La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Octobre 2005


Salutâtions tout l'monde et hardi felicitâtions. This time ten years ago our section was being formally born with a constitution and things. So it's time to work up a review for next month's Fieillets.

Thank you to those who attended last month's meeting. We reviewed the Cultural Strategy document and made various comments concerning the lack of acknowledgement on many aspects of the Société and the work of the Sections. These were sent to the President and the Executive.

The second part of our meeting involved an interesting exercise in reading again the poem hand written in Norman by Denise Veron, entitled 'Souvenir de l'Abbaye de Hambye' and telling of her thoughts and pleasure at finding our language still spoken. We spent time deciphering it and then translating it into Jèrriais and then English. When read phonetically, the Norman words became similar to ones in Jèrriais, and with Laurie Huëlin and François Le Maistre having helped us, the piece is attached for your delectation. A copy will be given to Collette Quinn to present to Denise with our grateful thanks.. We then finished with several practice readings of our Eisteddfod poem.

This month we received the penultimate draft of Les Phrases pouor les Pathents et Grands-pathents from L'Office du Jèrriais which contains a great variety of helpful advice to children from well meaning parents and grandparents of many members of L' Assembliée, Lé Congrès, Les Clâsses du Sé et La Section. It is informative, useful and often amusing, and indeed an historical publication.

We also received an MS copy of a proposed new book of verbs to go through, from a Company wishing to produce a Jèrriais version.

Our next meeting will be on this coming Wednesday, Oct. 5th. at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société for some language practice, phrase checking, verb perusal and Eisteddfod practice. If anyone has anything they would like to read, present or practice on us please feel free to bring it along.

À bétôt

John Clarke (Président)

Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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