La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Mar 2001


Salutâtions tout l'monde. Last month's meeting went very well, with more conversation and language speaking taking place. We all rose to the challenge and, using picture stimuli, we described an individual picture to the group en Jèrriais. Some also tried story line notes and others who had never dared to use a computer before, succeeded in using the p'tit compiuteu (lap top), and in learning Jèrriais vocabulary at the same time.

The launch of our book was a very enjoyable occasion; thank you to all those who created a happy ambience often en Jèrriais. We sincerely appreciated the strong verbal support of the Bailiff, the President and the Co-ordinator of Education. Sales to date are good.

We have written to the Don Balleine Trust to explore the possibility of producing a Jèrriais-English version of its English-Jèrriais vocabulary by Carré which is currently being typed onto disc. This is to provide a resource at present unavailable to students or the public to help their understanding of the language.

Our next meeting will continue in the same vein as last month's but would everyone please bring an example of their favourite piece of Jèrriais to read and initiate our anthology of Jèrriais literature.

The meeting will be in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société on Wednesday, 6th March, at 8.00 pm.

A la préchaine

J. LeB. Nichols (Présidente)
R. Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


J'avons r'chu un message d'enthousiasme (fan mail!) en Nouormand pouor Les Preunmié Mille Mots:

Magnifique Les premyis milles mots. Vraiment eune magnifique idaée et une belle et "moderne" couverteure pour lé livre. Tout mes coumplliments.

I noous faôt absolument de quei de même ichin. Cha n'est paé possiblle que cha countinue dé même en Normaundie sauns ryin qui seit fait pour les quenâles.

Jerriais vos êtes eun exemplle! I faôt que les syins d'ichin savent tout cha que vos faites. I faôt faire counnaître voute travâle en Normaundie.


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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