Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Dézembre 2000
Salutâtions tout l'monde, j'espéthons qu'ous eûssiez un bouon Noué et j'voulons qu'ous ayiz eune bouonne année; all corrections regarding the subjunctive at the next meeting please! Our carol practice went down well, as did the mince pies, orange juice and sherry! The service and supper were well attended; the singing was excellent and the food very enjoyable.
The carol singing, 'en ville', with Tony conducting, was also well attended, this year with many pupils present. The party afterwards with the night-class students was very relaxing and amusing with Peter Germain's well-organised bingo 'en Jèrriais' helping us to revise our numbers!
Les Preunmié Mille Mots have arrived at the Société and will be on sale in the New Year after a price has been determined, based on final invoices, and possibly after a public launch at the Société. The book looks excellent and is a credit to all who worked on it; all duly acknowledged.
Suggestions for next year' s programme have been received and include increased language "lessons" via the computer (now permanently available in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société), various projects for us connected with the "cream" of Jèrriais literature, translation of texts, poetry and prose evenings, some Eisteddfod practice, and a visit or two to Samarès Manor.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 10th January 2001, at 8.00 pm at La Société, to receive the Annual Report, elect officers, see the book and discuss the future over refreshments.
À la préchaine
J. LeB. Nichols (La Présidente)