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Text Version: 1-903 | Text Version:
904 onwards
Arranged by Stone | 1-100
| 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400
| 401-500 | 501-600
| 601-700 | 701-800
| 801-903 | 904-949
| 950-999 | 1000-1050
| 1051-1100 | 1101-1150
| 1151-1200 | 1201-1250
| 1251-1300 | 1301-1350
| 1351-1400
| 1401-1450 | 1451-1500
| 1501-1550
| 1551-1600
| 1601-1650
| 1651-1700
| 1701-1750
St Helier (St H) Trinity (T) Grouville (G) St Martin (St Mt) St Mary
(St My) St Brelade (St B) St John (St J) St Ouen (St O) St Saviour (St S)
St Clement (St C) St Lawrence (St L) St Peter (St P)
- 101. DL + B preceded by X. 1598 above, all inside a shield. Arch keystone,
possibly Dallain, like the other stones at La Chasse, Sion (St J) - see
514 670
and 899 - a cross reference
entry for this stone under X.
102. DLC. Beechleigh (St P).
- 103. DLS.1767. Daniel (not David) Le Sueur; No.6 Hue Street (St H).
A picture showing this stone in its original position is available at
the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture
Section Catalogue 13 a.22.
104. DLS.PHB.1775. Not a marriage stone, this remembers the merchants
Daniel Le Sueur and his business partner Philippe Hubert; Seale House,
9 Seale Street moved from No. 5 Hue Street (St H).
- 105. Incorrect description - now moved to 1265.
- 106. Douard Le Sueur. 1749; on beam at No.19 Hue Street (St H).
- 107. DPL.1706 and DPL.MRS.1728 and 1742; Mont Pellier (T) - see The Mont Pellier Page.
- 108. DPL.EGF. Mont Pellier (T) - see The
Mont Pellier Page.
- 109. DR. EFB.1726. Sundial, Shady Cottage, Augrès (T) - recorded
in 1985 but no longer there.
110. DVM.RAM.1754. Daniel Venement
and Rachel Amy m. (St C) 21.6.1752; lintel above front door at Beaumaris,
formerly Chambaid, Jambart Lane (St C) see also 98.
- 111. E. at Val au Bec (St P).
112. EAM (entwined hearts) EBP 1827.
Elie Amy and Elizabeth Blampied m. (T) 21.6.1819; first storey plaque on
the main house at Peacock Farm (now La Jardin Mure), divided into two properties,
La Rue de la Piece Mauger (T) - identification by Pam
112a. EAM (entwined hearts) EBP
1832 (not EAM 1832). Elie Amy and Elizabeth Blampied m. (T) 21.6.1819;
lintel on the east wing of Peacock Farm - now La Crespiniere, La Rue de
la Piece Mauger (T) - identification by Pam
- 113. EAT.1648. Estienne Anthoine; keystone from Rouen House, now at
Longueville (St S).

EAT.1675 (damaged corbel - no picture), and EAT.MAB.1675 (lintel); Estienne
Anthoine and Marthe Aubin, fille feu Daniel m. (St Mt) 21.8.1664; both
on the old house, now used as outbuildings, at Les Prés (St Mt).
Drawing © Charles Stevens.
115. EB.ALF.1712. Elie or Edouard
Bisson and Anne Le Feuvre? Old Farm, Mont au Prêtre (St H) - see
also 540 and 1042.
116. EB.AM.1812. Elie Bertram and Anne Mourant m. (St S) 6.7.1780.
Elie was Constable of Grouville 1795-98, 1805-08, and 1817; Homestead (G)
- contributed by Pam Hislop.
- 117. EBD.1813. Elie Baudains; St.
Cyr lavoir (St J).
118. EBD.SBD.1717. Baudains; Beaupré (St J) - see also 142
271 588
and 1256.
- 119. EBL.ARN.1891. Elie Billot and Anne Renouf m. (St S) 20.3.1884;
gatepost from La Porte (St S) - now in field opposite.
120. EBL (entwined hearts) EHM.1819. Edouard Billot of St John and
Elizabeth Hamon of St Lawrence m. (St H) 16.8.1815; Sunny Corner (St J).
- 121. EBS. 1742. (?) Bisson; Old Farm, Mont au Prêtre (St H).
122. EBS (reversed) 1884 (reversed).
Edouard Bisson; discarded arch capstone (dyslexic stonemason?) in the garden
at La Ruette, La Ruette (St L) - see also 640
and 788.
- 123. EBS.EBD.1615, with 1811 added; St. Lawrence's Rectory (St L).
124. EBT.SET. 1758. Elie Bertram and Susanne Estur m. (G) 13.11. 1722;
Homestead (G).
- 125. EC. I.Maret.1646. inscription at ground level to right of front
door at La Maison Maret
126. ECB. Lintel, now upside down just below the roof line on the south
facade of La Chasse, La Profonde Rue (T) - see also 130 297
305 309.
127. EdAH.EDVG.1842. Edouard Ahier of St John and Esther
Dauvergne of St Ouen m. (St J) 19.7.1806; London House, Le Mourier (St
- 128. EDG.EDQ.1807. de Gruchy and de Quetteville; La Chasse (St Mt).
129. EDH.BGL.1857 (not RGL) Edouard
du Heaume and Betsy Gallienne (not Gallichan) m. (St O) 31.5.1830; Millais
Villa (St O) - corrected by Ken Syvret.

130. EDL.EDG.1700. Initials
in a shield with date on either side, the 7 is reversed. Edouard de la
Lande and Esther de Gruchy m. (T) 10.2.1698; Lintel on the oldest part
of the house at La Chasse, La Profonde Rue (T) - see also 126 297 305 309.
- 131. EDL.MHM.1741. Elie Deslandes and Marie Hamon m. (St B) 26.9.1729;
La Courtinerie, Mont Cochon (St L).
132. EDM.1739. Elie Dumersq - at the Museum - see below.
133. EDM.EDC.1741. Elie Dumaresq fils Elie and Elizabeth
de Carteret fille Jean m. (St O) 1.3.1703/4; Les Augrès (T) now
part of Jersey Zoo - contributed by Pam
Hislop. This stone has now become so weathered as to be almost
indistinguishable but was drawn by Charles Stevens © for Vol. 1 of
'Old Jersey Houses' (see left from page 117) and a black and white
photograph appears in Joan Steven's 'A Short History of Augrès Manor':
Published by the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust. This couple left another
(previously unrecorded) stone on the west wing of the building - see 1165.
- 134. EDQV.1832. de Quetteville; Douet
Fleury lavoir (St Mt).
135. EDR.MLG (not C).1835. Elias Doré of St Peter Port (Guernsey)
living in St Mary and Mary La Gerche of St Mary m. (St H) 28.3.1832. Valley
Farm, Le Mourier (St My).
- 136. EDQ.MR 1717 (not EDRM.1747). Elie de Quetteville m. Marie Richardson
(St Mt) 2.10.1708; Le Catillon, Rue des Charrieres (St Mt) see also 219 891
1187 1188 - corrected by
Guy Dixon.
- 137. EDSC.N. de Ste Croix; Les Ruettes (St J).

138. EDSX.1704. Edouard de Ste Croix who married Anne Langlois in 1704,
father of Edouard at 139; lintel above a blocked up doorway at the
rear of La Pepiniere, formerly La Vallette, La Ruelle Vacleuse (St H) -
his father is at 680.
- 139. EDSX.KLBL.1759. Edouard de Ste Croix and Katherine Le Boutillier
m. (St L) 22.3.1729; La Pepiniere, formerly La Valette, La Ruelle Vacleuse
(St H) - this stone disintegrated during development work - see also 680 and above.
- 140. EDVM?LFLV? 1718. Les Chasses (St P).
- 141. EELS.1832. Edouard Elie Le Sauteur: Douet
Fleury lavoir (St Mt).
- 142. EF.SLG (inside shield background) no date. At Beaupré (St
J) - see also 118 271 588 and 1256.
- 143. EGD.EGD.1807. Elie and Esther Gaudin m. (St Mt) 1.12.1804; La
Chasse (St Mt).
144. EGD.FNC.1753. Elie Gaudin and
Françoise Nicolle m. (St S) 14.6.1738, Beauchamp, La Rue des Fontaines
(St Mt). Updated by Pam Hislop.
- 145. EGD.MPC.1771; Le Catillon (St Mt) incorrect description of the
stone at 1188.
146. EGLBTL.EPN.1866. Edouard Le
Boutillier and Elizabeth Pinel; west facing lintel at the rear of Oakdale,
Rue des Buttes (St J).
147. EGLC.IPC.1793. Edouard Gallichan of St Saviour
and Jeanne Picot of Trinity m. (St S) 24.5.1780; Les Grès (T).
148. EH with Hamptonne Coat of Arms. Edouard Hamptonne; Manor House
Farm, Rue de Bas (St L).
149. EHL(entwined hearts) ALMT 1812 (not 19). Edouard
Huelin of St Brelade and Anne Le Montais of St Peter m. (St P) 14.11.1800.
Originally thought to be painted on a plaque but, on closer inspection,
it is an original - with REBUILT 1968 added. Auburn House, Beaumont (St
- 150. EHM.ALR.1803. Edouard Hamon of St Ouen m. Anne Le Rossignol (St
L) 24.1.1771; Little Grove Residential Home and Consulting Rooms (St L).
151. EHM.ELR.1719. Edouard Hamon and Elizabeth Le Rossignol
of St Brelade m. (St My) 11.4.1707/8. Painted over lintel on a semi-derelict
property at La Valleuse Farm, Rue de la Valleuse (St B).
152. EI.IV.1757. Edouard Journeaux
and Jeanne Valphy m. (G) 27.1.1744/5. Gatepost at La Hougue, La Rue de
La Hougue Bie (St S).
- 153. EIN.KBS.1766 - see Les Câteaux

154. EJLB.ACLC.1890 and
EJLB 1885. Elie Joseph Le Blancq and Augusta Cordelia Le Cerf m. (St S)
15.7.1868; sundial and arch over
- outbuildings at Le Coin House, Le Coin (St O) - contributed by Guy Le Blancq who points
out that the first must be retrospective as Augusta Cordelia Le Cerf died
in 1885 - see also 1170 and
- 155. ELB. ? Le Brun; Beechleigh (St P).

156. ELB.1766. Edouard Le
Brocq; La Valleuse, Rue de la Valleuse (St B).
157. ELB.EBL 1890. Elie Le Brun and Elizabeth Billot m. (St S) 17.7.1879;
Le Pré Cottage, Rue des Raisies (St Mt).
158. ELCN. 1836, and CRN. Elizabeth Le Cornu m. Charles Renouf (T) 8.12.1827
(see also No. 87); south gate, Diélament Manor (T) contributed by
Michele Gayler. The Le Brun/Le
Cornu families in the district say that this is an error and the stone
is for Edmund Le Cornu. It must be said that there is no sign of a CRN
stone on the gate.

- 159. ELCN.EF.1804 (on chimney - not recorded before)1805 (gable end
of house - partially obscured by drainpipe) and 1814 (lintel found in the
garden and incorporated into a fireplace). Edmund Le Cornu and Elizabeth
Falle m. (St S) 14.2.1801; La Guillaumerie Cottage, Rue de La Guillaumerie
(St S) - identifications contributed by Michele
160. ELB.1588 (date first - with
a gap between 15 and 88). Almost illegible small plaque above the ground
floor west window at Rockstone, La Rue de la Vaux de l'Eglise (St Mt) -
see also 228.
- 161. ELeG.1819. Sundial, St. Cyr (St J).
162. ELGL.BLG.1823. Edouard Le Gresley of St Ouen and
Betsy Le Grand of St Peter m. (St O) 28.2.1822; above a window, which was
formerly the front door at La Maison Blanche, Ville de L'Eglise (St O).
163. ELG.MCP.1745. Edmond Le Gallais and Marie Chapelle m. (St
L) 21.1.1736/7; Les Ormes, Rue de la Blanche Pierre (St L).
- 164. ELM.1650. Elie Le Montais; Chaumière du Chene (St P).
ELM (heart) MB (heart).1719. The 7 is reversed. Edouard
Le Maistre and Marie Buesnel m. (St S) 25.09.1686. On the front of Oakdale,
La Rue de Ponterrin (St S) see also 1347.
Marriage courtesy of Anne Webbe.
166. ELQ.ALC.1708. Elie Le Quesne
and Andrée Le Couteur m. 14.10.1691 (St J) ; La Sergine, La Route
des Issues (St J) - see also 72.
167. ELR.1714. Edouard Le Ruez. Burial found of Jean fils Edo. Le Ruez
de Ville Bagot (St O) 21.2.1712; Petit Vallon, Ville Bagot (St O).

168. ELR.ERN.1805 and 1816. Edouard Le Rossignol of St Lawrence and
Elizabeth Renaut of St Mary m. (St My) 5.11.1776 ; Arch keystone over front
door and a plaque on outbuildings at Les Arbres (St L).
169. ELRT.NCL 1819. Edouard Le Rougetel
and Nancy Elizabeth Hughes Collas m. (St S) 2.1.1803; Rock View, La Rocque
(St C) - see also 1590.
- 170. EM.1636. Corbel at Les Mars, which is now part of the Beausite
Hotel, La Rue des Pres (G) .
171. EML.1859. Edouard Mollet of
St Martin; large arch capstone on the barns at La Hauteur, La Rue d'Aval
(St Mt) - see also 384 and 1644-1646.
- 172. EM.RF.AF.WLM. ? Faultrat, Le Marchant; fireplace, Handois (St
173. EMR.MAB.1678. Etienne Mourant
and Marie Aubin m. circa1647; preceded by HAPDD (? hoc amoris pignus dono
dedit); The Farm House, Pigneaux Farm, Princes Tower Road (St S).
- 174. EMZ.1793. Elizabeth Malzard {b. 1716, m. Richard Dolbel (St J)
16.6.1745}; Le Vivier (St J) see Le Vivier
175. EN.1694 and a fleur de lys; Edmond Noel; Summerville, Ville és
Nouaux (St Mt).
- 176. EN.EMP.1760. Noel; at La Retraite (St S) - see also 450 and 922.
177. EN.MDG.1723. Edouard Nicolle
and Marguerite de Gruchy m.(T) 30.11.1701; Ville à L'Evêque
178. ENC.SLNC.1868. Elie Nicolle and Susanna Louisa
Nicolle, first child bap. (T) 10.12.1864; barns behind La Fontaine, Ville
à L'Evêque (T) - from Paul

ENC. 1803 and ENC.MLB.1811. Elie Nicolle and Marie
Labey t.d. Grouville m. (St S) 14.4.1797; Boulivot de Bas (G).
180. EP.ENC.1751. Edouard Payn and
Elizabeth Nicolle widow of Henry Touzel m. (St Mt) 1.2.1744/5; door lintel,
now inside the conservatory at Le Taillis Farm, La Rue de la Maitrerie
(St Mt) - see 48 for the oldest
datestone on the Island.
181. EQR 1711 - the last 1 being
carved at right angles above the171. Edouard Querée; cottage doorway
at Domaine de La Vallette, Rue du Sorel (St J) - see also 60
and 1663-4.
182. EQR.SB.1818. Elie Querée
and Susanne Brée t.d. Grouville m. (St H) 26.12.1807. On rear extension
at Highfield (T) - see also 1302.
This stone was listed by Joan Stevens as being at Boulivot (see below).

- 183. EQR.SB.1829 (on first storey of dower wing) and EQR.1858 (arch
keystone on coach house). EQR.SB.1818.
- Now at Highfield (T) see above. Elie Querée and Susanne Brée
t.d. Grouville m. (St H) 26.12.1807; Boulivot (G).
- An older picture showing the 1829 stone is available at the Société
Jersiaise Photographic Archive;
Architecture Section Catalogue 13 a. 13. It includes a Royal
Exchange firemark, since stolen from the property. Other Boulivot
stones at 357-59.
- monochrome picture © Rodney Amy.
- 184. ERN.ARN. Edouard Renault; La Sergenté (St My).
- 185. EST.1812. E. Starck; Les Fontaines (St Mt).
- 186. EVD.1846. Elie Vardon;
- Fontaine de Gallie lavoir
(St Mt).
187. EVD.MLB.1733. Edouard Vaudin
of Trinity and Marie Le Brun of St Saviour m. (T) 25.4.1714. On an extension
built in 1969 at L'Aiguillon, La Rue Malo
(G) - contributed by Trevor Labey.
- 188. EW.1790. Elie Whitley (b. 1748); salting trough, La Haie Fleurie,
La Rue du Villot (St Mt).
- 189. EW.ELH.1805. Elie Whitley and Elizabeth Le Hucquet m. (St Mt)
18.9.1776; La Haie Fleurie, La Rue du Villot (St Mt).
- 190. FA.NDP.1659. At L'Ancienneté (St My); see NDP.FA.
- 191. FAM.SDG.1825. François Amy and Susanne de Gruchy m. (T)
25.1.1804; Belle Vue, near le Câtel Farm (T).
192. FB.NFV.1839 (not 19). François
Bois of Briqueville, Coutances and Nancy Fauvel of Grouville m. (St H)
11.1.1834; lintel, partially covered by wysteria at Alphington House (formerly
La Maison du Moulin de Pol) (St S). - see also 327.
193. F (although it now resembles an E)CB IDL 1813. François
Corbel of St Lawrence and Jeanne Deslandes of St Helier m. (St L) 28.5.1796;
Highview opposite Bu de la Rue, Mont Cochon (St L).
194. FDP.PLG.1673 on shield background.
Unusually mother and son, Françoise Du Pré and Philippe Le
Gallais. Françoise and Jean Le Gallais m. (St H) 12.10.1653 and
Philippe bap. (St H) 18.1.1662/3 godparents Philippe de Carteret Escuyer,
Lieut. Bailly en ceste Isle & Madame de la Place s.f.; door lintel,
now inside the ground floor of The Mortgage Shop, 31 Broad Street (St H).
An alternative picture showing this stone is available at the Société
Jersiaise Photographic Archive; Architecture Section Catalogue 13 b.4.
195. FDSC.MCL and FDSC.EDSC. 1777. François de Ste Croix and
Marie Collas, with François de Ste Croix and Elizabeth de Ste Croix
m. (St H) 3.2.1776; Pied du Côtil House (now Santa Monica Hotel)
(St H) see Chris Le Gros' The
History of Le Pied du Cotil.

- 196a. FG (single heart) ELB.1774 François Gruchy and Elizabeth
Le Bas m. (St H)
- 5.4.1767; rear of the east wing of Champs Clairs, Rue des Haies (T).
- 196b. FGC (single heart) ELB.1776; François Gruchy and Elizabeth
Le Bas m. (St H)
- 5.4.1767; window lintel on the front of the east wing at Champs Clairs
(T) - see also 56.
- 197. FHB.ELGL.1743. La Voûte, L'Etacq (St O) - incorrect reading
of the stone at 1055.
198. FHL.MRD.1856. Me. François Helleur of St Lawrence and Manon
Rondel of St Mary m. (St H) 4.3.1827 (she is listed as Marie in the subsequent
baptisms of children in St Lawrence); gatepost at La Ferme Grandet, La
Rue de la Golarde (St L) - see also 259
- 199. FI.MC.1775. François Jeune and Marie-Louise Carcaud m.
(St B) 25.6.1775; Mont des Vaux Cottages (St B).
- 200. FLB.IDH.1756. François Le Boutillier and Jeanne du Heaume
t.d. St Peter m. (St C) 30.2.1751; No.3 Hue Street (St H).
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