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Please note: the original Arranged by Surname
index has now been removed as it is out of date.
To search for a surname or house name use your 'FIND'
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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903
| 904-949 | 950-999
| 1000-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-1150 | 1151-1200
| 1201-1250 | 1251-1300
| 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
As these entries have come in after the completion of the original index,
so the pages are out of alphabetical order. However, the names have also
been added to the Surnames Index.
- 1000. IA EH 1674 Josué Ahier (Rector of St Lawrence), fils Guyon
Ahier & Sara Romeril & Elizabeth Hamptonne, fille Laurens Hamptonne
(Lieutenant Bailiff of Jersey) & Sara Hamptonne, m. circa 1654; the
restored Colombier at Hamptonne Country Life Museum (St L). Updated by
Pam Hislop. Picture moved
to Colombiers Page.
1001. C.T. E.M. 1814; Clement Touet (1775-1850) fils Jean Touet &
- Nicolle, Sea Captain, Centenier in 1826 and later Constable of St Clement
- -39 m. (St C) 5.4.1806 Elizabeth Monami (1784- 1825) fille Jean Monami
- Marguerite Le Clercq; plaque above the front door at The Priory, between
- Priory Inn and the Parish Church (St C). The couple had two daughters
- Elizabeth, the first only lived from1807-08, the second arrived in
1814. Clement
- married again (St C) 17.8.1826 to Elizabeth Nicolle and Anne Elizabeth
- was born in 1830. There is also a weathered and now illegible plaque
in the road
- side wall which once read (in French) roughly:"It gives much pleasure
to forgive".
- It is reputed to have commemorated the ending of a feud between two
elderly sisters
- who shared the house after Captain Touet's time and who had fallen
out as young
- women. Maybe it was these two half-sisters? Legend courtesy of Mrs
Edna Le
- Masurier.
1002. 1760 IMT (heart) EAL; Jean Mattingley of St Martin and Esther
Alexandre of St Saviour m. (G) 21.3.1743; above basement access door at
La Ferme de la Fontaine, Les Cabots (G).
1003. WS AH 1711. William Snow and Anne Hamon; High Street, St.Aubin
(St B). © Ray Le Pivert
1004. 17: IPT ---: 94, a defaced (removal of spouse ?) stone; Jean
Piton and (?), Mont du Boulevard, St.Aubin, (St B) opposite the Yacht Club
© Ray Le Pivert.
- 1005. deleted

AGF MSW (no date); Abraham Giffard and Marie Seward m. (St B) 15.7.1685;
individually and together on gable stones at Ivy Cottage, St Aubin (St
B). Photographic © Ray Le Pivert. Originally catalogued at 18 and 584.
- 1007. duplicated in error - see 508.
- 1008. deleted.
- 1009. removed to 863.
1010. RRR (single heart) ESM 1743.
Richard Romeril m. Esther Simon (St J) 14.5.1731; The Cottage, North Lynn
Farm, Rue de L'Eglise (St J).
1011. 17 JW (hearts) AIG 94; Jean William m. (St P) 29.3.1781 Anne
Ingouville; Wiltshire Place - opposite the Co-op at bottom of Beaumont
Hill (St P). 1003-1011 contributed by Ray Le Pivert.
1012. EDH (heart) SN 1734.
Elizabeth fille Edouard du Heaume & Susanne Noel bap. (St S) 18.6.1732
- godparents Jean Cook and Elizabeth Poingdestre; ony child recorded in
the registers - no marriage found. Originally described as being in the
blocked up doorway of derelict house near Chateau Clairval, Maufant (St
S) and taken from J.E.P. article by F. de Lisle Bois dated 3.6.1977 - now
in the garden wall of La Vielle Guilleaumerie (not derelict anymore!),
La Rue Guilleaumerie (St S).
1013. FGD (hearts) EFR 1802; François Gaudin and Elizabeth Fleury
t.d. St Peter m. (St S) 11.6.1795; No. 1 Villa Franco, Beaumont (St P).

1014. MG & AEDSC (tower below)1870;
Moise Gibaut and Ann Elizabeth de Ste Croix m. (St L) 30.6.1870. This was
Moise Gibaut third marriage out of four! The stone he erected for his second
wife is at 1538
and incorporates the same heraldic symbol from the Gibaut Crest (illustration
from Payne's Armorial of Jersey). Arch at rear of Bel Royal, formerly
at Mainland (St L).
1015. 19 B.L.H. (2 hearts) P.A.E. 90 Brian Le Herrissier
and Patricia Ann Eve built La S'gonde Solitude, La Fosse L'Ecrivan (St
S) in 1990. Lintel above window on right hand side of front door. S'gonde
is Jerrais for 2nd.
1016. 18 J.G.L. 45 19 La S'gonde Solitude, La Fosse L'Ecrivan (St S).
Lintel above window on left hand side of front door. Modern stone commemorating
the reputed builder of the original cottage, La Solitude, Josué
Gallie Laurens.
1017. A.E.W. 1884. Alfred Edwin
Walton and his wife Caroline (both from Yorkshire) can found in the 1891
Census Index living in St Martin (District 1 - Vingtaine de Rozel). The
Boat House, Rozel Harbour (T), so named as Walton built it to serve such
a purpose and it was converted to residential accomodation much later.
1018. JRS & JLS 1832 next to Fishermen's Rest,
Rozel Harbour (T).
1019. PPC (entwined hearts) EALS
1820. Philippe Perchard m. (St H) 25.9.1815 Elizabeth Anne Le Sueur of
St Saviour; La Plage Cottage, Rozel (T).
- 1020. 19 GPC ALM 95 Gary Paul Carroll & Allison Louise Mahony.
Date of restoration of La Vieille Etable, Rue de La Palloterie (St Mt).
- 1021. removed to 75.
1022.FAM DLS 1823. François Amy and Douce Le Seeleur m. (St
H) 23.3.1816; gatepost at La Maison de La Palloterie, Rue de La Palloterie
(St Mt) - not in the original position according to the current owners,
certainly it is facing the wrong way for the gatepost holes in it.
18 PBL FGF 12; Philippe (not Pierre) Billot m. (St
Mt) 27.3.1793 Françoise Godfray; above front door of Bon Aguil,
Rue de La Palloterie (St Mt) - spotted by Pam
1024. PBL (entwined hearts) JVT 1822; Philippe Billot and Jeanne Vautier
t.d. St Martin m. (St H) 3.9.1820; barn to rear of Bon Aguil, Rue de La
Palloterie (St Mt).
- 1025. LK EC 1957; Louis and Elizabeth Kidd (from 1961 Rate List and
early telephone directories) plaster wall at back of the house they named
Bon Aguil (formerly La Palloterie), Rue de La Palloterie (St Mt).
- 1026. moved to 443
- 1027. removed.
- 1028. IPC (heart) SGC 1789; lintel partly obscured by guttering therefore
no photograph. Jean Picot and Susanne Gruchy t.d. Trinity m. (St J) 19.10.1768
- Ville ès Norman, La Neuve Route (T).
1029. TNM (unfinished) 1770. Thomas Norman; first storey plaque at
Ville ès Norman Farm, La Neuve Route (T).
1030. IH1751 - Queensway House, Queen Street (St H).
1031. FCB 1808; Frederic de Chateaubriand. Lintel of main house at
Chateaubriand, Faldouet (St M) - identified by Pam
1032. CHB (upside down heart) EPL.1751. Clement Hubert and Elizabeth
Pallot t.d. St Martin m. (St Mt) 31.1.1732/3. Dower wing of Chateaubriand,
Faldouet (St M) - identified by Pam
- 1033. FAVT (two hearts) ILL. 1795, François Averty and Jeanne
Le Lievre t.d. St Clement m. (St S) 11.5.1789; La Soulardiere, La Rue de
Samarès (St C).
1034. GCB.MST 1830. Jean George Cabot of Trinity and
Marie Stark of St Martin m. (St H) 23.4.1814; Beau Pré, Rue des
Portirons (St Mt) - moved from 339.
1035. GAH 1785 Gedeon Ahier, unfinished stone at Le Petit Jardin, La
Rue St Thomas (St S) identification by Pam Hislop.
- 1036. deleted.
- 1037. deleted.
1038. JH.JJN 1843, (note the crooked 4). Josué
(Joseph) Hutchings of Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset, England m. (St H) 9.11.1834
Jeanne Journeaux; Paul Mill Cottage, Grands Vaux (St S).
1039. MR. ILVT 1821 window lintel, left hand side of Rock Bay, Green
Island (St C), moved from back door in 1992.
1040. GRP AB 1975 Geoffrey Russell
Pirouet and Anne Burns who married in 1975 although the house was altered
in 1992; window lintel, right hand side of Rock Bay, Green Island (St C).
1041. IPL. MHB 1731. Jean Pallot
fils Nicollas & Marie Hubert fille Philippe t.d. St Martin m. (St Mt)
1.5.1706; La Palloterie Farm, Rue de La Palloterie (St Mt).
- 1042. MNC AE 53 1797; a displaced Nicolle gravestone (probably from
Trinity) in the garden wall of Old Farm, Mont au Prêtre (St H). AE
53 = aged 53 and 1797 = date of burial. See also 115
and 540.
- 1043. removed to 837.
1044. AAJ LAH 1939 Albert Auguste Leon Jeanne & his wife (identified
by Jean Arthur); Brookside, Rue de Hucquet (St Mt).
1045. 19 CPB (heart) L DE.G 48 Charles Philippe Billot
m. (St Mt) 2.12.1925 Lillian Maud de Gruchy, Holmdale, La Rue de la Ville
Brée (St Mt) (see also 638
and 1046).

- 1046. TBL . S O/C or G? (partly obscured
- by extension) boxed in, could be Thomas
- Billot fils Edouard m. (St Mt) 2.12.1691 Sara
- Germain bur. (St Mt) 3.10.1719 - no issue.
- Thomas Billot m. 2 (St Mt) 4.2.1719/20 Elizabeth
- fille Philippe Perchard de la Ville Brée - issue. Elizabeth
- (St Mt) 8.10.1745 and Thomas bur. (St Mt) 12.2.1757.
- Rear of Holmdale (formerly La Gaupette) at floor level,
- La Rue de la Ville Brée (St Mt) (see also 638
and 1045).
- For those who cannot pick it out the symbol is drawn out
- (very badly!) on the left of the text.
1047. NDG 1789 rough stone, upside down in warehouse wall, Payn Street
(St H).
- 1048. PMR (unusually 2 hearts pierced with an arrow) MJ 1834 Philippe
Mourant and Marie Jennes, marriage not found but their only child Marie-Ann
was bap. (G) 8.9.1833; gatepost at La Ville ès Philippes, La Rue
ès Philippes (G).
- 1049. 16 IS 42 Bank of Wales, Broad Street (St H).
- 1050. 18.ELS.20 Le Sueur, Fairfield, Rue Durell (T) see also 1051.
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