La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Octobre 2003.

Salutâtions tout l'monde. Thank you to all those who came to last month's meeting, it really helped us to finish the House name lexicon which is now being edited for publication.

A fine example of international links and correspondence happened last month when Judge Noble, a section member in Canada, won a copy of the St. Lawrence Parish book for having his suggestion of Les Laurentins as the title of the Parish Newsletter accepted as the best entry. In Québécois Norman French, Les Laurentiens or Les Laurentides are also commonly in use because of the St. Lawrence River. Félicitâtions, Moussieu et mèrcie bein des fais pouor votre contribution.

We have received a request for help with the names of apple varieties in Jèrriais and their translations. While many of these cannot be translated it is another small project, which has come our way. These will be available for La Faîs'sie d'Cidre at Hamptonne on the weekend of 25-26th October, a date for your diaries and support if possible. At the end of the month Les Séthées d'Nièr Beurre will be held at Les Potirons, St. Mary again, organised by L'Assembliée d'Jèrriais, which last year was a wonderful language experience as well. Again, your support would be appreciated on Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st.
Three other dates for our diaries are Les Séthées Jèrriaises during the Eisteddfod on Nov. 24, 25
th , Carol Singing en ville on Dec.4th and Lé Sèrvice Annuel at St Andrew's Church on Saturday, 6th Dec.

This Autumn's Newsletter contains useful information for all those with a computer and details the various web sites with Jèrriais and other links.

Other interesting pieces of information just discovered are that a hotelier born and bred in Hambye is unaware of the legend of La Hougue Bie and the possible connection of it with Hambye, and secondly, Denise Veron will be conducting sessions en Norman on the Abbaye and it's influence, on every Thursday afternoon at 2.00pm in Hambye Abbey grounds during October, only one and a half hour's drive from St. Malo- a day trip!
Finally, our next meeting is on Wed. 1
st Oct. at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société when we shall be looking at the Jèrriais for the festivals coming up and our piece for the Eisteddfod.

À la préchaine, à bi,

J. Clarke. (président)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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