Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Juilet 2008
Salutâtions tout lmonde. Thank you to everyone who attended last months meeting. We had a brief discussion about how we can make further progress in the Fête Normande and then started on the sorting and selection of Laurie Huelins archive. We have a wealth of poetry, prose, short one-act plays and song and are grouping them prior to copying, typing and storing them in acid-free folders.
There will be a meeting of the Congrès on Monday 30th June and we will report back on any Fête discussion in next months Fieillets. In the meantime, there being no news on the language scene for this month, if you think we have trouble with French and Jèrriais spellings and meanings, please spare a thought for the visitors interpreting these Chinese signs at the coming Olympics, a small sample from the many received by our Chairman, some others of which can be considered rude, but all of which are hilarious.
Cally Noël, organiser of the lunch-time lecture circuit, is still requesting a speaker for the lunch- time lectures next year. Please contact our Section Secretary or leave a contact name and number with the Office. For something else of interest, please look out for the Jèrriais stall at the West Show in St. Peter in July and have a look at what is on offer… and maybe join in the singing with the students.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 2nd July at 8.00pm in the AM Room at La Société, Pier Road for a continuation of the work on our collection, language games and poetry reading.
John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)

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