Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Dézembre 2002
Salutâtions tout l'monde, ch'est presqué lé dèrnyi fieillet dé 2002.
Thank you to those who courageously attended November's meeting; the practice reading of Lé Divorce provided a good introduction for us and helped us to prepare for the subsequent two practices. Two volunteers also started on the typing of the Ph'lip and Merrienne stories (which are impossible to scan in their present form), for a compilation of all the published Edouard Lé Bro stories being organised by L'Office du Jèrriais.
During the month, the translation of the advertisement for the Jersey Woodturners was completed and edited. Again we are grateful to those who sent us information on the rare Whitten tree- from both Jersey and Canada.
The variety of spellings of the Demi des Pas are included from an amusing letter sent by Djonnyi L'Mousse, to which are added the following variations in pronunciation by some radio announcers last week! In one case, Val Plaisant became Val Pleasant and in the second Haute Vallée school became Haute Valley- we wonder why! Maybe Tony and Geraint can give gentle help if/when they have direct access to the radio staff?
Et à ch't heu tchique chose difféthent! We approached this year's Eisteddfod with some fear and trepidation not to mention stage nerves. We agreed that we could not learn the poem by heart for several reasons so our entry in the choral speaking section was a reading and interpretation exercise. This reduced the pressure a little and on the night we got it nearly right! We gained a gold certificate for our presentation, pronunciation and interpretation, our highest yet, against a set of standards- only platinum to go! Very many congratulations to our magnificent seven and also to Barbara Le Geyt, Geraint and Tony who gained gold for their individual performances. The work done by Tony and Geraint and the teaching team also shone through in their pupils' performances. It was a privilege to witness such effort and achievement from every competitor.
Our next meeting is on Wed. 4th Dec. at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room for relaxed carol singing and refreshments in preparation for Lé Sèrvice Annuel dé l'Assembliée d'Jèrriais on Saturday, 7th Dec. at St Andrew's Church at 7.30pm and carol singing en ville for Les Fêtes dé Noué at 6.30pm on Thursday, 12th Dec. around Les Vaques Jèrriaises at West Centre-this will be confirmed at our meeting.
Would you be also kind enough to note in your 2003 diaries that our first meeting will be on Wed. 8th. Jan. 2003 at 8.00pm at La Société to receive the annual report for the Bulletin, elect a Committee and discuss a Section programme.
À la préchaine,
Jayne Le B Nichols.
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