La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Nânnîn à la feunm'thie – No to smoking

Né p'tunnez pon! For those wanting to r'nonchi (give up) smoking for No Smoking Day ch't' année (this year), why not take up Jèrriais instead? It's certainly better for vos ponmons (your lungs).

Lé p'tun is tobacco – the plant is related to the petunia - and there's a verb p'tunner (to smoke), although feunmer (to smoke) is more commonly used. A smoker is therefore un p'tunneux or un feunmeux.

A heavy smoker or chain smoker is un feunmâtcheux, and feunmâtchi is to smoke heavily.

I' n'y'a pon d'feu sans feunmée (there's no smoke without fire), but eune boêtée d'alleunmettes (a box of matches) is useful to alleunmer (light) such things as des chandelles (candles), des badgettes d'enchens (incense sticks) and des fouées (bonfires) besides un patchet d'cigarettes (a pack of cigarettes).

Satchi eune alleunmette is to strike a match, and un saque-feu can be used for a lighter.

What you get left over as a result of la brûl'lie (burning) is les chendres (ashes) which should be put in un chendriyi (an ashtray).

Temps pâssé, lé sno (snuff) was very popular en Jèrri (in Jersey). Les snotcheurs (snuff-takers) would have their boête à sno (snuffbox) to snotchi (take snuff). And there were des snoqu'rêsses (female snuff-takers) because la snoqu'thie (snuff-taking) could be done secretly as it wasn't considered ladylike to smoke des cigares (cigars) or des pipées dé p'tun (pipes of tobacco).

But whether you're un p'tunneux, un snotcheux or un feunmâtcheux who's giving up, bouonne chance (good luck)!



Viyiz étout:


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