Les Pages Jèrriaises

Des paffes et des oualipes


Nou n'dithait pon qu'les Jèrriais sont hardi violents, mais i' sembl'ye qu'i' y'a un tas d'mots tchi veulent dithe “taper tchitch'un”. Né v'chîn eune liste dé tchiqu's'uns d'ches mots.


assailli to assail
assauter to assault
astitchi to beat
attatchi to attack
bailli eune cliamuse to slap in the face
bailli eune paffe to smack
bailli un co d'poing to punch
battre to beat
botter to boot
bouter to butt
camailli to beat
capuchi to strike
charbousseter to slap
chatourne clout
cheindre to belt
cliamûser to slap in the face
cliamûser l'mûsé to slap in the face
cliamûser la becque to slap in the face
cliatchi eune paffe to slap
co-d'piêter to kick
codpîser to kick
dêfoncer to beat
dêgraîssi to thrash
donner du fouet to lash
donner la tchêne to cane
env'yer eune cliaque to smack
eune talmouse slap
eune achouêmie thrashing
eune astitcheuse thrashing
eune attaque attack
eune badgette stick, cane
eune brossée drubbing
eune brûlée thrashing
eune calfêteuse drubbing
eune charabouste slap
eune chîngneuse flogging
eune cliamuse slap in the face
eune cliaque slap in the face
eune dêgêlée thrashing
eune dêgraîsseuse beating
eune êcaûffeuse, eune êcaûffeûthe thrashing
un êcaûffement thrashing
eune èrlîntcheuse beating
eune fouôtée spanking
eune frandgie caning
eune garcette hiding
eune gifl'ye slap
eune girnouffl'ye slap
eune houssinne switch, cane
eune latteuse beating, spanking
eune mornifl'ye slap
eune paffe slap
eune pitchinne drubbing, spanking, hiding
eune quétilieuse drubbing
eune râcliée hiding
eune ronde beating, spanking, hiding
eune rosseteuse thrashing
eune sécouée beating
eune slache slash
eune slîndgeûse belting
eune stipanne beating
eune suée beating
eune vèrgue cane
fouetter to whip
la batâle battle
la frangue lash
la galette thrashing
la lache lash
la lanniéthe lash
la tchêne cane
la tortuthe torture
la vèrdgette cane, switch
lachi to lash
lapider to stone
latter to beat, to spank, to cane
codrer to cane
lé combat combat
lé fouet whip
lé vèrdgillon cane, switch
les vèrgues birch
litter to wrestle
eune oualipe wallop
paffer to hit
porter un coup to strike
quétilyi to drub
rosser to thrash
s'battre to fight
s'freûler to fight
sâbrer to slash
slîndgi to belt
taper raide to hit hard
taper to hit
tortuther to torture
un co d'poing punch
un co blow
un coup d'tampon punch
un coup blow
un houaithion box on the ears
un nord-êt slap
un ouappe biff
un pataöuarre clout
un patchet d'vèrgues birch
eune tourné-oualipe wallop
vlitchi to give a licking
vrédîndgi to cane
vrier to cane
eune bastaude fight
s'friper to fight
eune frip'sie fight
s'freûler scuffle
eune freûlée scuffle
un freûleux bruiser
eune escarmuche punch-up
torchi la goule hit in the face
eune torche whack in the face
talmoûser to hit
eune talmouse blow
eune haïste blow
du câtu brawl
un mouoché à chîn carres a bunch of fives
eune bouonne paffe d'un mouoché à chîn carres a blow with a bunch of fives, a knuckle sandwich
J'lî flianqu'thai man mouoché à chîn carres à travèrs la fache I'll give his face a good slap with a bunch of fives
un pâsse-l'avant a kick up the backside
donner un pâsse-l'avant
donner l'pâsse-l'avant
to kick up the backside
eune volée a spanking



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Les Pages Jèrriaises