Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Août et Septembre 1998
Salutâtions pouror L'Automne. Tchi temps péthissabl'ye acouo et tchi pité à la Faithe dé Jèrri.
Thank you to all those who came to meet Dr Lösch at the August meeting. He was very grateful and has written to thank everyone for their contributions. He is starting to write up his results and will make a summary available for our use,
Thank you too, to all those people who helped with the Open Day at Hamptonne. We succeeded in displaying and using Jèrriais in four areas and had several enquiries about the Section.
We have received yet another request to complete a detailed questionnaire on the use of Jèrriais from a researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, which will be presented at our next meeting.
Other items for consideration are : -
A new name for the museum service - still! Djonni L'Mouosse has suggested Les Gardgiens des Musées. Please put your thinklng caps on.
That via the efforts of Pierre Le Moine and the Congrès, Jèrriais may get wider acknowledgement through the U.K. Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages.
That the use of Jèrriais may be "advertised" via the Millenium Mosaic.
That we are continuing to receive requests for translating official language into Jèrriais; translations are confirmed.
That we are continuing to offer help to anyone with the use of Jèrriais which is very much appreciated,
That Jèrriais was presented to the public at La Foire dé Jèrri, on the Internet by Geraint as part of the Société Jersiaise display, and that it promoted much interest alongside L'Assembliée and Le Don Balleine
That Lee Manning is attending the Conference on Language Teaching (both major and minor languages) at Trinity College, Carmarthen, recommended by Dr Mari Jones, and will make all relevant information available to those already reaching Jèrriais at Hautlieu.