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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600
| 601-700 | 701-800
| 801-903 | 904-949
| 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
- 301. IDG.ILP.1744. at Le Câtel (T) is a misreading of the stone
at 302!
302. IDG.ILQ.1744. Jean de Gruchy m. Jeanne Le Quesne (T) 18.11.1730;
Le Câtel (T). Photograph © Walter Le Quesne.
- 303. IDG.MDF.1751. de Gruchy; La Pièce Mauger (T) - this is
a misreading of TDG.MDF 1751 see 1079.
- 304.
IDG.MSV.1820. Jean de Gruchy and Marguerite Syvret;
Le Carrefour, La Rue Mahier (St My) - see also 820.
305. IDGC. JDGC.1855. Jean and Jeanne de Gruchy; lintel
over barns at La Chasse, La Profonde Rue (T) - see also 126
- 130 297
306. IDL.IAL.1773. Jean Dallain and
Judith Alexandre m. (St B) 17.12.1753; The Oaks, Route de Beaumont (St
307. IDL.EDL.ADL.1838. At La Fontaine, Ville à
l'Eveque (T).
308. IDL.IB. Jean Dallain and Judith de Bosquet/Bauget (not Bauche)
m. (St L) 11.10.1699; The Oaks, Route de Beaumont (St P) from Michele Gayler (reference: The Dallain
Family of Jersey by Henry Coutanche CIFHJ).
- 309. IDL.ILG.1778. Jean de la Lande m. Jeanne Le Gros (T) 21.7.1772;
lintel over blocked up doorway to the east extension at La Chasse, La Profonde
Rue (T) - see also 126 130 297 305.
IDLC.1795. Jean de
La Cour; Le Marinel (St J).
311. IDLL.EGF.1812. Jean de la Lande of Trinity and Elizabeth Godfray
of St Helier m. (St L) 14.11.1803; Rose Farm, Parcq du Cadoret, Ruettes
Pinel (St H).
- 312. IDM.EDC.1739. Jean Dumaresq and Elizabeth de Carteret whose first
child was bap. (St My) 1717. Marriage not found as there is a gap in the
registers between circa 1705 and 1730; Les Colombiers (St My).
- 313. IDM.IPR.1824. Jean Dumaresq m. (St C) 8.9.1800 Jeanne Pirouet
(both of Grouville); Fauvic Farm, La Rue de Fauvic (St C) - see also 1532.
314. IDN.AF.1771 (retrospective).
Jourdain Denize m. Ann Fiott; window lintel at Manoir du Fief ès
Neveux, Clos du Fief, Mont Felard (St L).
315. IDN.FLCMN.1581 (retrospective).
Jacques Denize m. Françoise Le Cheminant; window lintel at Manoir
du Fief ès Neveux Clos du Fief, Mont Felard (St L).
- 316. IDN.MDSC.1670 (retrospective). Jean Denize m. Marie de Ste. Croix;
over the dower wing entrance at Manoir du Fief ès Neveux Clos du
Fief, Mont Felard (St L) - permanently in shadow and hard to photograph.
- 317. IDN.MGB.1825 (retrospective). Jourdain Denize and Marie Gibaut
m. (St L) 11.7.1807; Manoir du Fief ès Neveux Clos du Fief, Mont
Felard (St L) - permanently in shadow and hard to photograph. All these
retrospective stones were cut for John Esnouf Denize, the last member of
the family to live here, early in the 20th Century. His own datestone is
recorded at 1551.
- 318. IDP.ELB.1825, & 1832. Jean du Pré m. Elizabeth Le Bas
(St P) 31.10.1812; Les Augerez Fm (St P).
319. IDP.F.1645 in a shield. Jean Dupré and Foy Arthur; large
arch capstone, now on an extension to the north side of Plaisance (St My).
320. IDP.SR.1675 in a shield. Jean Dupré and Sara
Renaut m. circa 1660; another displaced arch keystone, well hidden under
trailing plants on outbuildings next to the pigsties at Plaisance (St My).
321. IDSX.MB.1662. The X is tiny
and attached to the top right hand side of the S. Jean de Ste Croix and
Marie Briard m. (St H) 27.5.1655 (not 1665). Le Trésor, Ville ès
Gazeaux (St L). Alternative picture available at Société
Jersiaise Photographic Archives, Architecture Section Catalogue 13a 11.
322. IDV.ENM.1815. Jean de Veulle of St Clement m. (St C) 11.11.1792
Elizabeth Norman of Grouville; Les Tours Farm, La Grande Route de Ste Clement
(St C).

- 323. IEAN PAYN, MARIE PAYN. PP.FP.IP.1635 Jean and Marie Payn and their
sons (all baptised in Grouville) Jean (23.6.1619), Philippe (3.10.1623)
and François (28.2.1625/6) and Payn Coat of Arms; Le Manoir des
Prés, La Cache des Prés (G). Drawn by Charles Stevens
from Old Jersey Houses Vol I ©. See 1316
& 1317 for modern stones on this property.
IEC.1661. Plaque (too
clean to be contemporary?) over the front door at the old house at Highcliff
(which is now a seperate dwelling called La Maison du Becquet), Les Nouvelles
Charrierres (St J) - see also 528.
- 325. IEC.1699. On stone weight of 101 lbs. at The Museum (St H). This
is an incorrect description of the stone at 1323.
- 326.
IEL.1680. From Beauverd Farm , La Rue du Poivre (St
J) but no longer visible.
- 327. IEN.IAH.1753. Jean Esnouf and Jeanne Ahier m. (T) 26 .11.1749;
lintel completely covered by wysteria at Alphington House (formerly La
Maison du Moulin de Pol) (St S) - see also 192.
Identification contributed by Pam
328. IF.1646. Jacques Filleul; Fauvic (G).
- 329. IF.1659. Jean Fautrat; Handois (St L).
- 330. IF.EF. Jean Fautrat and Elizabeth Fondan; fireplace, Handois (St
331. IF.RA.1740, and 1750; Jean Falle and Rachel Ahier m. (St S) 8.6.1735;
the stone dated 1740 has no initials attached. Val Feuillu, Rue de la Hambie
(St S).
- 332. IFCB.MAJN. 1852. Jean François Cabot, a grower, (21) fils
Jean Cabot de Croiserie (T) m. 10.5.1846 (T) Mary Ann Journeaux (20 1/2)
fille Philippe Journeaux of Trinity; gatepost, now cut in half and used
as the corbel supports in the main fireplace at Les Ifs (T) see also 279 647
818 & 819.
- 333. IFR.1846. Jean Ferey; Fontaine
de Gallie lavoir (St Mt).
- 334. IG.1819. Jean Godfray; Les Grandes Rues (St Mt).
- 335. IG.1678. Gruchy; Crossbow House (T).
- 336. IG.EAM.1786. Josué Graut m. Elizabeth Amy (St C) 6.3.1774;
La Rigondaine (G).
337. IG.EF.1741. Jean Gavey fils Gedeon of St Helier & Elizabeth
Falle of St Saviour m. (St H) 27.1.1720; Patier Lodge, Patier Lane (St
338. IG.JVP.1834. Jean Grault of St Clement & Jeanne Valpy of St
Saviour m. (St C) 13.12.1817; Greenhill, Samares (St C).
- 339.
IGC (two hearts).MST.1830. At Beaupré near Brooklyn
(St Mt). The correct description of this stone is at 1034.
- 340. IGD.1641; Mont Pellier (T) - see The
Mont Pellier Page.
341. IGD.EGD.1739. Jean Godel of St John m. Esther Godel of St Lawrence
(St J) 27.2.1732; Les Chasses Cottage, Rue du Servais (St J). It may also
be of interest that this property has behind it a stone reputed to mark
the centre of the Island.
342. IGD.IHM.1738. Jean Godel and
Judith Hamon t.d. St Lawrence m. (St H) 22.4.1737; Ville ès Gros
(St L) - see also 16 902 and 1269.
343. IGD.MRS.1764. Jacques Grandin m. Marie Richardson
(T) 21.6.1741; Shady Cottage, Rue Becq, Augrès (T) - photograph
courtesy of Georgia Le Maistre ©.
IGD.MSV.1761. Jean
Grindin and Marguerite Servant m. (St My) 17.12.1752; lintel, now in a
fireplace at Maupertuis Farm, La Grande Rue (St My).
IGF.EGF.1730. Jean
Godfray fils Thomas and Elizabeth Godfray fille Jean m. (St Mt) 19.5.1717;
La Hurette, La Rue de la Bergerie (T) - see also 399.
346. IGF.FVP.1735. Jean Godfray and
FrançoiseValpy t.d. St Martin m. (T) 26.10.1718; La Fèverie,
La Grande Route de Maufant (St S).
- 347. IGLC.1834. J. Gallichan; on trough, Bouley
Bay Hill lavoir (T).
IGLC.SGLC.1742. Jacques
Gallichan and Susanne Gallichan m. (T) 25.6.1730; Mon Caprice (T).
- 349. IH.1617. Bailiff Jean Herault; La Palloterrie (St S).
- 350. IH.1666. Jean Hue (gent.) who m. Demlle Philippine Le Geyt (St
H) 17.10.1669; on fireplace at La Porte (St J) but too faint to be photographed.
For other stones on this property see 424
681 1197
& 1198. Marriage from Henry Coutanche.
- 351. IHC.IAL.1786. This stone begins with an 'A' and has been moved
to 1369.
- 352. IHD.1619. Near La Vieille Maison, La Hougue Bie (G).
353. IHL.CLF.1728, with IVB. Jean Huelin m. Catherine
Le Feuvre (St L) 29.1.1726/7 and possibly Jean Vibert (who married Rachel
Pipon) and acted as godfather to their son Jean Huelin in 1731; Rachel
Pipon was godmother. Behind the reception desk at Les Charrières
Hotel, Rue des Charrières (St P).
354. IHL.FLB.1623. Jean Huelin and Françoise Le B(?); unfortunately
this stone predates the registers. In Room 27, Les Charrières Hotel,
Rue des Charrières (St P).
- 355. IHL.MLB.1827. At Beaumont cross-roads (St P); see 522.
IHM.E (not B)HM.1797.
Jean Hamon and Elizabeth Hamon m. (St J) 8.3.1772; Le Câtel, La Rue
des Landes(St J) not Trinity.

357. IHP.1774. Jean Hooper; corbel on the right of the main house at
Le Boulivot (G), now partly covered by guttering. The left corbel contained
MGF but is also covered up. Jean Hooper m. (St C) 17.11.1770 Marie Godfray.
Photographs from the 1970s courtesy of Rodney Amy © - see also
182 183 1395
and below. This Jean Hooper was a Churchwarden at Grouville - see 1390.
358. IHP.ISS =1803. Jean Hooper (1771-?) eldest son of Jean Hooper
& Marie Godfray (see above and below) and Jane Saunders Stephens, on
the barns at the rear of Le Boulivot (G) - see also 182
183 1395.
359. IHP.MGF.1785. Jean Hooper 1740-1801 (Constable of Grouville) and
Marie Godfray m. (St C) 17.11.1770, at Le Boulivot (G) - see also 182 183 1395.
360. IHQ.BHQ.1830. Jean Hocquard
and Betsy Hocquard - married as Elizabeth (T) 16.4.1794; on outbuildings
behind Greenfields, Rue du Pont (T) - see also 527
& 563.
361. IIN.1734 with an heraldic emblem
thought to be a prawn! Jean Journeaulx; displaced lintel now in a garden
arch at The Elms, La Cheve Rue (St My).
362. II (not IIV). Jean Janvrin; L'Ancienneté,
High Street, St. Aubin (St B); recurring as JJ 1819 (not IIV.1818) on the
harbour jetty.
- 363. IL.EL.PL.1718. Jean Laurens m. Elizabeth Luce (St L)10.7.1681,
with their son Philippe bap. (St L) 27.11.1695; Fernhill, La Grande Route
de Mont à l'Abbé (St H). A space was left to put the intials
of Philippe's subsequent wife - but it appears he never married.
IL. MFL. 1776; Jean Laugée fils Edouard and
MargueriteFleury m. (St H) 25.3.1776. Quay Bisson, the Bulwarks, St Aubin
(St B) - picture © Ray Le Pivert and identification by Winston Pinel..
365. Il y a plus de plaisir à pardonner qu'il
n'y a à se venger, 1823. Windsor House, Gorey Village (G).
- 366. ILB. Jeanne Labey, widow of George Collas (1746-76); St. Martin's
House (St Mt).
- 367. ILB.1794. Near Mechanic Lodge (St P).
- 368. ILB EHQ 1777. Jean Le Boutillier of St John and Esther Hocquard
of Trinity m. (St My) 16.6.1769; at Mont Pellier (T) - see The Mont Pellier Page for photograph.
From Le Binaud (T), now demolished.
ILB (upside down heart)
MLF.1775 plus 'Juin 9' below. Jean Le Brun fils Philippe and Marie Le Feuvre
fille Jean m. (St O) 15.12.1769; upside down in the front garden at La
Fragoniele, Le Coin (St O) - both this stone and the one at 381 came
from the same house that once stood here.
ILB.MMR.1737. Jean Le Boutillier & Marie Mourant
m. (St S) 26.10.1734; Alphington House (now known as Priors), La Chasse
Brunet (St S) - see also 61 & 62.
I(carved as a J)LB
: MRN (not M)1722. Jean Le Bailly and Marguerite Renouf m. (St My) 14.12.1701.Window
lintel at Wayside, La Rue des Bouefs (St My).
- 372. ILBLT (for ILBTL).1834. Jean Le Boutillier; on trough, Bouley Bay Hill lavoir (T).
373. ILBT.AS.1838. Jean Le Breton
(1805-1882) fils Jean (No. 374) m. (T) 8.2.1834 Anne Stark (1803-1879);
Le Vallon (T) - contributed by Margaret Le Breton.
374. ILBT.BALX.1807. Jean Le Breton
(1773-1819) fils Benjamin Snr. & Françoise Cabot m. (T) 30.5.1799
Betthey Alexandre (1781-1843); Le Vallon (T) - contributed by Margaret
Le Breton.
375. ILBTL.EDGC. 1814. Jean Le Boutillier
m. (T) 22.10.1796 Esther de Gruchy; Le Carrefour, Rue des Haies (T).
376. ILC.EA.1696. Jean Le Couteur m. Esther Arthur 1689; fireplace
Le Nord - now L'Auberge du Nord (St J). St John Marriage Jean Le Couteur
de St J et Esther Arthur fille de Jean Arthur de Ste Mie 17 Nov 1689 Burials
Esther Arthur veuve de feu Mr Jean le Couteur bur St J 13 Jan 1728. (Mr
Jean Le Couteur fs Phle bur 31 Jan 1719 might be her husband) - from Henry
Coutanche .
- 377. ILC.EFL.1757. Josué Le Cornu and Elizabeth Filleul m. (St
L) 2.2.1734; Clairmont, Mont Cochon (St H) contributed by Pam Hislop.
ILC.MGB.1767.Marie Gibaut femme Me. Josué Le
Cras bur. (St L) 21.3.1789, marriage not found. On first storey of main
house at La Ferme Martel, now Glencoe, La Grande Route de St Laurens (St
- 379. ILC.RDC.1765. Jean Le Cornu m. Rachel de Caen (St O) 30.1.1765;
Maison de Portinfer (St O) contributed by Michele
380. ILF.MDMR.1808. Jean Le Feuvre and Marie Dumaresq m. (G) 13.10.1801;
La Croix (G).
ILF(upside down heart)
SLB with 1753 (on the left) and May 10 (on the right). Jean Le Feuvre and
Susanne Le Brocq t.d. St Ouen m. (St My) 1.3.1746; displaced lintel on
the inside of the roadside wall at La Caumine, Le Coin (St O) both this
stone and the one at 369 came from the same house that once stood
382. ILFL.CBS.1858. Jean Laffoley
fils Pierre m. Caroline Bisson fille Jean (St L) 3.1.1858; lintel at the
front of Le Tresor, Ville ès Gazeaux (St L).
383. ILG (or C maybe?).1649. Arch
capstone on the barns behind Chestnut Farm, Quaisne (St B) - see also 901 & 903.

ILG.1662. Displaced
window lintel on the barns at La Hauteur, La Rue d'Aval (St Mt) - see also
171 and 1644-1646.
- 385. ILG.1806. Jean Langlois (b. 1770; Constable 1810-13, 1816-28);
Oaklands (St L).
ILG.ADC.1833. Josué
Le Gros of St Peter and Anne de Carteret of St Lawrence m. (St L) 16.2.1826.
Window sill plaque on the side of Belmont, Old Beaumont Hill (St P).
- 387. ILG.EDSX.1780. Jean Langlois m. Elizabeth de Ste Croix 1766; only
EDS 80 now survives on the right hand gatepost, the left hand gatepost
is incorporated into outbuildings facing the wrong way. Les Montagnes,
Chemin des Montagnes (St L).
- 388. ILG.ELF.1775; Le Pont (St Mt). This stone begins with a J not
an I - and can now be found at 1255.
389. ILG.ERN.1826. Jean Le Gros and
Elizabeth Renouf t.d. St Martin m. (St H) 21.4.1822. Lintel at Petit Coin,
Rozel (St Mt).
390. ILG.IBT.1720. Jean Le Geyt and
Jeanne Bertram m. (St S) 14.5.1718; La Guillaumerie Cottages (St S).
391. ILG.MH.1679. Jacques Le Geyt dit Maret and Marie Hue m. (St H)
1.11.1654; originally listed as Sunningdale, now part of the Uplands Hotel
Complex, New St John's Road (St H). Other stones from this building
can be found at 1117 & 1118.
ILG.RLC.1744 (over
the front door) shown, and 1746 (in a garden arch) overgrown. Jean Langlois
and Rachel Le Cras t.d. St Lawrence m. (St My) 17.7.1737; La Maison du
Mitan (formerly the middle house at Broadfields), Les Chanolles de Six
Rues (St L) - see also 831 .
- 393.
ILG.SLG.1727. Josué Le Gros and Sara Langlois
m. (St L) 29.1.1717/8; Handois (St L). This stone begins with a 'J' and
can be seen at 1087.
394. ILG.SRD.1802.Jean Le Gros & Susanne Rondel m. (St L) 1.5.1799,
Le Hurel Farm, La Ruette Pinel (St L) see also 944.
395. ILGL.SBP.1848. Jean Le Gresley and Susanne Blampied;
first storey window lintel at rear of Hampton Villa (St L).
- 396. ILI.1820. Jean Le Jeune who m. Esther Filleul (St C) 11.10.1834
t.d. St Clement; Ivy Stone Farm (St C) - this part of the building has
been demolished.
397. ILM.1619. Jean Le Manquais, who m. Anne La Cloche (St Mt) 7.12.1612;
Bandinel (St Mt).
398. ILM.1672. Jean Le Maistre; plaque or possibly part of the keystone
of an arch now on outbuildings at Milton Farm, La Rue Belin (St Mt) - see
also 405 and 799.
ILM.1719. La Hurette,
La Rue de la Bergerie (T) - see also 345.
400. ILM.1818. Le Marinel; St. Blaise (St J).
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