La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Tchi bouaissonn'nie! - What drunkenness!

eune pînte dé cidre The next time you stagger out of un clobe dé niet (night-club) or eune aubèrge (pub) after tchiques pîntes dé biéthe (some pints of beer), perhaps trying to remember some Jèrriais vocabulary might help you sober up!

How much have you had to drink? Eune vèrrée? (a glassful) Eune modgie? (a mugful) Eune boutillie? (a bottleful?) Or just un lèrmîn? (a drop)

And could you order your favourite tipple in Jèrriais? Do you like to knock back lé cidre (cider)? Or perhaps you go for l'blianc vîn (white wine) or l'rouoge vîn (red wine)? Those with something to celebrate may uncork lé champangne (champagne), while others may prefer to nurse eune dranme dé whisky (a dram of whisky), deux d'gouts d'rhonme (a drop of rum), un dginne et tonnique (gin and tonic), or eune reinchette dé couongnac (a tot of brandy). Pouor dé mé, j'aim'thais bein eune Mathie Sanglieuse! (As for me, I'd love a Bloody Mary!)

To propose a toast is proposer eune santé and you might trîntchi les vèrres (clink glasses).

However, after a few drinks someone might be alleunmé or caud d'béthe (tipsy), and chonmé, bringuesingue, bidé-ouinne, envitoué, blindé and bragi are a few of the many Jèrriais words to describe someone who is drunk.

Un b'veux is a drinker, while a heavy drinker could be un pînteux or un topeux, while a drunkard is un ivrouongne or un bouaissonneux - neither of which are easy to say if you've had a few! So why not stick to sensible drinking and some simple Jèrriais conversation? Té pliaît-i' à béthe? Would you like a drink?



Viyiz étout:


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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