La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Mai 2002


Salutâtions tout l'monde. Things are gradually falling into place for the next two months and thank you to all those who helped to make April's meeting a success. The work Geraint left kept us busy composing the descriptions for the use of the different pieces of equipment at Samarès Manor- en Jèrriais and English, and even the English versions tested our knowledge at times!

Last month's comment about the specific reference to time being absent in the Jersey diton provoked the reply that of course it was implicit in all ditons about the movement of the sea and tides!

Enclosed is a contribution from Joan, who is thankfully keeping well, and which is appropriate for Lé Sèrvice Annuel dé l'Assembliée d'Jèrriais at Trinity Church this Sunday, 28th at 3.00pm, and of course all are welcome; the hymns are easy to follow and understand.

The CD-ROM to help in the teaching of Jèrriais, advertised in the JEP last week, has recordings by Sen. J. Le Maistre and Audrey Lucas to help the pupils with the pronunciation and inflection in Jèrriais and should be invaluable to all of us. It will be on sale through Le Don Balleine and in La Société's bookshop as soon as possible.

The long-awaited publication of Wace's Le Roman de Rou will be launched on May 13th at La Société. It will contain an English translation by an expert alongside the original Norman written by Wace in the 12C recording the history of the Norman Dukes. Standard bound copies will be sold at £40.00 if ordered before May 13th and at £50.00 thereafter. Deluxe, leather bound copies can be ordered at £80.00 pre publication and at £95.00 thereafter.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 1st. May, at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société to finalise the Jèrriais for Samarès and to discuss any details of the displays for the Food Festival on May 19th and La Fête Normande on June 9th.

A la Préchaine,

Jayne Le B. Nichols (Présidente)



J'dis a l'homme qui 'tait mâté à la héche dé l'année:
"Donne-mé eune lanterne qué j'piêsse marchi en seûreté envers l'inconnu!
Et i' m'rêponnit:-
“Va dans les ténèbres et mets ta main dans la main du Bouon Dgieu.
Chenna es'sa pour té mus qué la leunmiéthe et pus sauf qu'un c'mîn qu'tu connais!"
J'm'y en fus et,
trouvant la Main de Dgieu,
J'marchis heutheux envers la niet.


M. L. Haskins

traduit par
Joan Tapley


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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