La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Novembre 1999



Salutâtions! Autumn has arrived, the leaves have changed colour and the Eisteddfod is about to challenge us! Thank you to those who have continued to practice; even the real beginners were more relaxed. There will be a rehearsal on Sunday afternoon at 3.00pm at La Salle Publique, St Martin on 21st November and we shall be competing on Monday evening, 22nd November, between 7.30pm and 9.30pm. Concerning the recitation, here are two poems researched by Geraint on the other spellings of "parapluie" in J.P. 1913; Man vieir Parapuïe, L'Ammin Fidelle - as he says, întéthessant, n'est-che pon?

In the meantime we are continuing with the signage for Hamptonne and Telecoms, and finishing the editing of Les Preunmié Mille Mots. The programme for 2000 is in its initial form and will be posted for suggestions in December.

The December meeting is on Wednesday 1st December at 8.00pm in the Committee Room, upstairs, at Pier Road, when we will practice les cantiques dé Noué for Lé Sèrvice Annuel on Saturday 11th December at St. Andrews Church, and also those for the carol evening in town at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 14th December organised by Geraint. Everybody is welcome, so please come along. Traditional refreshments will be served at our meeting as usual.

Finally, our Annual Meeting will be held at 8pm, Wednesday January 12th 2000, at Pier Road to elect officers, approve expenditure and finalise the programme.

J Le B. Nichols (Chair)

Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)



La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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