La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les jours d'la s'maine - Days of the Week


Temps pâssé, Lundi (Monday) was washday, which was a much less comfortable task in the days when one had to go to lé dou à laver (lavoir) or use lé cappeur (the copper) instead of using la machinne à laver (washing machine). People used to say: laid Lundi, belle sémaine, meaning that if the weather was ugly on Monday, the rest of the week would be fine.

Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) is of course best known for les crêpes (pancakes) and for this little rhyme: Mardi gras, né t'en va pas, jé f'thons des crêpes et tu'en éthas (Shrove Tuesday, do not go away, we will make pancakes and you will have some)

A way of saying never is to talk of la s'maine des trais Jeudis tch'i' n'a pon d'Vendrédis (the week of three Thursdays which does not have any Fridays)

Vendrédi (Friday) was the day of witches and wizards, when they gathered together to have their sabbats (sabbaths). When people believed in la chorchel'lie (sorcery), they would refer to witches and wizards as les gens du Vendrédi (Friday's people). Good Friday, on the other hand is lé Vendrédi Saint.

Sanm'di (Saturday) is not necessarily a well-favoured day. Êt' du Sanm'di means to be late, and seeing the moon on Saturday was ill-omened: leune dé Sanm'di et fil'ye dé prêtre n'éthaient janmais deu être (Saturday moon and priest's daughter should never be).

Dînmanche (Sunday) is the day that people go to church - à l'églyise, or, in these days of Sunday trading, au supèrmarchi (to the supermarket). However an old diton says that lé travas du Dînmanche né prospéthe pas (work on Sunday does not prosper)!



Viyiz étout:



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