Les Rouaisouns 2003
Dgèrnésy - Guernesey - Guernsey
10 d'Mai 2003
Lé Coumité d'la Culture Guernésiaise
Affiliated to La Société Guernesiaise
La Fête d'la Vieille Langue Normande
La Fête des Rouaisouns
The above triannuel fête between Guernsey, Jersey and Normandy will again be held in the Blanchelande Girls College grounds on the 10th May 2003, starting at 10.30pm.
This Fête which began in Normandy has now become established in all three regions, and is organised in turn by each area. This year it is the turn of Guernsey to be the hosts. Our first fête three years ago was so successful that we are looking forward to repeating it again.
The content of the fête will show a little of our past culture, and our connection with the other two areas that are taking part. It will be an opportunity to see how what was once a similar culture has developed differences. This will be illustrated in the language, dancing and singing which will make up the mainstay of the fête. Other attractions will be a displays of ancient crafts, a photographic exhibition, book stalls etc.
