La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les fielles – Leaves

Au S'tembre (in Autumn) we notice les fielles (the leaves) on les bouais (the trees). It's la saîson (the season) for the leaves to jauni (turn yellow), rouogi (turn red) and breuni (turn brown) – except of course for les vèrts-bouais (evergreens).

Just as we're enjoying les couleurs (the colours), les fielles start to tchaie (fall). Quand i' vente (when the wind blows) the leaves are soûffliées (blown) around les c'mîns (the roads), les clios (the fields) and les gardîns (the gardens).

So we need to take un râté (a rake) or des râtchieaux (some rakes) in order to râteler (rake up) les fielles. Eune chiviéthe (a wheelbarrow) may also be useful. Or perhaps you're more modèrne (modern) and have un soûfflieux (a blower). In lé gardîn you can make eune vieillote (a heap) which might then go onto la maie d'compost (the compost heap) or la fouée (the bonfire). But mêfi'-ous (watch out) for des hérissons (hedgehogs)!

When un bouais is less fieillu (leafy) we can see les branques (branches) and les brantchettes (the twigs).

Eune fielle dé fidgi (a figleaf) may cover your embarras, but if you're exposed enough to tremblier coumme eune fielle (shaking like a leaf), du fielletas (plywood) would muchi (hide) things bein mus (much better)!

Eune fielle dé papi is a sheet of paper, and eune fielle dé méta is a sheet of metal, but since so many people use des pouques à thée (teabags) you're less likely to see des fielles dé thée (tealeaves).

Un fieillet is a leaflet or brochure, which doesn't have many pages to fielleter (turn over, of pages), but perhaps you might have to fielleter (roll and fold pastry – same word, different meaning) if it contains eune èrchette (a recipe). In which case you'll have d'la pâte fielletée (flaky pastry).

Lé S'tembre, in any case, is always a good time to touônner un nouvieau fieillet (turn over a new leaf)!



Viyiz étout:


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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