La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Févri 2005.

Salutâtions tout l'monde. Our Annual Meeting held in January included a review of 2004, our participation in the Revels, La Fête Mediévale in Bayeux, our performance in the Eisteddfod and various suggestions for modifying its times and classes.

We also discussed reducing our mailing list in view of the increasing costs of postage, placing announcements on the SJ website and obtaining e-mail addresses.

The programme for this year was also arranged and the proposed meetings and events are attached below. The meetings will concentrate on more language exercise and conversation with vocabulary games and short prepared topic-speaking en Jèrriais because our mammoth Jèrriais-English dictionary project will be finished at last!

The remainder of the annual meeting involved making the final decisions regarding the format, style and presentation of the dictionary, the Introduction, Acknowledgements and Bibliography. A photograph of all interested people was taken on Sunday 16th January for the cover and the final amendments including the edited Introduction etc. will be incorporated this weekend. It will go to press in February and a special Dictionary launch will take place on Monday 23rd May, the beginning of La Fête Normande week in order to publicize and promote its sale.

Our sincere thanks go to all those who have helped, especially Laurie Huëlin and Geraint Jennings, and to the Committees of La Société Jersiaise and Le Don Balleine for their financial support.

There being no other nominations for officers, those for last year agreed to continue in their posts, John Clarke as Président and Ralph Nichols as Ségrétaithe.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 2
nd February, at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société to receive the final words of confirmation about the Dictionary and to get back into some enjoyable language practice!

To those who do not receive any future Fieillets, available finances are beyond my control but please refer to the attached programme for anything that might interest you, and please don't hesitate to telephone the Office on 758314 or phone/fax our Ségrétaithe on 862756. If you would like to be helped with anything or have any topic researched please ask, and if we can't, we know someone who can.

John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)

Programme for 2005. All meetings in the Arthur Mourant Room at 8.00pm unless otherwise stated.

Janvi 5
th.         Annual Meeting.
Févri 2
nd.        Language practice; topic choices; games/quiz.
Mar. 2
nd.        Eisteddfod options; poetry/prose reading; prepared topics.
Avri 6th. Town walk and talk en Jerriais; meet 7.30pm at SJ., Pier Road.
Mai 4th.        Preparation for Dictionary launch and La Fête Normande, 23rd. May.
Juîn 1
st.        Language practice; Eisteddfod reading/translation; prepared topics.
Juilet 6
th.        Visit to Lé Pinnacl'ye; meet at car park mid way along Les Landes.
Août 3
rd.        Language conversation; Eisteddfod practice; prepared topics.
Septembre 7
th.        Séthée d'fanne; language skills; prepared topics.
Octobre 5
th.        Eisteddfod practice; Guy Fawkes' celebrations! prepared topics.
Novembre 2
nd.        400th. anniversary of Guy Fawkes to be organised.
Dézembre. 7
th.        Carol practice for La Fête dé Noué and Lé Sèrvice Annuel.


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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