La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

En Ville


Temps pâssé (time past) les campangnards (the inhabitants of the countryside) referred to les Villais (inhabitants of Town) with scorn as les clyichards (people suffering from diarrhoea) - possibly because of the unhealthy environment in town before the introduction of proper drainage in the 19th Century.

Now most people work in Town, perhaps dans l's offices (in the offices) ou dans les banques (in the banks). Y'a un tas d'boutiques étout (There are a lot of shops as well). What sort of shops are there and how do we call them in Jèrriais? La grande boutique is a department store - literally a big shop. Nou-s-acate des lédgeunmes dans l'marchi (one buys vegetables in the market). Y'a l'marchi ès paîssons étout (there is the fish market as well). Since lé marchi means the market, modern commerce has also given us, naturally enough, lé supèrmarchi - the supermarket.

Before the construction of the Market buildings in the 19th Century, the market was held in the Royal Square and that is why the Jèrriais name for the Square is lé Vièr Marchi (the old market).

To finish, there is a diton in Jèrriais - aller en Ville par lé Vièr Châté (to go to Town via Gorey Castle) - which means to go somewhere by a roundabout route. Auve tout l'trafi d'à ch't heu, ch'n'est pon eune surprînse! With all the traffic nowadays, it's not a surprise!



Viyiz étout:


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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