La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Novembre 2003


Salutâtions tout l'monde. Thank you to all those who helped us to complete the house names booklet by discussing format and presentation.
Three items involving presentation came our way this month. The first concerns the beautiful Bailiwick stamps of flowers and island groups, Les Minquiers, Les Ecréhous and the Paternosters! - not Les Pierres de Lecq. Can we persuade the Postal Committee to consult with the Congrès when Jersey names are being used on stamps – it only requires a short phone call to a nominated contact. The second was a lovely poster advertising an event at Les Jardins De la Mer by MailMate, which designed and printed it. Contact will be made to offer help with any future publicity in French or Jèrriais. The third happens with a certain announcer on Radio Jèrri who advises of the broadcast of La Lettre Jèrriais! Can any one with contacts advise of the feminine ending pronunciation?

En passant, an amusing contact was made with Radio Jèrri this week when un vrai Jèrriais dé St. Pierre asked if it was “racist” for him and his friends to talk about some English types, en Jèrriais!

In another context, it was good to see that the Co-op garage in St. Peter has continued its use of French (Locale and Le Grand Marché) with the use of “En Route” to advertise its garage shop.

Two events next month will welcome your support, L'Assembliée d'Jèrriais' La Séthée d'Nièr Beurre at Les Potirons Farm, St. Mary (top of St.Peter's Valley at the junction with the lane of the same name) starting tomorrow (31stOct.) and continuing until late afternoon-evening on Saturday (1stNov.), and Les Séthées Jèrriaises in the Eisteddfod at La Haute Vallée School on Monday and Tuesday, 24-25th Nov. Both events provide excellent opportunities to listen to and to practice Jèrriais.

Our November meeting is on next Wednesday, 5th Nov. in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société when we shall look at Jèrriais names for other things we get asked about, and practice our piece for the Eisteddfod.

À la préchaine,

J. Clarke (Président)
R. Nichols (Ségrétaithe.)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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