
Thanksgiving Day.
For the Recovery from Typhoid Fever, of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales.
(Ode, translated from the French of Mr. John Sullivan).
Oh ! Nation rejoice !
'Tis indeed a Spring day !
'Tis a day for the Queen !
Of whom Zephyrs alway
Have followers been.
Oh, God! from dawn of day, I, t'wards Thy throne inclin'd,
Come glorifying Thee, to whom all praise belongs ,
Lo! in Thy Temples see - the people, Crown combin'd!
Off'ring, Eternal Star, their worship and their songs,
Receive, oh, Heav'n, receive our humble Thanksgivings!
Respond to our desires! Oh Jesu! we implore ;
Thou sav'st our Prince; and we, Thy Church, which joyous rings,
Sees in this gracious act - one miracle the more.
Oh, Lord! in our Prince renew the strength of youth!
As of the eagle's strength. Oh! be his death far hence ,
Receive our prayer on this rejoicing day in truth ;
Oh! may it rise to Heav'n, as doth arise incense.
This day's to Thee, my God, by England consecrate ;
See her on Jesu's breast, her grateful accents pour;
She sings a hymn, and tells all earth, with heart elate
Lo, Nations, we proclaim - one miracle the more.
Pray Heaven, Britons, for the Queen, and for the Prince!
And for th' august Princess, and for their lov'd offspring ,
That they may reign for aye, secure o'er their Province!
That they be ever happy, blessed, and conquering!
Thou'lt, holy, glorious day, in mem'ry be always.
And ages will recount how, thanks to Jesu's pow'r,
The Prince from death was grasp'd. Oh! give to God the praise.
For that which we account - one miracle the more.
Come, oh my lyre, let's chant, whilst we to-day rejoice!
The country's rous'd to song; list to its hallow'd cheer!
Heav'n echoes back the sounds of its enchanting voice,
Which, sacred fires each heart, perfumes the atmosphere!
Take, Tennyson, thy pen! thy pencil, Millais, take!
Engrave, paint, for the Nation so deeply moved all o'er,
The fêtes of this great day, - a volume thereof make;
Sing! publish the glad news - one miracle the more!
Philip John Le Geyt

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