Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mar 2006.Thank you to those who attended last month's meeting and to Geraint for giving us an introduction to the Future tense of different verbs. This led into a composition exercise during which we wrote short pieces about the Future, the theme of the next issue of Les Nouvelles Chroniques. We also discussed proof reading the original texts and our translations of the Anthology pieces, and confirmed the procedure.
Candidates for the Crapaud d'Or certificates were also reviewed and we are checking for additional ones. In that field, would firms and companies who drive around with their names correctly accented be accepted as candidates? If these were published, it would serve to congratulate them and raise their profile - and public awareness; for example, MIÈRE Construction Ltd. and CARRÉ Brothers Ltd (Scaffolding Service), but not Augres Landscape and Property vehicles! We have also just seen 'Welcome' followed by 'Beinv'nue' in big red letters on the sign outside Jersey Bowl in the very prominent position along the Airport Road. Contact has been made to give our thanks to Mr. Cheetham, the Manager.
With reference to property names, we received a kind letter of thanks and apology from David Whalley of Grange Developments in reply to our offer of help with their signs on the development of the property behind the St. Mary's Inn, entitled 'Pres des l'Auberge'. He explained that again it was the fault of the sign writers, and that it was being corrected, and that it hadn't gone to Postal Services as the address! Maybe we need to check out who all these sign writers are as we have received several statements that the fault lies with them and that the owners can't check the final copy.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 1st March at La Société offices in the A. Mourant Room at 8.00pm for continued Anthology proof reading and consideration of some Eisteddfod pieces, and maybe a review of our composition pieces!
John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)