Jersey Index Arranged by Surname (A-G)
| (H-L) | (M-Z)
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
- Other initials were recorded on lavoirs - spring fed communal
- places. Often developed or restored by local men who were heads of
- families in the Parish, or who had the right to use the lavoir, and
left their
- initials on a commerative piece of granite.
- This is the Fontaine de Gallie Lavoir
- on La Rue de Vaux de L'Eglise (St Mt).
- PVD Philippe Vardon
- NRN Nicolas Renouf - see also Datestone No. 617
- ALHQ Abraham Le Hucquet
- INC Jean Nicolle
- IFR Jean Ferey
- GSH George Sohier
- PDLM Philippe de la Mare
- ILVC Jean Le Vesconte
- GLHQ George Le Hucquet
- EVD Elie Vardon
- CP La Chapelle Méthodiste
- 1846
- Identifications by Joan Stevens
- Photographs © Alex Glendinning
- The Lavoir de St Cyr can be found next door to St Cyr itself,
below the road level at La Rue des Chenoles (St J).
- There is a limestone plaque in the granite wall which records that
a restoration that took place in 1813. It reads: "Noms des Personnes
qui dessous qui ont droit au douet et qui l'ont fait réédifié
dans l'Année 1813".
- All these people were near neighbours with rights to use the lavoir
- Left:
- D.RR. David Romeril of St Cyr
- P.GC. Pierre Gruchy of Hérupe Farm
- D.BS. Daniel Bisson of La Fougère and Rondin Farm
- J.CT. Jean Coutache
- S. MR. Simon Marett
- J.BS. Jean Bisson
- A.MR Abraham Marett
- E.BD. Elie Baudains
- N.GF. N. Giffard
- Right:
- E.MR. Edouard Marett
- N. AT. Noé Arthur
- J.DSC. Jean de Ste. Croix
- C.CT. Charles Coutanche
- P.GLC. Pierre Gallichan
- J.BD. Jean Baudains
- J.BS. Jean Bisson
- P.HT. Pierre Hotton
- P.GC. Pierre Gruchy
- Identifications by C.A.R. du Feu
- Photographs © Alex Glendinning
More about St
The Douet Fleury Lavoir is on private land on the edge of the
field Clos de la Lavardiere, Les Vallées (St Mt) just behind Le
Fleurion. The inscriptions are dated 1832 and appear on two stones placed
either side of the steps.
- Left:
- PLG - Philippe Le Gros
- PGD - Philippe Gaudin
- CPC - C. Picot - may be G. for George Picot
- TMSV - Thomas Messervy
- IML - Jean Mollet
- PHPC - unidentified - may be Philippe Perchard (?)
- below waterline
- 1832
- Right (as shown):
- EELS -
Edouard Elie Le Sauteur (see below)
- TAH - Thomas Ahier who married Rachel Vardon (St Mt) 15.1.1829
- EDQV - Elie de Quetteville
- PVD - Philippe Vardon
- CMSV - Charles Messervy
- GPC - George Picot
- below waterline
- TSH - Thomas Sohier
- Identifications by Joan Stevens, expanded by Alex Glendinning - Photograph
© Alex Glendinning
A message from Tony LeSauteur
dated November 15th 1999:
- Douet Fleury Lavoir
- EELS 1832 would be Edouard Elie Le Sauteur, Centenier of St.Martin,
born 1792, married to Jeanne Sohier. They lived on Rue Faldouët in
the Vingtaine du Fief de la Reine.
- A message from John
Vardon dated March 12th1999:
- 1. Fontaine de Gallie
- I believe the Phillipe Vardon referred to is a son of Louis
who was a Huguenot refugee from France. Phillipe was born 1788/79 in St
Trinity but by 1815 was living in St Martin. He married Rachel Cabot on
1 Feb 1812. In 1841 he was a shipbuilder, in 1851 a landed proprieter and
a farmer in 1861 - all referenced in the census.
- Elie Vardon is more difficult to identify. Or could it be Elias?
The best 'fit' I can get is Elie, (1804 - aft 1871) who lived at Ville
de L'Eglise in the mid 1800s. He married Anne Pallot in about 1828. The
above Phillipe was his uncle. He is my first cousin four times removed!
- 2. Douet Fleury Lavoir
- The Phillipe Vardon mentioned here could be the brother of the
above Elie. He married Jeanne De Gruchy in 1795. Rachel Vardon who
married Thomas Ahier was the first daughter of Phillipe referneced in 1.
- My family tree consists of about 300 Vardons most originating from
Jersey (or France if you count the original two brothers Louis and Nicolas)
and all related to Harry (Henry) Vardon the golfer.
The Bouley Bay Hill Lavoir is between the first
- second sharp bends on Charrières de Bouley (T). The
- stream (covered by a well-head) runs into a trough and
- the granite paved lavoir bed is now almost dried out.
- The inscriptions are on the trough and are dated 1834.
- Left:
- CGLC - Charles Gallichan
- INC - Jean Nicolle
- IMC - Jean Machon
- Right (as shown below):
- HNC - Henry Nicolle
- IGLC - Jean Gallichan
- 1834
- ILBLT (in error for ILBTL) - Jean Le Boutillier
- Identifications by Joan Stevens
- Photographs © Alex Glendinning

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