Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Dézembre 2006
Salutâtions tout l’monde. La Fête dé Noué arrive acouo eune fais! Thank you to everyone who attended last month’s meeting; we cleared the table of the last details for the Anthology and we are now awaiting a quote from Seaflower Books for the Executive to review. A copy of the final draft has also been sent to François Le Maistre for any final editorial amendments.
Last Wednesday, our rehearsals for the Eisteddfod were interrupted by an interview with the BBC concerning our aims and interest in Jèrriais and by the time this reaches you, our very positive thoughts should have been broadcast.
Meanwhile, the Eisteddfod has also come and gone. The pupils performed magnificently as did the adults. However, the Section performed their piece not quite to the best of their ability; our expression went flat in the middle. We think we were lucky to get 85 marks and a Silver Certificate and the other three groups were definitely worthy of their higher marks. Again, the audience was sparse and it may pay to follow the suggestion of a mailed questionnaire to members of L’Assembliée d’Jèrriais asking for ways by which more people could be persuaded to support the evening performances.
For La Fête dé Noué, there will be Lé Sèrvice Annuel, this year at Trinity Church, followed by the supper in the Parish Hall afterwards. Please ring Tony Le Geyt on 862861 to reserve seats for the supper.
The always enjoyable carol singing in town will take place from 6.15pm outside Marks & Spencer on Thursday, 14th December, for 45 minutes. Members of all groups will be there.
And for use of Jèrriais in public, it was good to see the lovely big yellow and red sign in St. Aubin by the Parish Hall (and elsewhere) with La Fête dé Noué all spelled correctly.
Our next Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 6th. at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room for carol singing practice, confirmation of the Christmas ‘Bouôn Noué’ book launch on Friday 8th. Dec. 5.30-6.00pm in the Members’ Room at La Société, and possibly some mince pies!
One diary date for checking is Wed. Jan 3rd. 2007, 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room for introducing the New Year, reviewing 2006 and compiling a programme, including La Fête Normande in Normandy in May next year.
Enfîn, Bouôn Noué à tout l’monde et nos miyeu souhaits. Mèrcie chent mille fais pouor tout l’aîgue duthant chutte année.
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