La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Août 2002


Salutâtions tout l'monde. J'espéthe qu'ous êtes hardi heûtheux et en bonne santé pa'ce qu' i'faîthait bé temps enfîn. Thank you to everyone who helped to make last month's meeting so enjoyable. We started on yet another project, this time for the Jersey Woodturners, and we worked through a “green horoscope”! Each zodiac period has a tree allotted to it and a description of the personality of someone born in that period. So we each started on our own “tree” and completed parts of the first draft with much amusement, head scratching, word searching and help from François.

An interesting example is attached below.

Tony and Geraint went to the Isle of Man to gather more information on Manx initiatives while in the meantime Lee and Margaret Manning paid us a visit and left us with current information on the language services on offer. John Clarke is visiting Wales and Scotland and so should be able to supply us with up to date news from other minority language areas.

We have been contacted by a 'Weakest Link' programme researcher who professed a desire to “ talk” to Jersey French speakers - we passed that over to Geraint!

In Jersey we see that the Cooperative Society is still and omitting and including an 'e' and an acute accent in the same advertisement for (Le) Grand Marché but we have been told that this is caused by the JEP so we'll just have to keep on nagging them!

Having just heard that John Dénize is convalescing well, we wish him a speedy recovery and many more happy retirement days free from the responsibilities and stress that are causing so much ill health nowadays.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 7th August at Les Mielles de Morville from 7.00pm.

We have reserved a BBQ site, so we can discuss the Jèrriais of things around us! Please bring your choice of food and drink and we'll bring the charcoal etc. Meet at the Kempt Tower Car Park from 7.00pm onwards and we will proceed from there. If it is raining, we shall meet as usual in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société.

À la préchaine,

Jayne Le B Nichols.


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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