La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Jèrriais words displaced by French forms

Jèrriais has been influenced not only by English, but also by French. Here are some examples of Jèrriais words being displaced either wholly or partly by French words.

Jèrriais French Notes
cânchon chanson completely displaced by the French word
candelle chandelle candelle survives in the meaning of icicle
câté châté câté survives only in toponyms
frit fruit both forms are in use
gliaiche glace both forms in use; glace tends to predominate in meaning of ice cream and is the only form used specifically for plate-glass and full-length mirror
hardé garçon completely displaced by French word
hielle huile both forms are in use
huiptante quatre-vîngts both forms are in use
lichon léçon completely displaced by French word


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