La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Dézembre 2005


Salutâtions tout l'monde; acouo la fîn d'l'année. Tchi l'temps vole! Thank you to everyone who braved the last practice for the Eisteddfod. All went well on the night under Geraint's able bâton, and we scored eighty six marks, scraping one more than La Clâsse Avanchie, and received a silver certificate for our modulated rendering of La Caqu'térêsse – the Chatterbox – by Elie. Comments by the adjudicator will be in the next newsletter.
On the Saturday morning and afternoon there were many excellent performances by the pupils and the adjudicator was pleased to see and hear such good presentations.
At our meeting we also discussed the 2006-2007 time-table for the publishing of the first Anthology of Jèrriais Literature which was subsequently approved by the SJ Publications Committee.
The publication of the excellent Jèrriais Phrase Book for Parents and Grandparents to use with their families went ahead as planned this week and copies are available from the SJ Bookshop at £4.00 each.
On the mispronunciation front, there were at least two this week, “La Fête de Nou” on the television and an old one, “Rouge Bullion” on the radio!
Carol singing events en Jèrriais for Christmas are as follows;
Sat. 3rd. Dec. at Hamptonne with La Classe Avanchie at 2.45pm.
Sat. 3
rd. Dec. at St Andrew's Church, Lé Sèrvice Annuel and Grand Souper, at 7.30pm.
Sat. 10
th.Dec. in Lé Vièr Marchi (Royal Square) with La Clâsse between 11.00 – 11.45am.
Sun 11
th.Dec. as above between 11.30am – 12.15pm.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 7
th. Dec. in the Arthur Mourant Room at 8.00pm to sing carols, maybe read a Christmas recipe or two, and celebrate a fine year and tenth anniversary.
Don't forget all the various Jèrriais books and booklets on sale at the SJ Bookshop, useful Christmas presents at 10% discount for members.
NB. One diary date for next year is Wednesday January 4
th at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant room for our Annual Meeting to discuss the 2006 programme and approve officers.

À la préchaine,
et mèrcie chent mille fais à tout l'monde.

John Clarke (Président)

Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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