Les Pages Jèrriaises

La Langue au Dragon - The Dragon's Tongue

"Jé di et dithai qué jé sis
Wace dé l'île dé Jèrri"

Our first poet wrote, "Yes, this is me:
Wace from the island of Jersey"

Wace composit ses longs romans
en not' langage, tch'est du Nouormand.

Wace's tales in verse outstrung
were woven in our Norman tongue.

Les Nouormands 'taient des hoummes du Nord
tchi capuchaient à tigue dé corps.

Normans were Norsemen. From the North
forearmed for conquest they sailed forth.

I' vailîtent en batchieaux d'dragon
chèrgis d'lus haches et d'lus dgèrgon.

Their dragon ships slid up the beach:
they swung their axes, slung their speech.

I' gângnîtent la tèrre d'Nouormandie
épis i' vîntent gaffer Jèrri.

Their Duchy conquered, in a while
they came and nabbed our little isle.

Roman et Norrouais: touos ches mots
sont mêlés dans not' vièr lîngo.

Romance was mingled with some Norse
to blend our Jersey tongue, of course.

Chutte langue dé rînmeux et d'dgèrryi
nos fait danser, nos rempl'ye d'ordgi.

Though bards and warriors may have died,
we dance on still here, full of pride.

Qu'nou lanche lé Jèrriais - qu'i' tressonne!
Qu'nou tabouothinne! Qu'les dragons ronnent!

Let drumbeats rise, let dragons roar!
Sing out, set sail - let Jèrriais soar!

Geraint Jennings




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