La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Août 2001


Bouônjour tout l'monde, salutations acouo. Thank you very much to all those who came to last month's meeting. Tchi travas! We worked on 'un tas dé pièches dé bouonnes êcrituthes' assembled by Geraint and possibly bounced off Tony! Some were long, some were short, some were serious, some amusing but all were interesting.

We read through each of them, worked out what various words and expressions meant and had many of them explained to us! We made our initial selection based on the variety of topic, expression and use of the language, and in some cases, the length of the piece! They were all from different periods of time.

Thank you too, to all those who battled the traffic and attended Annette Torode's presentation of a copy of her superb doctoral thesis to La Société, a comprehensive study and analysis of the work of George d'la Forge, Guardian of the Jersey Norman Heritage. It was pleasing to sec so many there and particularly those who had helped her. It is hoped that we can help with its publication next year, through Le Don Balleine.

The programme for our August meeting includes a continuation of the above anthology, some information on the progress in the Isle of Man, some language skills exercises and the choice of a piece or two for the Eisteddfod and La Fête des Rouaisouns next year. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 1st August at 8.00 pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société. Cool drinks will be served and the fans will be operational!

A la préchaine,

Jayne Le B. Nichols, (La Présidente)




La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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