Datestones at Les Câteaux
153. EIN.KBS.1766. Edouard
Journeaux of Trinity m.
Catherine Bisson of St John (T) 5.11.1740; lintel on east wing.
PHM.MBP.1693. Philippe Hamon and Marie Blampied t.d. Trinity
m. (G) 11.9.1687, roadside wall behind a small stoup, now full of plants.
PLG.HB.1768. Le Gros; roadside wall.
It is possible that this stone originally matched the one below for
Philippe Le Gros and
Jeanne Joubaire and someone later carved the line that has changed
'II' into 'H'.
744. PLG.IIB.1777. Philippe
Le Gros m. Jeanne Joubaire (T) 28.10.1751; lintel on east wing.

1069. ST.J.CB (entwined
hearts)R.BL. 1937; St John Cabot and Rita Billot, lintel
on east wing.
PHM 1663 in shield
background. Philippe Hamon, in the roadside wall.
824. RHM.1663. Richard Hamon; Les Câteaux (T).
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