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Please note: the original Arranged by Surname
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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300
| 301-400 | 401-500
| 501-600 | 601-700
| 701-800 | 801-903
| 904-949 | 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
m. indicates the marriage date of the couple commemorated.
As all the entries from 904 have come in after the completion of the
original index, the pages are out of alphabetical order, but the names have
also been added to the Surnames Index.
- 950. PHB PAG 1963 Peter Henry Bisson m. Castel, Guernsey 31.10.1963
Patricia Anne Guille, chimney at Poplar House (the modern property), La
Route Orange (St B) - contributed by Estelle Egglishaw (née Bisson).
951. IBS CLBTL 1868 Jean Bisson &
- Charlotte Le Boutillier, in Tea Room Garden
- at Poplars, La Route Orange (St B) - this
- house has been in the Bisson family since
- 27.5.1690 and the present owner still has the
- original parchment deeds of this date.
- Contributed by Peter Henry Bisson and
- Estelle Egglishaw (née Bisson) - see also 984-986
952. IBP ICB 1762 Jean Blampied (of
- St Mary) m. (St My) 9.1.1753 Jeanne Cabot
- of St Brelade; rear of La Garenne Cottage, La
- Rue du Bocage (St P) - contributed by
- Mike Dodd.
953. FDLM JEAH 1819; François de la Mare m.
(St C) 17.11.1814 Jeanne Elizabeth Ahier; on stable at Le Coin, Rue du
Coin (G).
954. IVD 1782 on the wall of Hérupe Farm, Le Chemin de Hérupe
(St J).
- 955. IVD 1793, once a gatepost, now part of raised flower bed border
in front garden of Hérupe Farm, Le Chemin de Hérupe (St J).
956. JGLC.MBP 1869; Jean
- Gallichan & Marie Blampied, lintel over
- front door (now at rear of house) at Hérupe
- Farm, Le Chemin de Hérupe (St J).
- 957.
JGLC (entwined hearts) SLS left gatepost & 1878
right gatepost; Jean Gallichan fils Jean (No. 956) & Sophie
Le Sueur fils Jean (of Le Hurel Farm, Trinity) m. (T) 13.6.1872; at rear
of Hérupe Farm, Le Chemin de Hérupe (St J).
958. J.LP : S.L.GLC. 1905; Josué Lemprière
& Sophia Laura Gallichan (fille Jean No. 957) extension to side
of Hérupe Farm, Le Chemin de Hérupe (St J) - 954 to 958
contributed by Eileen Simmonds.
DL (entwined hearts)
CJD 1996. David Lyons and Coleen Jane Doyle lintel marking the date of
the east extension at the Lindens, La Rue du Poivre (St J).
960. 19 DAH (entwined hearts) DMG 69.
D.A. Haithwaite; Mon Plaisir, Rue des Haies (St J).
- 961. 1881/St Jean./Ph. Neel./Connétable./Trinité/ A.
Messervy/ Connétable. Parish Boundary Stone on Rue des Haies - see
Official Stones.
- 962. CGC 1802; Charles Gruchy, Les Prairies Cottage, Rue des Haies
963. CG.EG.(?)G 1734. Charles and Elizabeth Gruchy m. (T) 7.4.1734;
La Cremerie, Rue des Haies (T).
964. removed.
- 965. IP MP 1744 roadside wall of Highfield, La Pouquelaye (St H)- a
large property now divided up - see also 458
for a photograph of the lintel at
- Highfield Lodge.
- 966. IP MP 1744 Highfield Place, La Pouquelaye, behind main building
(St H).
- 967. ILG 1757. Josué Le Gros, owner at the time; on barn at
Handois Manor (St L) - see also 1087.
- 968. Milestone at Rozel (T) - see Milestones
Page. 4 / 1838 / TGLC / Conn-ble / JPC / JDR / Cent-r / Mem-r / GLB
- 969. Milestone at Rozel Bay (T) - see Milestones
Page. 6 / 1838 / TGLC / Conn-ble / Mem-r / GLB / JDR / PLM / PDG / POM
970. IPC (entwined hearts) SCB 1829. Jean Picot and
Susanne Cabot t.d. Trinity m. (T) 20.12.1821; Sion Cottage, Sion (St J).
1626 TLP Thomas Lemprière fils Michel Lemprière
Seigneur of Diélament m. Rachel Sarre, sole heiress of Edouard Sarre
Seigneur of Boutevillon and owner of Maison St Jean, in 1594 - grandparents
of No. 410. Thomas was Seigneur
of Augrès, Constable of St John (1597-1612) and a Jurat (1617-1645).
Now upside down in wall to right of old front door at Maison St Jean (St
972. (left) 19 RB. NB 77 Russell Bell and his wife. Arch to
rear of Maison St Jean (St J); crowned by a medieval head found in the
973. FK. DM (entwined hearts) MT. LG 1830. The 'K' of
Frederick and the 'T' of Marguerite are smaller than the other letters
and raised; Frederick Dumaresq and Marguerite Le Geyt t.d. St Helier m.
(T) 1.6.1829. Presently in store at Hamptonne (St L) - a gift to the Jersey
Museums Service. From Elysee (St H) demolished to make way for the housing
estate of the same name. Photograph by Ray
Le Pivert, identification by Guy Dixon, location from
Jean Arthur.
- 974. removed as duplicated at 529.
- 975. see 727.
ANC 1809 (not 7) barn at rear of Les Sts. Germains
Fm. (St L) may commemorate Anne Nicolle - b. 28.10.1800 & bap. (St
L) 13.11.1800 - only child of Henry Nicolle & Anne Le Feuvre m. (St
L) 10.1.1799. 976 courtesy of Graeme Le Brun and identified by Henry
- 977. Milestone at Rozel (T). The top has been damaged, rendering the
number of miles illegible, it was 5 - see Milestones
Page. New / Rozel Road / 1838 / GB / P Le M / JTA / GB / TG / FG.
978. 18 Jn. Picot (left gatepost) Mayfield 81 (right
gatepost) John Picot commemorating alterations made in 1881 to Mayfield
(?), La Rue de la Petite Falaise (T).
- 979. Entry now removed to No. 5
due to an accidental duplication.
18 T.CB (entwined hearts)
E.BP 77 Thomas Cabot & Elizabeth Blampied; side entrance to Le Carrefour
, La Rue de Boulay (T) see also 854
and 981 - identified by Pam Hislop.
981. T.CB (entwined hearts) EDGC 1888.
Thomas Cabot (father of above) & Elizabeth de Gruchy m. (St H not T)
4.7.1830 (not 1840); lintel at Le Carrefour , La Rue ès Picots (T)
see also 854 and 980 -
identified by Pam Hislop and John Cabot.
- 982. DBP (heart) MFL 1734. Denis Blampied of Trinity and Marie Falle
of St Saviour m. (T) 28.3.1732; No. 2 Howard Davis Farm, La Rue Asplet
(T) which is actually around the back of Parkfields, part of the States
Experimental Farm (T).
983. 18 JAB ENC 40. Josué
Aubin of St Helier and Elizabeth Nicolle of Trinity m. (St H) 1.5.1813;
Parkfields, part of the States Experimental Farm complex (T).
- 984. IBS 1879 Jean Bisson, La Boutique, Poplars, La Route Orange (St
B) - contributed by Peter Henry Bisson see also 951.
985. AJBS SHL (no date) Alfred John Bisson (1844-1926) & Sophie
Huelin; cart shed at Poplars, La Route Orange (St B) - contributed by
Peter Henry Bisson - see also 951.
- 986. AJBS (no date) Alfred John Bisson (as above) in Tea Room Garden
at Poplars, La Route Orange (St B) - contributed by Peter Henry Bisson
- see also 951.
987. 18 GVB (heart) NLF 60, George
Vibert (blacksmith) fils Jean and Nancy Le Feuvre fille Edouard m. (St
O) 7.10.1843; Eastleigh, L'Etacq (St O).
- 988. HNC RLC (no date) Henry Nicolle & Rachel Le Cras of St Lawrence
m. (St J) 17.11.1765; upside down in the wall at rear of Les Sts. Germains
Fm. (St L) see also 581 737 975 & 976.
- 989. 19 PDLC (entwined hearts) MLB 77; Philip David Le Cornu and Mavis
Lydia Bichard; carved on apple crusher fixed to outside wall of Ashley
Court, La Rue Militaire (St J). This stone was erected when Philip Le Cornu
gave up cider making, it had been used in the process. The stonemason was
Herbie Coutanche, who passed away just before it was put up - see also
89 and 1127-28.
1881-1906 curved across
top, 1941 below, then P.LC (entwined hearts) J.S.P. on one line and 1931
below; wellhead in the grounds of the Jersey Electricity Company staff
quarters (on the site of a house known as La Pepinière) near junction
of Queens Road and La Pouquelaye (St H).

- 991.
M.J.V. N.K.d.l.H. single heart and 1995 below; Michael
John Vautier and Nancy Katherine de la Haye, extension and garage at Milestone
Cottage, Rozel Harbour (T). Their front wall contains the Milestone at
No. 969 (hence the name).
- 992.
IMR 1740; Jean Marett. Gatepost in field wall at Le
Clos Manqais, La Rue du Tapon (St S) - opposite wall contains a rougher
version IMR with no date.
993. 17 ILB (single heart) ELS 57; Jean Larbalestier and Esther Le
Sueur - first child, Jean, bap. (T) 1758. Notre Coin (formerly The Mount
Cottage), La Rue du Boulay (T).
- 994. deleted.
995. 1663 IM fleur-de-lys, keystone
on arch at Clos de la Porte, La Rue de Cambrai (T).
996. IRN (entwined hearts) IF 1819; Jean Renouf m. (St P) 11.4.1812
Jeanne Falle. Barn but formerly a house at L'Aleval Farm, La Rue L'Aleval
(St P).
997. J.BS (entwined hearts) B.LGL 1884. Bisson and Le Gresley. Directly
above lintel at Penryn Farm, La Rue Du Bechet es Cats (St J).
- 998. I.BS (entwined hearts) M.BS 1822; Jean and Marguerite Bisson,
first child, Jean, bap. (St J) 1820. Lintel at Penryn Farm, La Rue Du Bechet
es Cats (St J).

Arch, with JHL (enwined hearts)
on left stone, MARN on right stone and 1869 on keystone above. James Huelin,
a landed proprietor, (26) fils Jean of St Peter and Marie Ann Renault (16)
fille Jean of Trinity m. (T) 4.12.1858. Les Arches, La Rue Du Bechet es
Cats (St J).
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