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Jersey's Roll of Service: 1914-1919


The roll of service gives the names of the Jerseymen of military age who fought in the First World War.
Along with the name is given Parish, Rank, Ship or Regiment. Sometimes the name is only given as initials, mostly it is a full name. The other details are usually present, but are absent in some instances.
These pages give name only. They are an index to the roll of service, not the full details (Parish, Rank, Regiment).
For lookups on the extra details, e-mail me at with the names required. Parish details will be added later.




Cabot, Alfred Henry

Cabot, Arthur Henry

Cabot, Charles Elie

Cabot, Elias Percy

Cabot, George Albert

Cabot, John Gordon

Cabot, Philip Winter

Cabot, Raymond Philip

Cabot, Robert John

Cabot, Roland Ross

Cabot, Walter

Cabot, William

Cadin, Peter Marie

Cadiou, Arthur

Cadiou, Edward

Cadiou, Ernest Henry

Cadiou, Philip

Cadiou, Samuel

Cadiou, William Peter

Cadiou, William James

Cain, Robert

Cairns, Terence

Cake, E

Colder, A

Callaghan, George Thomas

Callaghan, Richard

Callaghan, William

Camiot, Francis Vincent

Camp, Charles John

Campion, Albert

Campion, George Henry

Campion, Henry Charles Theron, D.S.M.

Campion, James

Campion, William

Canivet, Ernest Higgins

Cann, James

Cann, William Edward

Cantell, Donald Beatie McKay

Carabin, Alfred Philip

Cardy, Edward Devie

Cardy, Reginald John

Carpenter, A.S.

Carpenter, Arthur Clernce

Carpenter, George

Carpenter, Henry

Carpenter, H.

Carpenter, James Harvey

Carpenter, J.

Carpenter, John William

Carpenter, Philip

Carpenter, Reginald G, M.M. (1914 Star)

Carre, Alfred Walter

Carre, E.

Carre, Edwin William

Carre, Francis Arthur

Carre, Herbert Thomas

Carre, Philip Gough

Carre, Reginald Percy

Carre, Walter George

Carrel, Edwin John Philip

Carrel, Francis Harold

Carrel, Herbert John

Carrel, Philip John

Carrel, Walter

Carrell, Wilson

Carson, Albert

Carson, Harold Adolphus

Carson, W. (1914 Star)

Carter, Alfred Charles

Carter, Archibald

Carter, Charles

Carter, Charles John

Carter, Clarence Gordon

Carter, Claude Albert

Carter, Frederick Reginald

Carter, George Francis

Carter, Harold Edward

Carter, Ronald Hugh

Carter, W. Henry

Carter, William P.

Cartwright, Henry

Carvenec, Emile

Case, ?

Case, Gordon

Cashel, James, M.M.

Casimir, Mrowezyuski Albert

Castle, David

Castel, Desire

Catelinet, Edward George

Catelinet, Philip

Catelinet, Philip Henry

Cauchard, A.

Cauchard, Philip George

Cauvain, Alfred Henry John

Cauvain, Edward D.C.M. (1914 Star)

Cauvain, Edgar

Cauvain, John

Cauvain, William

Cauvin, Harry

Cauvin, Thomas Charles

Cave, Shirley Thomas

Cavey, Malcolm

Cavey, Vernon Vivian

Cavey, Sydney J.

Cavey, Wilfred George

Cavey, William Francis

Cawley, Bernard

Cawley, Bernard

Cawley, Francis Charles

Cawley, Sydney Featherstone

Chaffe, William Edward

Challoner, Cecil

Challoner, Charles William

Challoner, Charles William

Champion, Arthur Edward

Champion, Cyril James

Champion, James

Champion, Reginald John

Channing, Alfred Percy

Channing, Arthur Francis

Channing, Edward Arthur Stanley

Channing, Edward Arthur Stanley

Channing, Emmanuel James

Channing, Ernest Alfred

Channing, Herbert Reuben

Channing, Thomas Henry

Channing, Walter George

Channing, William James

Channing, William James

Chant, ?

Chanter, Ben

Chapman, Charles James

Chapman, Ernest James

Chapman, Walter Guy

Charpentier, Peter

Chazual, Walter Frederick

Chazual, William S, M.M.

Cheney, Henry

Cheney, George William

Cheney, James Thomas

Cheney, John

Chevalier, Francis

Chevalier, Walter Henry

Chevert, E.

Chevret, George Frederick

Chillingworth, Percy

Ching, Raymond

Chipeau, Victor

Chotton, Edmund Edgar

Choupaud, John

Churchill, James George

Churchill, Thomas George

Clark, Gordon James

Clarke, Albert Henry Thumbuly

Clarke, Frederick Richard Webber

Clarke, Frederick Webber

Clarke, George Edward

Clarke, Henry Charles (1914 Star)

Clarke, Thomas Henry James

Clarke, Victor Edward

Clayden, Edward

Clayden, William Ernest

Clement-Brook, Edgar Alfred

Clements, Edgar Alfred

Clements, Ernest John

Clements, William Henry (1914-1915 Star)

Cleveland, William

Clift, Bernard Lampard

Clift, Walter Alan, M.M.

Clothier, Clarence Edwin

Clunn, Albert William

Cockram, Frederick Alan

Coffin, Rene

Coker, James Bazin

Colan, Owen John

Colan, W.

Colback, Alfred John

Cole, George John

Cole, William

Colebrook, Frederick Neville

Coles, J.W.

Collas, Alfred

Collas, Douglas Philip Jervoise (despatches)

Collas, Frank Jervoise, M.C. (despatches)

Collas, Gordon

Collas, Harry Jervoise

Collas, J. Jervoise

Collas, Philip

Collas, William Francis

Collas, William John Jervoise (despatches)

Collet, Auguste

Colligny, Emile Alfred

Colligny, Frank

Colligny, Frank

Colligny, Toussaint

Collings, Harry Ralph

Collins, Charles

Collins, Emile Richard

Collins, John Singleton Copley

Collins, W.

Collins, Walter William

Collins, William Alfred

Collis, Frederick

Colson, Bernard Francis

Colson, Richard

Compton, Walter Henry

Condon, Arthur John

Condon, Charles Cunningham

Condon, Christopher Murray

Condon, John ith.

Condon, William James (1914-1915 Star)

Condon, William Thomas

Conery, Patrick John

Connell, John R.

Connell, R.R.

Connell, William John

Connor, Arthur William

Connor, Christopher William George

Conway, William George

Cook, John Harry

Cook, Frederick

Coombs, Amice

Coombs, Edward Gordon

Coombs, Henry E.

Coombs, Herbert Sidnet

Coombs, Percy William

Cooney, Walter