La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Dézembre 1999



Salutâtions! La fîn d' l'année, la fîn du vîngtième siècl'ye et du millenium. For the section, the closing months will have provided a fitting climax for our year. In the Eisteddfod we acquitted ourselves well and were awarded a Silver Certificate, having gained huiptante-huit pointes for our recitation of Lé juste et L'înjuste, complete with our umbrellas, written by J. Picot in 1912. Our sincere thanks go to Geraint for his persistence and encouragement. Thank you to all those who persisted and contributed to this ground-breaking performance! It was also very encouraging to see so many more juniors competing this year.

We shall also sing carols with Geraint on Tuesday 14th December, now 7.30-8pm outside the Exeter in Queen Street, as well as at Lé Sèrvice Annuel at St. Andrew's Church, as usual, on Saturday 11th December at 7.30pm.

We have received two letters in Jèrriais from D'jonnyi l'Mouosse, one concerning his visit to Cognac and "le Jèrriais qui contchéthit lé monde" - Jean Martel, who left Jersey in 1715 and established Martel's, the oldest cognac distillery in the region. The present generation has opened a small museum with exhibits of this period. The second letter concerns Jèrriais in the St. Martin Millennium Book - a poem by Amelia Perchard and comments on the language's future; and a Norman-French poem about our "Banner" written in 1300, from Rybot's book on Lé Vièr Chaté.

Other information includes the opening of a restaurant, the Beanies, at the Weighbridge which will provide authentic Jersey dishes and their names, en Jèrriais, as soon as possible. We have also received a list of English words from Tony Scott Warren, which the Manx authorities have translated into Manx. These should provide a basis for us to translate into Jèrriais for future use in our literature and conversation..

Finally -

Et à ch't heu, mèrcie bien des fais à touos lé monde qui nous a aîdgi chutte année.

Jouaie at prospéthité l'jour dé Noué
Touos tes anmîns à l'entou d'té,
A t'aîdgi à mangi tan fricot.
Mais, sus toute chose, né mange pas trop.

J. LeB. Nichols (Chair)

R. Nichols (Ségrétaithe)

L. Manning (Trésôryi)

C. Everard MBE.



La Société Christmas Greetings du temps pâssé


1932 Ch'est not' plliaisi qu'ous ayiz

Un bouan Noué et unne annaie prospèthe.


1933 Lé souhait de man tcheu est qu'ous ayiz

Y'un raide bouan temps à NOUË et yune ANNAIE de prospéthité.


1934 Un bouan Noué ov'sa jouaie

Unne bouanne annaie et ses éthivièthes

Est chein que j'veur pour vous.


1935 Mes millieurs suoaits

Pour un bouan Noué

Et tout ch'qui ya de bein

Pour l'annaie tchi veint.


1936 Les Compllîments d'la Saison

Vos Souhaittant

Bonheur; Santé;


A p'tits et grands

Un raide bouan Noué


Et piêsse l'av'nin

Le Nouvel An

Pour vous cont'nin

Tout ch'qu'i-y-a d'bouan


Interesting spelling n'est-che pon!



Programme for next year - included the following (more emphasis being laid on individual project work) -




La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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