of an Island Parish (Phillimore
1999) as George Noel and Ann Aubin m. (St Mt) 8.4.1826; now inside the
house, over what used to be the back door. Rozel Hamlet (St Mt).
- 1143. removed to 925.
1144. TLB 1708; lintel on main house. Greenhill, Route de Franc Fief
(St B).
1145. TLB : ET 1763; lintel on extension at Greenhill, Route de Franc
Fief (St B).
- 1146. removed as duplicated.

1147. NBP. EMR
1728. Nicolas Blampied and Elizabeth Marett m.(St J) 21.4.1725; lintel
at Frémont House, La Rue de Frémont (St J) - identified by
Pam Hislop. The oldest
part of this house also incorporates a corbel dated 1618.
1148. NBP KL (not I) 1700. Nicolas Blampied. and
- Katherine Luce m. (St J) 7.4.1689. Gable end on the
- road side of Les Ecaliers, La Rue de Frémont (St J).Note
- the 7 is reversed and the 'N' is partly formed out of the back
- of the 'B' - identified by Pam
1149. TLMT SCL1713. The 'L' is incorporated in the
left hand upright of the 'M'; Thomas Le Montais or Le Mottée and
Susanne Collas; Le Genée, Rue des Landes (St J).
1150. SB (cross, or other symbol, not I) PP 1705 IV; a rare stone where
the wife is carved before the husband. The significance of the IV is as
of yet undecided but they may be Roman numericals for 5 - another St Peter
stone, not far from here, has two of them - see 703.
Sarah Balleinne and Pierre Pipon m. (St P) 3.12.1662; Les Petits Niemes,
Rue des Niemes (St P).
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