La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Numbers and how they change

When actually counting out loud the numerals 1 to 10 are pronounced as follows:

ieune, deux, trais, quat', chîn, six, sé, hui, neu, dgix.

Some of the cardinal numbers make use of a special form when they precede a noun.


CHÎNQ becomes CHÎN before a noun beginning with a consonant, but with a longer vowel pronunciation, e.g.


chîn maîsons five houses
chîn louis five pounds (sterling)
chîn nouvieaux pénîns five new pence
chîn minnutes five minutes
chîn vaituthes five cars
chîn milles five miles
chîn pids five feet


But when preceding a vowel the form generally used is CHÎNQ, e.g.


chînq hommes five men
chînq armouaithes five cupboards
chînq onches five ounces
oulle a chînq ans she's five


However, before a front vowel (i.e. 'eu' especially) or 'i' followed by another vowel the form used is CHÎNTCH', e.g.


chîntch'heuthes five o'clock, five hours
chîntch'ièrs five eyes

It should also be noted that occasionally before a vowel the form used is CHÎN-S (with the 's' acting as liaison) e.g.


chîn-s hommes five men
chîn-s ouothelles five ears
chîn-s ouaîsieaux five birds



The numeral six has the special form SIEX used before a noun (SIEX is pronounced - and may be spelled - long as SIÊX) e.g.


siex chent'nièrs six centeniers
siex vaques six cows
siex vaituthes six cars
siêx heuthes six o'clock, six hours
il a vîngt-siêx ans he's twenty six


Note that this form is also used in combined forms like vîngt-six/vîngt-siex....


The numeral NEUF has the form NEU before a consonant, and before a vowel is pronounced 'NEUV'. E.g.


neu soudards nine soldiers
neu pommièrs nine apple-trees
neuf ans nine years
neuf heuthes nine o'clock, nine hours



Before a noun DGIX takes the special form DGIEX (which like siex is pronounced long). E.g.


dgiex mais ten months
dgiex hardelles ten girls
dgiex dés ten fingers
il a dgiêx ans he's ten
dgiêx-sept seventeen
dgiêx-huit eighteen
dgiêx-neuf nineteen
l'amour est pus fort qué dgiêx boeufs love is stronger than ten oxen


When counting, the feminine form of 'one' is used, i.e. IEUNE and in combined forms like vîngt'tch'ieune (21), trente tch'ieune (31) and so on.

When not followed by a noun, iun and ieune are used to mean one:


iun tchi 'tait là one who was there
iun à iun one by one
j'en acatis iun I bought one
iun d'ches jours one of these days
ieune d'ses fil'yes one of her daughters
ieune des pus belles fil'yes one of the prettiest girls


But before masculine nouns, the masculine form un is used.


un j'va one horse
un ôti one tool


And before feminine nouns, eune is used:

eune heuthe one o'clock, one hour
eune vaque one cow
eune tâssée d'thée one cup of tea


But combined forms follow the pattern vîngt'tch'iuns/vîngt'tch'ieunes (21), trente tch'iuns/trente tch'ieunes (31) and so on.


vîngt'tch'iuns soudards twenty-one soldiers
septante tch'iuns louis seventy-one pounds
vîngt'tch'ieunes boutelles twenty one bottles
chent iuns dalmâtiens hundred and one dalmatians

The form HUIPTANTE is often now replaced by the form QUATRE-VÎNGTS.



Viyiz étout:



La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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