La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Octobre 2006

Salutâtions tout l'monde, ch'est la saîson d'bliâses et d'tout pliein d'frits doux.... with apologies to Keats; all corrections to the secretary please!
Thank you very much to all those who attended last month's meeting and especially to those who practiced our Eisteddfod contribution.
We also discussed possible ways of informing businesses and correcting the errors in Jèrriais and French which we see in official publications and in public notices and signs. We concluded that it would be better to approach the other language groups to see if there was any support before attempting any publicity. We are pleased to report that this is in progress.
Concerning this, we had a very positive and knowledgeable response from a Director of Choice Properties concerning the errors of omission in Clos de Reve, a development in Samarès Lane. We also helped their office staff to find all the accents on their word processors!
Geraint also forwarded a copy of the sign at La Corbière for amusement, or disgust, and amendment, which we will bring to the next meeting.
It is our pleasure at this point to express our grateful thanks to Collette Quinn for her donation of three books in Norman for the Section library, entitled;
  1. Dictons et Expressions Populaires de Normandie.
  2. Dictionnaire de Patois Normand.
  3. Les Prénoms en Normandie.

And finally, a lovely address for you on the coast road by Goose Green.... Lé Mathaîtchet ( a little marsh).......tout près l'Bel Rouoya according to Dr Frank's Dictionary.
Our next meeting will be held at 8.00pm on Wed. next, 4th. October, in the A. Mourant Room at La Société, for some writing and recitation practice in Jèrriais.


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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