Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mar 2000
Salutâtions. Thank you to all those who attended this month's meeting, it was a pleasure to see you all and to do something new. We discussed the National Trust ideas for translations, worked through some phrases for various topics and completed a Jèrriais language exercise which combined vocab. and sentences from a pictorial "fieillet" compiled by Geraint, called L's Appartéments; our confidence is increasing!
Les Preunmié Mille Mots are on disc, and have been checked and returned for corrections, while the introduction, publicity information and the index are being typed.
We have received letters from two more students who are researching Jèrriais and its present status linguistically and socially; and a letter from Moussieu Max Lucas with amusing comment on the use of 'Foire' or 'Faithe'. He also included a copy of an article by an eminent Norman scholar, the late Abbé Marcel Lelégard on the origins of the two 'leopards' of Normandy and the three of England and Jersey.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th April, 8.00pm at La Société Jersiaise in Pier Road, when we should see if we can implement Geraint's suggestion and prepare a contribution for the Food Fayre in May. There's lots of information available!
A la préchaine
J. LeB. Nichols (Présidente)
R. Nichols (Ségrétaithe)
J'avons r'chu un e-mail en Gallo d'nos vaîsîns gallais en Brétangne:
Et né v'chîn acouo du Gallo: des ditons tchi veinnent des pages d'Ithangnie d'l'Associâtion Maézoe
Pouv'ous les liéthe? I' y'en étha eune explyicâtion à not' rêunion au mais d'Avri.
Caun nan contt du lou, nan an veit la cóe.
Faut pas contae l'oe dan le quu de la póll.
Fiylh qi subl, vach qi boeylh, póll qi chauntt le coc son treiz bestt qi meritt la mort.
Martz o sez martéaus, avriu d'o sez cótéaus.
J'avons r'chu un e-mail dé Pat Goltz
3:10, 23
5:6, 8, 12
6:9, 23
10:4, 9, 13
2. Everything else:
Luke 18:13
Acts 2:37-38
I Corinthians 10:13
II Corinthians 6:2
Ephesians 4:24
Ephesians 2:8-9
I would also be interested in as much of Galatians as I can get.
La Language Academy Ireland http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/1677/lai.html a mîns un lian à nos pages sus lus pages. Oulle explyique en Scots d'Ulster qu'nos pages sont "Steid fur tha Latinat leid o Jersey" - lé site pouor la langue Latinne dé Jèrri.
Ichîn en Jèrri, l'département du Tourisme a ajouôté des ditons en Jèrriais au programme împrînmé pouor lé "Good Food Festival"
Et pouor finni, né v'chîn eune p'tite gamme. Les parties du corps dans ches ditons ont 'té mêlées. Pouv'ous trouver les bouonnes vèrsions?
A rithe et à badinner nou n'sé câsse pon les ièrs
J'va donné, nou n'lî r'garde pon l'bras
Deux mains valent mus qu'ieune
Touos l's têtes né vaient pon d'eune sorte
I' vaut mus allouongni la dent qué l'yi