Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Novembre 2000
Ch'est dêjà lé dèrnyi mais d'l'année, and we have had another successful Eisteddfod. Thank you to those who had the time and the courage to learn the amusing poem, L'Achocre, for the Eisteddfod, We acquitted ourselves well, scoring one more mark than last year to gain 89 marks and to win the section for which we received congratulations and another Silver Certificate, We were also pleased to have an additional voice, versed in choral speaking. The competitions were as amusing and as interesting as ever, but this year the pupils were even more superb, showing such composure and fluency already. Many congratulations to them and their teachers.
We also finalised the signs en Jèrriais for the JMS granite trail at Hamptonne which will be professionally produced, together with those for the herb garden, for next season.
The Section continued to provide phrases en Jèrriais to various members of the public who wish to use them and keep the language in people' s minds.
The first edition of Les Mille Ditons, produced and published by Le Don Balleine will be launched on 9th December and will contain a treasure house of sayings and proverbs en Jèrriais, French and English - a must for all of us at Christmas.
Lé Sèrvice Annuel will be held on Saturday, 9th December, 2000 at St Andrew's Church, at 7.30 pm, with the usual appetising supper afterwards - another chance to show how bi-lingual, if not tri-lingual, you are.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6th December, at 8.00 pm in the newly refurbished Arthur Mourant Room at La Société's offices for a carol practice for the Service and to discuss any ideas for next year' s programme over a festive supper. This will be finalised at our first meeting in the New Year, on Wednesday, 10th January 2001, at 8.00 pm, in the Arthur Mourant Room. At this meeting we shall also elect new officers, so any nominations should be sent to the Secretary of the Section at the offices in Pier Road as soon as possible, please.
À la préchaine
J. LeB. Nichols (La Présidente)
La plyie veint dans un temps mouoilli! Né v'chîn eune histouaithe d'eune vielle gâzette:
Des d'gats d'la derniéthe tempête
Ya yieu des poummiers d'abattus, des gabets fiantchies dans les gardins. C'h'tai un vrais hurrican. Ya yieu un grand tchaine qu'a tchais sus un' imprimrie, y paraits qu'le damage s'monte à une vingtaine de louis, et q'lesditeur tait a gossipé dans s'noffice et qu'une pierre tchi sus li et qu'il a l'nez rompu; et q'deux visiteurs passaits justement quand l'bois tchi. Un passant lus dit "your very lucky, that was a narrow escape;" yieun des visiteurs en "joke" dis "that is an extension," et sans camarade dis, "We d'ont come to Jersey for that kind of extension." Nou'ne sait pas si l'esditeur d'mandat une compensation au propriétaire de l'arbre, mais l'propriétaire est bein desterminait à n'yendonnait pas. I dit q'si l'imprimerie n'avait pas tait là sans bois n'airait pas tchais. Chez les r'tour de vent qui l'ont abbattu sus l'esdifice si mal construit, et l'esditeur n'enrait pas l'nez rompu ni vingt louis à paiyi pour les r'parations.
Un vièr bouen homme qui passait et vit l'fracas, dit: N'en vla un "extension."
Chroniques de Jersey 7/2/1931
S'ou n'avez pon acouo acaté vos présents d'Noué, n'oubliez pon qu'la lanch'chie d'Mille Ditons en Jèrriais est l'9 d'Dézembre et qu'Mde. Ursula Taylor vend ses cassettes des Lettres Jèrriaises. Oulle a chouaîsi dgiêx-sept d'ses lettres des années 1991-1991 qu'ou pouvez acater sus deux cassettes - auve întroduction et mûsique.
Les deux cassettes (ensembl'yes) couôtent dgiêx louis (ajouôtez un louis pouor l's env'yer en Jèrri, en Dgèrnésy ou au Rouoyaume Unni)
C'mandez vos cassettes en e-mailant jjtdgeon@itl.net ou en env'yant vos chèques à:
Mde. Ursula Taylor
Trodez House
St. Ouën
Jèrri JE3 2GA