Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Octobre 2008
Salutâtions tout l’monde, enfîn i’ fait bé et bein calme est la mé. Thank you to Ron who was able to make it to the last meeting, the rest of us being away or having more pressing commitments.
We went through a composition he had written for Les Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine, an Occupation anecdote using the ten words in any grammatical form given to us for story writing. This was another good exercise for vocabulary, tenses, genders and agreements, and as he read it to me, it was good for our comprehension and conversation. We also practised our Eisteddfod piece.
The secretary having been away in Wales and Eire for University and family reunions, reporting on the Jersey scene is sparse (any information will be given in the next Fieillets), except to advise that the Jèrriais greetings on the airport Arrrivals window have gone and were not seen elsewhere; questions may need to be asked. Whereas, in Wales and southern Ireland, the dual language signs and the languages themselves were around us all the time, in the shops, on the streets and in the restaurants and bars. Even on the road train into Dublin, every stop was announced in Irish and English and the station maps were in English over the doors on one side and in Irish on the other. It certainly helped with pronunciation!
We can but continue to use Jèrriais in our public arena as much as possible.
Our next meeting is this Wednesday 1st October, at 8.00pm in the AM Room at La Société when we should write – or review – our short stories for the Don Balleine, the deadline being the end of October, and continue to build our vocabularies and conversation. A few readings of our Eisteddfod piece will be included – with more and more feeling!
À bétôt,
John Clarke (Président).
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe).

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