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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903
| 904-949 | 950-999
| 1000-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-1150 | 1151-1200
| 1201-1250 | 1251-1300
| 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
As these entries have come in after the completion of the original index,
so the pages are out of alphabetical order. However, the names have also
been added to the Surnames Index.
- 1051. ILS.ILQ 1741 Jeanne Le Quesne veuve Jean Le Sueur bur. (T) 7.1.1769
- marriage not found. Fairfield Dower, Rue Durell (T) see also 1050.
N.W A.A 1811 Nathaniel Westaway and Ann Alexandre m.
(St H) 19.4.1812 ; Westaway Chambers, Don Street (St H). Unusually, this
stone predates the couples' marriage! Geraint Jenning's Jersey
Statues includes the Westaway
Memorial which also provides information about Julia Westaway, the
benefactress, who was their daughter.
1053. PH. HAMON FR.
AUBIN 1797; plaque for Philippe Hamon and François Aubin entrance
of Regency House, Snow Hill Steps (St H).
1054. W IV R 1834; William IV Rex. Battery Tower at Point de Pas, overlooking
Havre des Pas and St Aubin's Bay. In the old Engineers Barracks, now the
Jersey Field Squadron Headquarters, Mont Bingham (St H).
1055.1753 IHB (heart) ELGL. Jean Hubert and Elizabeth Le Gresley m.
(St B) 15.7.1739; La Votte (the old Guard-House), Le Puleq, L'Etacq, (St
O). Contributed by Ray Le Pivert.
1056. FD (entwined hearts) MLG 1830. My wife & I bought our house
approx. 18 years ago; it dates from about 1959. At the side of the house
in the garden we found a large granite lintel. It was completely loose
and not attached to any wall and I thought the previous owner of the house
must have obtained it from somewhere with the intention of incorporating
it into a fireplace or the garden.We have recently had the garden re-designed
and have ourselves given the stone pride of place, setting it up in full
view. Naturally we would like to know something about it. Perhaps you can
help. Courtesy of John &
Angela Noel, Silver Sands, Pontac (St C). Pam
Hislop replied to this plea in September 1999 - "Frederick
Dumaresq (not born Jersey c. 1809) m. (T) 1.6.1829 Marguerite Le Geyt.
Frederick was the son of Philippe Dumaresq and Marthe Le Mesurier (of St
Peter Port, Guernsey). Frederick died March 1845, burial St Helier - his
father Philippe died Bath, England in 1818."

1057. EBL (two hearts) unfinished section 1813; Highfield, Les Grupieaux
(St P).
1058. 18C.RCS & S.LHQ29; Clement Richardson &
Susanne Le Huquet m. (St H) 15.7.1815, Bas Rozel, La Rue de la Perruque,
Fliquet (St Mt).
1059. SPDLH. EHD 1997. Stephen Peter de la Haye and Eileen Heather
Duke; date of extension to La Fontaine Farm, Rue de la Fontaine (St Mt)
- for older stone see 404.
- 1060. EDC 1829; gatepost at Roseland, La Petite Rue d'Elysee (St P).
1061. ILB EHB 1808; gatepost at La
Vielle Maison, Rue d'Elysee (St P).

1062. IF (left gate) and IGF (inside shields) 16 ?6 or 166 ?
- (right gate); Falle and Giffard (?) gateposts found buried in
- the garden of Milford Farm, Bon Air Lane (St S) and re-erected
- at the new entrance. A large hole drilled in the middle of the right
- gatepost partly obscures the date.
1063. EBD.JLF 1844 and EBD (heart)
- 1805. Edouard Baudains of St Saviour and Jeanne Le Feuvre
- of St Helier m. (St H) 21.11.1811; first on gable end of house
- below chimney and second over front door, inside the porch at
- Fernlands, Les Grands Vaux (St S).
1064. ABC (two entwined hearts) JAM 1962 (Koala Bear
in top left corner); 'Arnie' Corbet of Guernsey and his wife Janet; the
stone was carved by his brother Reg Corbet; Koala, La Grande Route de la
Côte (St C).
1065. HLC (entwined hearts) MTZ
- 1810; Helier Le Clercq (of St Clement)
- m. Marie Touzel (of Grouville) 23.6.1773
- (St C); 1 The Annex, Clairval, La Grande,
- Route de Ste. Clement (St C). Unfortunately
- this one has been painted over and is hard to
- pick out - identification contributed by Pam
1066. JJN (entwined hearts) MLC 1835; Jean Journeaux (of Trinity) m.
Marguerite Le Clercq (of Grouville) (St H) 16.12.1827 (both were resident
in St Clement at time of marriage); Le Don Journeaux, La Grande Route de
Ste. Clement (St C). Partially covered by gutter - identification contributed
by Pam Hislop.
- 1067. KJP 1966 LGM; La Caletta (formerly The Halt), La Grande Route
de Ste. Clement (St C).
1068. FLS.EGC.1795, François Le Sueur (of Trinity) m. Esther
Gruchy m. (T) 13.1.1762; side of La Croix, Rue Becq (T) - identification
contributed by Pam Hislop.
- 1069. ST.J.CB (entwined hearts) R.BL. 1937 - see Les
Câteaux Page.
1070. JNC (entwined hearts) IAM 1825; Josué Nicolle & Jeanne
Amy t.d. Trinity m. (T) 23.7.1818, Les Vaux Farm, Rue de la Monnaie (T)
- see also 1517-1518
- connections supplied by Bob

1071. Three undated stones around the roadside
- arch at Brabant, Rue de Brabant (T). a. CLB (top). Charles Le Boutillier
- fils Jean, brother of Anne below. b. PDG.ALB. (left); Pierre de Gruchy
fils Philippe m. (T) 1
- 7.5.1853 Anne Le Boutillier fils Jean (parents of Mary below). c. AMSV.MDG
(right); Alfred Messervy & Mary de Gruchy (both of Trinity) m.1875
(St S) - identifications contributed by Pam
Hislop - the same family can be found at 34
& 35.
1072. P.GLC (entwined hearts) M.GLC
1892, Philippe Gallichan of Trinity and Marie Gallichan of St Helier m.
circa 1880 (1891 Census Reference Trinity District 9; Folio 201; Page 3;
on barn arch at Trinity Motors, rear of La Croix, Rue Becq (T).
1073. PLB (entwined hearts) ELM 1849, cracked coach house lintel behind
Les Chasses, La Rue de la Vallée (St My) - contributed by Alison Sanguy.
1074. MPC (hearts) MJLC 1840, Matthew Picot and Mary
Jane Picot (neé Le C?) appear in the 1841 Census Index of St Lawrence;
Marine Villa, Route de la Haule (St L) - contributed by Ray
Le Pivert.
1075. JWL. EB.1903;
- arch at Home Farm, La
- Rue de Grouville (G) -
- see also 76. The initials
- are those of my great-
- grandparents, John
- William (Jack) Labey
- and Eliza (Lilly) Blampied.
- They moved to Home Farm
- to live with Jack's father
- Philippe around 1899,
- 1903 probably being the time a new storey
- was added to their existing outbuildings - from Trevor
1076. IRB 1803; Jean Robichon; over the front door and above canopy
at Rose Lea, La Grande Route de Faldouet (St Mt) - see his son at 1296.
1077. IRB IRM 1722; a Pierre Robichon (French Refugee) and Jeanne Remon
m. (T) 24.3.1699 and had children in St Martin from 1701-1710 and I wonder
of the 'I' at the beginning of this lintel was an error, or is a 'P' with
a very small head, now hidden by the guttering; over a door at the rear
of the east wing at Rose Lea, La Grande Route de Faldouet (St Mt) - see
also 1296.
1078. EF (entwined hearts) EBP 1814 with cipher
- EF below, Elie Falle (1756-1838) fils Elie and Elizabeth
- Bree (see 1594)
m. (T) 15.11.1782 Elizabeth Blampied (1759-1840);
- La Hougue Grange, La Rue de la Hambie (St S) -
- identifications contributed by Pam
- 1079. TDG.MDF 1751.Thomas de Gruchy and Marie du Feu m. (T)
- 31.12.1752; Piece Mauger, La Rue du Pièce Mauger (T)- see also
859 & 860.
1080. ELBT (two hearts) RML 1814. Edouard Le Boutillier fils Philippe
fils Jean and Rachel Maillard
- fille Nicolas t.d. St Ouen m. (St My) 25.2.1786; Les Frênes,
Ville de l'Eglise, (St O) - far left.
1081. E.L A.M.LMQ1895; Elias Luce (27) cultivateur
(grower), fils Amice de St Ouen (cultivateur) m. (St O) 13.10.1888 Alice
Mary Le Marquand fille Jean de St Jean (cultivateur). Circular window in
the barn at Geonnais Farm, La Rue des Geonnais (St O) - near left.
1082. JLR (entwined hearts) JVB 1825. Jean Le Ruez fils Jean fils Jean
Le Ruez deVinchelez m. (St O) 25.7.1805 Jeanne Vibert fille Philippe fils
Philippe Vibert; La Hougue Farm, La Route deVinchelez (St O).
- 1083. RCW VLA 1976 on garage at The Old School House, Leoville (St
1084. PB IP 1772; Philippe Briard and Judith Prieaux (Priaulx) t.d.
St Ouen m. (St P) 31.1.1768, Pres de L'Eglise, Ville de L'Eglise (St O).
- 1085. CHRN 1814 ADP at La Preference (St My). Charles Hugh Renouf of
St Mary m. (St H) 9.11.1811 (Jeanne) Anne Du Pré of St Peter - courtesy
of James Brannan.
1086. I?LBTL (the T and L are superimposed - the first initial could
be an I - partly removed) and IMC? below; partly covered by tarmac, so
this is a guess! Le Boutillier & (?) at the roadside base of a field
wall next to Hamilton House, Rue de Ebenezer (T).
- 1087. JLG 1727 SLG; Josué Le Gros and Sara Langlois m. (St L)
29.1.1717/8, Handois (St L) - courtesy of James
Brannan - see also 967.
1088. IDB (heart) AD (flower symbol) 1741. Dolbel; La Maison de Haut,
Rue de la Fontaine (T) - this may be the same couple as 288
(dated 1747 listed as Jean Dolbel and Anne Dowton of St Helier) - to
be investigated.
1089. NRS 1817. Nicolas Richardson; above the front door of La Ferme
Le Becquet, a hamlet off the road at La Route des Côte de Nord (St
1090. PR 1663 (in shield) ADM (the M being superimposed on the D) and
NRR 1839; multiple stone high up between two windows on the 2nd floor at
the rear of La Ferme Le Becquet, La Route des Côte de Nord (St Mt).
Identified by Chris Blackstone in St Martin, Jersey: The Story of an
Island Parish (Phillimore 1999) as Nicolas Ralph Richardson and his
mother Abigail Dumaresq. Also commemorates Philippe Richardson who may
have built an earlier house on the site.
1091. Ab LG 1649 Abraham Le Geyt;
- on steps of south wing of Fernhill, La
- Grande Route de Mont à l'Abbé (St H).
- 1092. IMR EM 1726.
- The only close match I can find in
- the registers of this period are Pierre
- Marett and Anne Messervy; rear
- wall of La Rigondaine, La Rigondaine
- (G).
1093. N.PC M.A.PP 1830; Nicolas Perchard (seaman) fils Thomas &
Marie Ann Pepin fils Philippe m. (St S) 20.11.1866. Nicolas and his wife
have actually committed a historical fraud with this datestone. The difference
in the styles of lettering between the initials and the date indicate that
the original 1830 owners (whose initials would have been raised) have had
their initials erased and this couple added their own, in a much more modern
style. La Rigondaine, La Rigondaine (G).
- 1094. IDLM IAN 1831 - but may be FDLM IAH 1831, given the date of this
stone (too faint to be photographed) this is probably the couple whose
initials were removed from 1093 above. Having searched the registers,
the only close match I can find is François de la Mare and Jeanne
Esther Ahier - first child, François bap. (G) 1821; far right hand
side of front wall of La Rigondaine, La Rigondaine (G).

- 1095. CAB ADP 1778; Clement Aubin and Anne Du Parcq m. (G) 21.11.1729.
La Ville ès Philippes, La Rue ès Philippes (G).
1096. G(not C)MG 1874. George Mauger;
1871 Census Reference St Helier District 49: Folio 94: Page 14 - George
was married to Isabella and had a 4 year old son George Edward Mauger;
coach arch keystone on outbuildings at St Claire House, Mont Cochon (St
- 1097. AWC (entwined hearts) JPK 1955, Anthony Welford Carter m. Dunstable
(Beds) 3.9.1955 Joan Patricia Kerry, gatepost at La Hurette, La Rigondaine
1098. MGB (heart) SGV 1805. Moise
Gibaut of Grouville and Sara Gavey of St Saviour m. (St S) 10.1.1793. Former
lintel, now broken and incorporated in the roadside wall between Beechwood
and RockView, La Rocque (St C).
- 1099. PAM 1826. Philippe Amy; in wall at the entrance to Le Câtillon
de Bas, La Route du Câtillon (G) - see The
Amy Family of Le Câtillion de Bas.
- 1100. removed to 605.
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