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On a tomb in the Vale Churchyard is the following inscription :—" Monsieur Jean Falla des Roques Barrees, Senechal de Cour et Jurisdiction du Fief St. Michel, Lieut. Colonel d'un Regiment de Milice, et Douzenier. ob. 17 fevrier 1738, age 63 ans et 6 mois; et Dame Marie Lihou sa femme, ob. 23 decembre 1738, age 63 ans, 4 mois et 6 jours, Jean Falla, fils aine, Capitaine de cette Paroisse, ob. y octobre 1738, age 38 ans.
Thus within a few months were father, mother, and eldest son wiped out, probably during one of the epidemics of smallpox which in those days, so frequently ravaged the island. We find, by his Commission, that Jean Falla was Lieut. Colonel of the old "North" Regiment under Colonel William le Marchant.
His father, John Falla, who had married, in Sark, Laurence, daughter of Pierre Henry, had also received a Commission, addressed to " John Falla, son of Peter, Gentleman ", signed by Lord Hatton, then Governor of Guernsey, appointing him " Ensigne of a trayned band of soldiers in the Parish of the Vale ... whereof John Quetteville is Capitaine" on February 25th 1663. That the Ensigns of that time provided their own Colours is proved by the " partage " claimed for Jean Falla, junior, then a minor, by his guardian Eleazar le Marchant in 1685. Amongst many other things were " a silver tazza marked I.R., a wine cup" (i.e. a cup with two handles) " a silver spoon and fork, the latter with an agate handle; a quantity of pewter, and his father's best clothes both of damask and of linen," including his hat, mantle, boots and spurs and the flag (" enseigne ") " que son pere portoit laquelle lui apartenait en propre come l'ayant achette de son argent."
This branch of Falla of Les Roques Barries died out in the male line in the person of Thomas Falla, grandson of the Seneschal, Captain of the Guernsey Militia Artillery, who died, childless, 1801. The Jersey family of Fallas descend from a cousin of his, Isaac Falla, of Les Capelles, who, about 1788, sold his Guernsey property to his brother Pierre, and bought an estate from Mr Philippe Hubert in St. John's, Jersey, which he named "Les Capelles" after his ancestral home.
Format: Name, Index, Year of Entrance
Falla, EJ,231, 1855 Elias John, son of Mrs Falla, 15 Union Street Falla, W, 1265, 1870 Walter, son of J Falla, St John’s. Brother of 1336. Left 1875. Went to Univ. College London. LRCP, MRCS Surgeon to P&O Sn Co. Later practised in Jersey. Lt-Col and PMO, RMIJ. Deceased. Falla, J, 1336, 1871 James. Brother of 1265, deceased. Falla, CC, 3263, 1915 Colin Cave, son of Dr W Falla (OV 1265), Adelaide Lodge. Left 1922. Falla, LRO, 4106, 1931 Leslie Robert Orange, b.22.10.19, l1936; 2nd Lt Jersey Miltia, Major Falla, HPL, 4519, 1939 Henry Peter Laurens, b.21.2.25, l.1943. Brother of 4569. Went to King’s College, London and Westminster Hospital. MB, BS (Lond), MRCS (Eng), LRCP(Lond). Medical practitioner. Falla, RJL, 4569, 1940 Richard John Laurens, b. 4.3.26, l 1944. Brother of 4519