La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Avri 2003


Salutâtions tout l'monde, ch'est lé mais d'pouochîns et d's oeufs au chocolat d'Pâques! During last month's meeting we translated Jèrriais house names into English and discussed ideas for short anecdotes for Geraint and Tony to publish throughout the year.

Things to note during the next two months are the Food Festival, which may take place at three sites, eg. St.Aubin, Gorey and around Les Vièrs Marchièrs at which we hope to have some volunteers, as in temps passé, to help with displays. Then on May 10th weekend there is La Fête Normande in Guernsey at which we would like to perform our poetry reading of Lé Divorce - another gold certificate performance may be? As many of the team as can make it, along with any one else who would like to join us, will be very welcome.

Our language is to receive some publicity in June when a radio/TV crew will visit us on a journey through the islands. Details will be given in later Fieillets.

If anyone knows of any Jèrriais house names or has any interesting or amusing anecdotes, which could be translated (have you downloaded the Jèrriais spell-check yet?), could you send them to the Section at #7 Pier Road, or fax them to 862756; all will be gratefully received and published.

In reply to our request for bird names the following suggestions have been gratefully received from Judge Nablo in Canada; Pied flycatcher: lé marté taqu'té. Godwit: la bécache. Turnstone: la touônné-pièrre. Scoter: corbe ( lé ou la?).Do these ring any memory bells? We also had a letter and an article from Dr. Hanson regarding the status of various regional languages in Europe, which will be passed on to L'Office du Jèrriais for use when appropriate.

L'Office du Jèrriais now has several hundred stories en Jèrriais about Ph'lippe and Mêrrienne from the newspapers. Those difficult to scan are being excellently typed by Wayne Le Cuirot but we would be grateful for some extra help with typing if possible.

Finally, it only remains to report an excellent dinner with L'Assembliée d'Jèrriais at the Ambassadeur at which both Jèrriais and Dgèrnésiais were spoken.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd April at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room for delayed work on the Anthology, its design, some translation and a review of some pieces for the Eisteddfod.

À la préchaine,

John Clarke (Président)

Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)



La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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