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Please note: the original Arranged by Surname
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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903
| 904-949 | 950-999
| 1000-1050 | 1051-1100
| 1101-1150 | 1151-1200 | 1201-1250 | 1251-1300
| 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
As these entries have come in after the completion of the original index,
so the pages are out of alphabetical order. However, the names have also
been added to the Surnames Index.
- 1151. JL.PP Survs. 1831; Churchwardens' stone in the wall of St Lawrence
Parish Churchyard.
- 1152. E.DN J.MG. Survs.1862. Churchwardens' stone in the wall of St
Lawrence Parish Churchyard.
- 1153. J.MG F.G. D Survs 1863; Churchwardens' stone in the wall of St
Lawrence Parish Churchyard.
- 1154. J.GB P.GLC Survs. 1864; Churchwardens' stone in the wall of St
Lawrence Parish Churchyard.
- 1155. P.VT. P.S.MG. SURVs 1887; Churchwardens' stone in the wall of
St Lawrence Parish Churchyard.
- 1156. J.P.PR: E.VB SURVs 1899; Churchwardens' stone in the wall of
St Lawrence Parish Churchyard.
- N.B. pictures and identifications from 1151-1156 moved to Ecclesiastical Stones.
1157. INM MMS 1803. James Norman of St Saviour & Marie Messervy
of Grouville m. (St S) 1.7.1772; first storey of main house at Le Vielle
Davisonniere, La Route de La Hougue Bie (St S).
- 1158. INM 1811; James Norman - window lintel on dower wing at Le Vielle
Davisonniere, La Route de La Hougue Bie (St S).
1159. INM EGD 1819; James Norman of St Saviour and Esther Gaudin of
St Martin m. (St H) 20.7.1811- roadside garden entrance at Le Vielle Davisonniere,
La Route de La Hougue Bie (St S) - marriage found by Pam
1160. P.F.F.O L.M.C. 1912; Philippe François
Frémont Ozouf and Louise Mary Corbin m. St Thomas' R.C. Church (St
H) 26.11.1881. Lintel in outbuildings to mark the purchase of Le Tapon,
La Rue du Tapon (St S), where the Ozoufs had previously been tenants.
P.F.F.O L.M.C.
1928, the Ozouf empire grows! Lintel in outbuildings to mark the purchase
of Highstead, La Rue du Tapon (St S).
1162. P.F.O. & F.E.O. 1993. Philip Francis Ozouf and his brother
Francis Edward Ozouf (grandsons of the above couple). No. 5 Endesley Court,
La Rue du Tapon (St S). Erected to mark the completion of the development
of this small estate between the two Ozouf farms.
- 1163. N.DF A.LR 1870. Lintel over the door to the left hand side wing
of Les Noyers, Jersey Zoo (T) - see Les
Noyer Page.
1164. NDF EHC. 1796. Old lintel incorporated in the wall of the right
hand side wing - see Les Noyer Page.
- 1165. EDM.EDC.1732. Elie Dumaresq fils
- Elie (see below) m. (St O) 1.3.1703/4 Elizabeth de
- Carteret fille Jean; Les Augrès (T) now part of Jersey
- Zoo - contributed by Pam
Hislop. This couple
- left another stone on an arch at Les Augrès - see 133.
- The arms of Payn (three trefoils in a shield) appear
- above for Elie's grandmother Jeanne Payn (m. Elie
- Dumaresq fils Abraham).
1166. EDM. FSDC 1682. Elie Dumaresq
- fils Elie and Françoise de Carteret m. 1680,
- above a fireplace at Les Augrès (T) now part
- of Jersey Zoo. 1682 was when their son Elie
- (see 1165) was born. The 'DM' of Dumaresq
- has now been lost and this is the only instance
- I have seen so far of syllabic spelling of a
- Christian name - 'FS' for Françoise. Identifications
- from Joan Steven's 'A Short History of Augrès
- Manor': Published by the Jersey Wildlife Preservation
- Trust.
1167. G.LSL R. LSL 1745. George & Rachel Le Seeleur
m. (St S) 15.5.1734; Les Landes, Mont des Landes (St Mt). Marriage from
Pam Hislop.

1168. PHM 1819. Hamon; recycled lintel at Ville Emphrie, La Ville Emphrie
(St L).
J.R.LMT 1892. John Ricard Le Montais; arch capstone
at Greystones, La Rue Coentyn (St O) - see also 607.
- 1170. EJLB.ACLC. LE COIN 1911. Elie Joseph Le Blancq and Augusta Cordelia
Le Cerf m. (St S) 15.7.1868; four gateposts at Le Coin, Le Coin (St O)
- contributed by Guy Le Blancq
who points out that this must be retrospective as Augusta Cordelia Le Cerf
died in 1885 - see also 154 and
- 1171. CLM 1822; field gatepost on La Grande Route de St Ouen, between
the garage and the Parish Hall (see far left).
- 1172. ER (heart) ILP 1760, the L and P are combined. Mons Edouard Ricard
fils François of St Ouen (H.M. Receiver-General) and Jeanne Lemprière
of Trinity m. (St S) 23.1.1736/7; on arch stones at Le Marais (St O) -
from George Croad's book 'A Jersey Album'.
- 1173. ER (entwined hearts carved upside down) ILP 1741, this stone
has been discarded as it contains errors and was placed upside down below
a window. As with the above, the L and P are combined but have been misformed
as a B, at Le Marais (St O) - from George Croad's book 'A Jersey Album'.
1174. TDLH. ERN. 1796; Thomas de la Haye and Esther
Renouf m. (St Mt) 2.4.1760; centre of first storey at La Grange, Rue de
la Godillierie (T).
1175. J.LS.GLC. A.J.P.1920. John Le Sueur Gallichan
of Trinity and Anna Jane Priaulx of St Ouen; outbuildings at Le Hurel,
Trinity Road (T). Five generations of John Le Sueur Gallichans have now
lived here!
1176. EGD EGD 1811; Elie and Elizabeth
Gaudin m. (St S) 17.3.1793; St Agathé, La Grande Rue de la Côte,
Archirondel (St Mt).
1177. PBN JLB 1830. Philippe Benest
and Jenny Le Bas m. (St B) 23.6.1825; about one foot from ground level
to the left of the door from conservatory to house at La Haule House Residential
Home, Rue de L'Isle (St B) - from Frank Le Blancq.
- 1178. INC IPL 1770. Jean Nicolle & Jeanne Pallot t.d. St Martin
m. (St C) 6.2.1765; lintel cut too small and never used, leaning against
steps of derelict wing at Le Côtil (St Mt).
1179. INC MLT 1821. Jean Nicolle of St Martin and Marie Le Tub(e)lin
of St Helier m. (St H) 14.3.1807; painted over lintel at Le Côtil
(St Mt).
- 1180. P.BN. I.N. SVL (Surveillants) 1848; on the Poor Box to the right
of the main entrance to Trinity Parish Churchyard (T) - moved to Ecclesiastical Stones.
- 1181. FAM EAM 1620; Le Câtillion de Bas (G).
- 1182. PAM EAT 1834; Philippe Amy of Grouville and Elizabeth Anthoine
of St Saviour; Le Câtillion de Bas (G) - from Pam
- 1183. PAM MML 1805. Philippe Amy and Marie Mallet m. (St H) 12.5.1804;
Le Câtillion de Bas (G).
- 1184. PAM MML 1818; Le Câtillion de Bas (G) - see The Amy Family of Le Câtillion de Bas
for photographs of 1181-1184.
- 1185. removed to 368.
1186. PGB 1807; Philippe Gibaut of Mainland (St L). In the wall at
the Bel Royal end of La Rue de Haut, bordering Le Clos du Val (St L).
1187. EDQ (heart) MPC 1771. Elie de Quetteville and Marthe Perchard
m. (St Mt) 19.5.1756. Lintel at the rear of Le Câtillon, Rue des
Charrieres (St Mt) - see also 136
891 and 1188.
- 1188. JGD (entwined hearts) MAP
- 1834. Jean Gaudin of St Martin and Marie
- Asplet of Grouville m. (St H) 12.2.1829. Lintel
- on the front of Le Câtillon, Rue des Charrieres (St Mt) - see
also 136 891
and 1187. Formerly incorrectly described at 145.
- 1189. IR 1743; Judith Ricard, who purchased the property in 1742. Manor
Farm, Route du Manoir (St P).
- 1190. GFB dGC 1916; Guy Fortescue Burrell de Gruchy; Noirmont Manor,
Belcroute Hill (St B) marks the conversion of a tackle room in the outbuildings
to a store for an electricity generator of his own design.
- 1191. PPP 1644 wife's name erased; on shield background. Pipon; at
Noirmont Manor, Belcroute Hill (St B).
- 1192. ALG (heart) EAH 1718 Abraham Le Geyt and Elizabeth Ahier m. (St
S) 17.3.1716. Le Geyt Farm (St S) demolished in the1970s - 1187 to 1192
contributed by Guy Dixon.
1193. LMR 1730 with three fleur-de-lys; Laurens Marett who m. Ann de
La Perrelle (St J)
- reused lintel on south side first
- storey at Les Ormes, La Rue
- de la Chesnaie (St J).
- 1194. IBD; Jean Baudains
- (?) west side at first storey
- of Les Ormes, La Rue de la
- Chesnaie (St J).
1195. MYT (entwined hearts) MVN 1997; Marc Yates and
Michaela Van Neste - over kitchen door of Les Ormes, La Rue de la Chesnaie
(St J).
1196. The most modern stone of the collection and also a favorite.
J (acorn) A (acorn) C (acorn) E (rose) 1999; Marc Yates' children (acorns
- boys and a rose for a girl) on a garden lintel at Les Ormes, La Rue
de la Chesnaie (St J).
JRA (entwined hearts) LSA 1963; James Ronald Allan
and Lesley Stephen Alexander Thomson (commemorated under her married name),
front porch at La Porte (St J) which was restored that year.
1198. TLS AMB 1991; (Senator) Terence Le Sueur and Angela Marjorie
Bennett m. (St H) 22.8.1968, present owners of La Porte (St J) - on extension
at rear. For older stones on this property see above and 350
424 681.
T.MG (entwined hearts) MA.DCT 1904. Thomas John Mauger
( a stone dresser) fils Thomas Jean Mauger of St Lawrence (a seaman) and
Mary Anne de Carteret (a dressmaker) fille Philippe of St John (a fisherman)
m. (St H) 20.4.1899; Greystones (St My).
1200. TAB EDC (no date) second storey of Mon Plaisir (St My) - see
also 847.
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