La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Mai 2001


Salutâtions tout lé monde. Thank you to everyone who attended last month's meeting; we read some more Jèrriais poems and prose and used the language as much as possible. Even though some of us struggle to read and pronounce the words, we slowly make progress each time we try. Access to the language and vocabulary exercises via the lap top computer also helps us and produces variety. Geraint and Tony are forging ahead with the programme for presenting certificates or commendations to any company or concern which promotes Jèrriais or French in/on their signs, so please give us the name and contact of anything you see which you think may merit consideration. Equally, please advise us of any signs or notices which are misspelt or without accent. For example, check the notice above the wishing well in the little arcade among the shops along Gorey Harbour! Our next meeting will involve us with our contribution to the Jersey Food Festival on Sunday 20th. May, en Jèrriais; practice for the Fête Normande à Coutanche on Saturday, June 9th. for those in the Eisteddfod last year and anyone else who would like to recite a funny poem with us; choice of an Eisteddfod piece for this year and a first reading, with pronunciation, and some more fun learning vocabulary. If anyone has any Almanachs, Chroniques or Bulletins Quart d'An dé L'Assembliée d'Jèrriais of which they have duplicates or which they wish to donate to the Section or to sell to other members, please let us know; these can be scanned into our resource banks.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2nd. May, at 8.00 pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société; refreshments will be served.

A la Préchaine,
Jayne Le B-Nichols.


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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